Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2131 Five Emperories

Replenishing the Temple, contains greatification.

The Holy League has taken this high price to open the Tiantong Palace, which is to make a few great achievements as much as possible.

In the speculation of the Holy League, the twelve strong people entered the Temple Palace, how can I have three great emperors? If you are lucky, you can have four bits.

but now……

There are three great emperors in the nine people from now, plus the gods coming in advance with Tianling God, and add up, that is, the five emperors!

A total of twelve seats, born five emperors, this chance is nearly half, this is better than the premise before the Sheng League, of course, surprises.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the three great emperors of this breakthrough. In these three great emperors, only one person is a sword unparalleled, that is the Emperor of the Gyban!

The Allah of the Temple of the Temple, or the sword is unparalleled, and she has not let the sword have no double disappointment in the Temple.

As for another one, the Swordless God of the Sword is unparalleled, his luck is not so good.

It can't be said that it is good, it may be that the talent potential is indeed a little, although he got a seat because of the relationship between the soul of the triodeon, he got a seat, but it was cultivated in a month and finally failed.

The sword is unparalleled to see the emperor, and the latter look is still normal.

Although he did not break through, he has tried his best to fight, he did not regret.

And this time I rely on the Tiandong, he is not a little gain.

"Do you have to break through thousands of people?" The sword was unparalleled secretly.

On the strength, the thousands of people should be among the many emperors entering the Tiantian Palace, second only to the god and Tianling God, but unfortunately he did not break through.

This is also normal, after all, this thing is not allowed.

"This pumored Tiantong opened, my Holy League has born five great powers, and also killed the three emperors of Huangquan Palace. It is necessary to count, my Holy Legend is too big, but unfortunately In advance, I am afraid that I have not achieved expectation. "The white emperor looked at the sword.

The many strong people around them also have no one in the sword. One is very complicated, and I will cultivate the power of the Temple in the Temple of the Temple, and the sword is not a strong point. Holding a piece of gratitude.

They also know that in fact, the sword is unparalleled in the Tiantian Palace, and it should be able to get a certain degree of improvement, just because of the attack by Huangquan Palace, they have to come out in advance.

And their happens is a month, which is a large extent, which is a strong trial of swords.

"Okay, things have been, it is scattered, the sword is unparalleled, and I will go to Zetrata." Bai Di Road.

The sword nodded and nodded and took directly to the Thunder Island.

Many strong people in front of the Tiandong also scattered.


Thunder Island, within the temple, in addition to the white emperor and the sword, there is still a double person, and Tianchen Laozu is also standing there.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time to make a trip, although you only cultivate for half a month, but should also have a small harvest?" Bai Di asked casually.

"Well, there are many harvests." The sword is not a hyper point, "I have no small improvement in the sense of the road, and I still have a close distance to the existence of the order rules. This harvest is not small, the only regret, It is a secret of my cultivation, not to practice, or I should have the third-level number of combat efforts. Of course, this secretary I have already cultivated half, even if I don't have the auxiliary of the Tiantong, I can't use it. How long, it should be made. "

"How long does it take?" Bai Emperor asked.

"It is enough for more than ten years." The sword is unparalleled.

As he said, the second volume of the Taikoouity is mostly cultivated, the distance is completely refined, the difference is not far, more than ten years should be enough.

"For more than ten years, it is slightly longer, and it is possible for three years and three years." Bai Emperor Shen Sheng.

"Three years?" The sword was unparalleled, and the moment of sinking: "If it is normal cultivation, it is impossible for three years, but if there is sufficient resource, three years maybe, but the white emperor Why do you want me to refine within three years? "

The sword is not confused.

Now the Direct Chaos World Camp with the Three Emperor's Camp has not really erupt, why is it so eager?

"Is it ..." The sword didn't look at the white emperor, but found that the white emperor exposed with Tianchen old ancestors.

I saw the Tianchen ancestors to open the mouth: "Sword monarch, you should have a certain understanding of me the chaotic world camp, now I am a human beings, or the special ethnic affiliates have been prepared, plus this completion Tiangong and a line, I have a more than five great emperors in the chaotic world camp ... The preparation is prepared, and the improvement has also improved. I have a chaotic world camp, and I can have a battle with the three imperial camps at any time. decisive battle!"

"But the three imperial camps, but it is not necessarily."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also.

"So, is the two do you want to manufacture people?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, it is the first hair." Bai Di smiled: "Since I have been prepared by the chaotic world camp, then there is no need to drag down, take the three milrence camps have not been completely ready, first move, grab a first The machine said again! "

"More more, we can't always passively, like a decite in the dark mill, to the change in the Special Ethnic Alliance, and then to this replenishment, I have been in a passive counterattack, But I didn't really take the initiative. "

"Although it is the last time you have broken into the three imperial brigions, it is just to destroy the crimp, let the dark mill stop running, and is also passive measures."

"But now, the timing is already mature, and it is also the trend of the chaotic world camp."

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled and secretly nodded.

"White Emperor, Tianchen Lao Zu, I don't know if you have two people?" The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that since the white emperor tells him with him with Tianshen, it must be planned before.

"Plan, and very simple, just like the last time, send a strong team, directly into the three imperial circles, and find a way to hit the third imperial world." Bai Emperor said.

"What? Go to the Three Emperor?" The sword has changed.

The three emperors, that is the old nest of the enemy's camp, the dispatch of strong teams broke into the old nest, what kind of danger is this?

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