Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 212, Unwilling Dust Rain

After the horrible offensive continues, the powerful power of the dust is desperate, the powerful strength broke out, so that the nine holy owners of the battlefield, the gods and others are secretly surprised.

At that level of attacks, they can't get it.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but it is still in a madness with the dust of the rain, and there is no back half.

The dust of the devil is ugly, he is desperate, but the result is still the same, but the sword is unparalleled.

Even in countless times, the sword is not weakened on the sound of the sword.

In the face of such a madness, the sword is not injured.

"This little child!" Dust rain deserted teeth.

He did not know, the sword was unparalleled.

Every time I collided, his body will be damaged. It is only the impaired moment, immediately by him completely repaired it, so it seems to have a little bit.

This insight is reversed in the seventh step, and the perfect chaotic body is in the sky.

Dust rain, the magic, the sword, no one, no one, another ...


One message is transferred again, and the dusty magic look can not help but move, because this news is given to him, it is the blood owner!

"Dust rain, the white emperor has rushed over there, hurriedly left." The blood of the blood is still an eager.

"What?" "Dust Rain Devils turned.

The six great emperors who have arrived in ancient times, and supported, the dust is not concerned, because even if the six general emperors, I can't help him.

But the white emperor is different.

The dust of the Demoni, who had paid in front of the white emperor, is very clear, and he also has a very deep jealous of Bai Di.

Last time, he made a hand with the White Emperor, or in the third emperor, he still had some bottom, but now this is ancient secret, but it is controlled by the Holy League. If you encounter Bai Emperor, in the face of the San, Special Ethnic Union The siege of the person, even if he, I am afraid there is a risk of life!

Deep sucking the tone, the dust, the devil, although the bottom is extremely unllowed, but at this moment, he did not dare to continue to fight.


A burst of drizzle was sent in the mouth of the magic, originally crazy attacking the sword unparalleled dust, the body shape suddenly broke.

On other battlefields, the strong people in Huangquan Palace have long been limited, one is just supporting, now heard the dusty king ordered, they all have negative, these strong people instantly start withdrawn.

"Hey, I want to come, I want to go, is it so easy?" The sword is not a double eyed is cold, "chasing it, killing them !!"


The sword has no double shape into streamer, and it is directly chased.

"Kill!" "Kill!"

"Kill them !!"

Jiu Hall, God, Tianling God, Emperor Emperor is also a double-one chasing.

As for the five battle souls, it was temporarily being returned to the five fire demonstairs.

Both sides camp, many strong, one chase, in this ancient battlefield crazy.

The sword is unparalleled and others kills the sky, and the dead is staring at everyone who fled in front.

This is ancient ancient secret, within the control of the Holy League, they don't have any scruples, and they can be unscrupulous.

But the strong people in Huangquan Palace are different.

"The SARC and the Special Ethnic Union have already come to ancient times, and I have already sent them to them, let them find the power of Huangquan Palace, but I don't know if it is." The Jiu Han Lord said on the way to the challenge.

The sword is not double-finished.

He is clear that these strong people in Huangquan Palace can ignore the many protection of the Shengshi, which appears in this ancient secret, which must be in ancient times with an external connection with an outside world.

Now, the strong people in Huangquan Palace must be in the spatial worm, but the six emperors who come to support will arrive before they enter the space, stop them. I don't know this.

"No matter what, you must try to leave these Huangquan Palace people, how much can you leave, and it is no double cold channel.

"This group of Huangquan Palace is damn!" The god is low, killing the sky, and there is no endless grievance.

The god is really hateful to Huangquan Palace.

Not only because Huangquan Palace is now a member of the three imperial camps. The most important thing is that when the chaotic world crisis has not been revealed, Huangquan Palace is still in the dark place, and he has assured him.

At that time, he just stepped into the big energy, reaching the gods, and a potential just showed that Huangquan Palace confirmed that he had a good potential. In the future, it is possible to become the highest level of the Shengshi, so they immediately shot his assassination. .

That assassination, the gods, it is definitely nine deaths, not only suffering from life and death, and even tired of his master, he is the most respectful person, death in that murder.

This hate, although it has been in the past many years, the god is still not forgotten.

Now, he is hard to encounter an opportunity to break through the emperor, Huangquan Palace killed the door?

"Kill, kill them !!" The gods were crazy.

The Tianling God next to it, the Emperor Emperor is also killing the rain.

This madness chase, lasted for half an hour, during which during this period, the white emperor has rushed to ancient times, and it is also thinking that it is close to the strong people of Huangquan Palace.

But it is more trouble that these strong people fled in Huangquan Palace constantly changed the direction on the way, and the six great emperors who came to support could not form a heave with swords.

Now, these strong people in Huangquan Palace have yet escaped to the empty space hidden in the big array.

! ! !

The big array hidden in this air floor, which has already been running at this moment, and it has been completely retracted with the disguise, and it appears directly above the void.

Next to this big array, there are four black rises. This is the special to stay before the dust, these four people are just emperor, but they have already launched a big array in advance.

Now this big array has been fully launched, a huge spatial worm hole has appeared, and the dusty magic and others will only enter the space in the space.

"Accelerate the speed!" The dusty magic king drunk low, and the six emperors of him suddenly broke out the limit speed.

A group of seven people, getting closer and closer from the space.

"not good!"

Tight the people behind the Shengfa, see this scene, the face is extremely ugly.

And the sword is unbolded but is a sink.

"No matter what, I have to leave some people." The sword is unparalleled, and the idea is moving. In his eyebrows, the nine ancient gods is exuded, but now the top, foot The stars of the two ancient gods were suddenly crashing.

The sword is unparalleled to showcase the crash, and the two ancient gods are directly collapsed.

"The ancient mystery ... take the moon!"

Booming ~~~

Through collapse of the two ancient stars, the blood of the sword is unparalleled, and the strong, the strong, the oppression of the world's time and space, the seven people who fled in front of the madness in the moment .


PS: Today is 5 more!

It is recommended that he has already completed the old book "Wuji Cang" "Rebirth, I am the beast" is very good, very hot, the written shortcomings can go see.

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