Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2130 lost the lady and folding

The complete menstruation, the power of the power is shocked.

It's just that it is now necessary to work to the other party, including dusty magic, the third-level big emperor, sword is unparalleled, you can't show this seven people, which is too big, which collapses two ancient gods. Star, through the power of skyrocket, the outbreak of the moon has built a stronger power.

~~~ Time and space crazy compression down.

Their rapid fleeing, and immediately stepped into the seven people in the space insect cave, including dusty magic king, actually paused at the same time.

"what is this?"

In the seven emperors, in addition to the dusty king, other six people were shocked.


The strong people who chased the Holy League, it was, when they were in the sky, they were directly oppressed, they were directly attacked, and they were in front of this seven emperors.

Everything is crazy.

These great emperors under the stress of the sky and space, even it is difficult to shoot.

boom! boom! boom!

The horrible roar is ringing, and the endless power can spread.

That sky-time restriction only continued to dissipate the moment.


There is an emperor in Huangquan Palace, and they don't want to fight with the strong battle of the Shenglean, all do their best to go to the space.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

With the four people, this world is finally calming.

The spatial worm hole is already in the state of opening, and in front of the spatial wormhole, the sword is unparalleled and the others are quietly suspended there.

"Unfortunately, let them escape a few." Jiu Han is cold.

"There is no way, the great strength of the big, it is not easy. It is not easy. Just fortunately, the Jian Mun is a trick to the time and space, otherwise, we are afraid that it will not be able to stay." Emperor The emperor sighed.


An emperor has to escape, and it is really difficult to kill.

However, the monarchy of the sword is unparalleled, and the heaven and earth spatial space directly forms oppressed, and the oppression is strong, even the great emperor can't resist, this trick is more scary.

Just because of this trick, they can finally got up and give Huangquan Palace.

"No matter what, this time I have no big losses. On the contrary, we have also earned it." The sword said.

"Earn big?"

Several great faces around each other, but they all showed a smile.

Although the emperor of the temperament of the temperament, the face also reveals a smile.

In front of them, the three ice-cold bodies are quietly suspended there, from the three corpse residual energy, these three people are born, it is the strong level of the emperor! !

These three bodies are all in Huangquan Palace!

Huangquan is calculated on dusty and rain, but the seven emperors, but now, there are three thoroughly left.

And these three people are at the end, and under the time and space of the heavens and space, the shaped swords that have been rushed, and the swords and other people are killed directly with the Thunder.

In this battle, Huangquan Palace is out, it was originally to destroy the Tiantian Palace and destroyed the Shengdan strong.

But the final result, the Temple is not destroyed, the Chinese Union is only fallen for some of some of the gods, the emperor, can be Huangquan Palace ... All God of Huangquan Palace is involved in this battle, there is no escape, They were killed, and they also fell to three great emperors! !

This battle, how is it earned, and it is earned.

!!!! ~~~

A strong shape is the strongman supported by the Shengshi and the Special Ethnic Union, including many big energy people.

Not long after, Bai Di also arrived.

These strong people who came here, they saw three ice-cold bodies, and they were also surprised by a horrified.

The three emperors, Huangquan Palace, and even the whole three imperial camps, the great power is absolutely not too much, but now, I will fall three! !

This is also an important task for the three imperial camps.

Huangquan Palace this time, but losing his wife and folding.

"The ancient secrets, I have been in the control of my Holy League before, but I didn't expect the Huangquan Palace to be quiet in ancient times in ancient times." Bai Emperor is cold, one hand, horrible power sweep Huangquan Palace stayed in this air and many means, all have collapsed.

"Walk, let's go back to the Tiandong." Bai Emperor said.

Everyone did not stay in this air, so soon, they quickly returned to the Tiantiang Palace.

The Tiandong, although it has been dramatically, but now it has reached it.

The emperors in the Temple Palace are still in the inside, and they have not been affected by the outside world.

However, the swords that have been coming out of the Temple Palace are unparalleled, the gods, Tianling God, but they can't enter the Temple Palace.

In this regard, God is still good to Tianling God, after all, has reached his own purpose, all successfully break through the emperor, only sword is unparalleled ...

"Unfortunately, if you give me some time again, I can make the second volume of the too ancient deficiency." The sword is unparalleled, but there is no way.

The Temple is attacked, he must immediately go to the abuse.

However, although only half a month in the Temple Palace, his harvest is still very big.

As for the second volume of the too ancient deficiency, it has also been introduced, and it takes only a certain time, he can also make it.

The sword is unparalleled and others waiting for this talented Treasure.

The blink of an eye is half a month. The time limit for a month has arrived, and those gods in the Tiantian Palace have also begun to come out in the Tiantian Palace.

"I don't know if the remaining nine emperors can have a successful breakthrough." The sword is unparalleled and the many strong people waiting in the field are expected.

At this time, when this camp comes, they have an emperor, and then the highest power is extremely great. The impact on the final battle is extremely huge.

A strong person slaughtered from the pumette of the Tiande, and the nine people were coming out, and the temple of the Tiangong Tiangong was once again closed, and the top of the tattoo was restored.

The sword is unparalleled to stare at the nine people in front of it.

After a while, his eyes fell into a variety of light, and the face also took a lot of joys.

"Yes." Although it is a white emperor, I also nodded.

As for other power, it is also a bit surprise.

They are very clear, in the nine people in front of the six people are still in the emperor level, but they have reached the most peak of God, but there are three people, the breath has risen to the Emperor level!

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