Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2128 is desperate

"Kill, kill them!" The Emperor Emperor Granounce, with a warlord, crazy attacking the Dawen Emperor in front of the Huangquan Palace.

"Since you dare to kill the Tiantiangong, you have to leave your life!" The Jiu Han is the sky, and his whole person is completely complete in order to give a dark beast. The second-level number of battles is completely played. It is actually a self-defeating two emperors against Huangquan Palace, and it also occupies an absolute upper.

The god has been almost the same as those of Huangquan Palace, and now I have grown a big emperor of Huangquan Palace. The same second-level number of combat efforts have come out. The emperor can only have to defend.

Tianling God also continued to chase the emperor that has been seriously injured by him, the other party is very bad.

The worst thing is the last big emperor. He attacked the four battle souls crazy and was pressed extremely miserable.

The dust is still entangled by the sword without dying, can't find any opportunities.

"The dead little generation !!"

The dust is full of blood, and the body is surprised, and the endless angry bear is burned. His hand is crazy, and I am fierce, I want to kill the sword. Don't say that it is unparalleled that he wants to hurt the sword is almost impossible.

The sword is unparalleled is just a mixed element in Xuanluo swords, and his offensive can be completely discharged.

Although it has always been passive to resist, some is wronged, but the sword is unparalleled but does not care.

Because the current situation is, they account for the wind.

"Magic monks, I can't support it!"

"Magic monarch, quickly retreat!"

"Magic Master ..."

An urgent voice came from the surrounding battlefield, the big emperor of Huangquan Palace was obviously couldn't stay.

This is also normal, after all, the gap between the two parties is too far.

Although it is very strong that the power of the great strength is extremely strong, it is difficult to kill, but this is what they can escape.

Like this now, it is clear that it is still in a absolute disadvantage, isn't it to die?


I heard the sound of the surrounding sounds, "I have already lost several times before Huangquan Palace, this seat is in the bloodow, the face is already on the face, this time I have a yellow spring palace, this seat It is personally to shoot, if it is a failure ... The seat is really can't stand up, I am afraid that I will become a three imperial world in the future, the laughter of the strong mouth !! "

"This time, it is absolutely can't lose!"

"Give me a kill, continue to kill, give me a desperate, I can't do it, you give me a soul !!"

The explosion of dust and rain is on the battlefield.

When I heard this, the strong people in Huangquan Palace were shocked.

It's all in this case, this dusty magic is still cared for his own face?

Also do they desperate? Even burning soul?

These strong people in Huangquan Palace looked at each other, and a noodles were extremely ugly.

Under normal circumstances, if you let them desperate, can you burn soul?

Everyone knows that burning souls, that is, it will die.

These Huangquan Palace has a cultivation of a long-lasting year. Who is willing to die?

And when the key is critical, even if they die, they may not completely reverse the situation, or kill a few Chinese Sorrows.

Furthermore, even if they fight dead, one of the two great emperors, or destroy the Tiantian Palace, let the plan of the Shengshi don't succeed, but they have lost six emperors, this sale is obviously not cost-effective .

Even if you die, it is worth a value, there is no meaning.

In this way, what is the hard work of the Huangquan Palace, who is willing to do?

So, after listening to the explosion of dust and rain, the Huangquan Palace has been silent, but there is no one chooses to be desperate.

At this time, Huangquan Palace deliberately stayed in ancient secret, and also sent it to the dust of the magic.

"The strong man of the magic monarch, the strong man supported by the Holy League has entered the ancient secret, a total of six emperors, the big energy is even more, how long does it take for it, you can reach the Tiantian Palace."

After receiving this news, the dust of the rain is another sinking, but it did not feel unexpected.

This ancient secret is that it is ancient chaotic world, which is within the control of the Holy League.

I will take people to the Temple of the Temple, guarding the Holy League of the Temple Temple will definitely ask the Holy League to rescue, the Shenglean will definitely send strong people to come to rescue.

This has long been known that he has intended that the strong who has been supported by the Shengsion has not arrived, and the trend of the Thunder will be ruined, and some strong people in the Shengling will be killed.

As a result, he even completed the Tiangong has not destroyed, the strong people supported by the Shengshi have arrived.

However, even if you know that the strong of the Shengba support is rushing, this dusty magic is still not intended to retreat.

He is not willing, not willing to leave like this!

"Kid, this is your forced me !!"

The dusty magic martial arts sounded a roar, but the body was awkward and a horrible magic cloud rolling up. At the same time, he was the strange body, and a bloody tip was like a weese. Blood tattoo covered the whole body of the dust, the body of the rain, so that his figure looks like a blood.

And his breath, at this moment, it also has reached a new level.

"This is ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He saw that at this moment, the dusty king did not burn the soul, but it also used a mysterious secret.

He, desperately.

One of the third level of the emperor, choose desperate?

How strong is there anything that burst out?

Soon the sword is unparalleled.

"Death! Death! Dinn!"

Dust rain, the magic is crazy, and his eight arms are crazy to swim the soldiers. I saw these gods to cover the sky, whether it is speed or power, it is better than before.

The sword is not blessed, but it is not afraid of fear, but the thrill is rolling, and the sword is again rushing.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A violent shocking sound shook this world, the sound is endless.

A bombardment of once, and the sword was unparalleled.

Dust and rain, the devil's attack is rising. He resists a lot more than before, although it is barely resistant, but the attack of power is shocked once, every shock, even after the weakening of the five treasures, It has brought some damage to the sword.

To know, the sword is unparalleled now, the body is strong, this dusty king is single by power, and the sword is damaged, and its power can be seen.

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