On the most edge of the three emperors, the shape of the sword has appeared above the void.

While emerged, the appearance of his body and the breath are beginning to change.

Just instantly kung fu, he was completely for a young man with a knife, his body, and his body scattered, as if he didn't speak, he would pull the knife, his breath is just ordinary God emperor level, that is, a middle-aged strong in the chaotic border.

Such a strong, there are many in the three emperors.

"lets go."

The sword is unparalleled, and the core of these three royal directions is also the emperor.

Have last experience, this sword is unparalleled naturally, there is no need to ask one by one before it.

I spent some time, the sword is unparalleled, I have come to the void around the Emperor.


The sword is unparalleled in the void, looking at the giant city in front.

When the sword didn't have a double arrival, because of the ruined Crown, the big array of this emperor has already collapsed, but the big battle in this city has been started again.

"It seems that the three emperors have found some of the sources of strength." The sword is unimaced, but it does not arrive. "

Just just cover a big battle of a city, it is not too much power, and it is not difficult to drive in the three emperors.

But the huge dark mills of the outside world are too huge, the Cross-theme is destroyed, and the three emperors can't find alternatives, naturally unable to run.

Deep sucking, the sword is unparalleled directly to the gate of the city.

The city gate, still guarded, there is a large number of guards, while in the way of plundering, the sword is unparalleled and faintly felt a very concealed breath.

That breath is unusually induced, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is a great emperor.

"Don't have a large cave, there is even the goddess to take the town?" The sword smiled.

Obviously, after the last incident, the three imperial cries were more strict.

The sword is unparalleled in the city gate, but just appeared, it was immediately stopped, and a silver dress appeared in front of the sword.

"But what is it necessary to enter the Emperor?" The old people of the silver clothing looked at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"Then ask the list of you, from which family, or which statement?" Asked the old people.

The sword is not a double brow, directly: "My name is Ling Feng, there is no family, I have always been alone, as for my territory, I am from Long Xin God."

The sword is unparalleled directly with his friends' famous Ling Feng.

And the Dragon Heart is one of the eighty-four gods of the three emperors. Those of the swords have never been, but they know.

"Duan Lingfeng? Long Xin Shenfu?" Yinyi's old man nodded slightly, and immediately said: "You will wait, I ask."

"Inquiry?" The sword immediately rose a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after a moment, the silver dress once again looked up again. "You, I just asked the dragon's host, he didn't heard you, and the strong people who know the emperor did not call this. Duan Lingfeng's chaotic mid-term strength. "

"Joke, the third imperial world is so big, the strong is countless, I am in a live, very little show, the outside world, I don't know, how can I get into the emperor?" The sword is not buddy. meaning.

"Sorry, not long ago, the order of the Shengshi has undergone, but if you don't know how to know the unknown, you don't know the uniqueness of my emperor, you will not be entitled. If you really want to enter the emperor, it is simple, just need to have high-rise The strong can confirm that your identity is enough. "Silver clothes old.

"Entering a city, it is still troublesome, this is still not entered." The sword didn't have a double and cold, but it took directly to leave.

Silhouette old man is indifferent to standing there, looking at the sword.

"Duan Lingfeng? All have been cultivated to the middle stage of the chaotic border, and there is no name, it is really weird. Now I am in a very period of time, like this is unknown, I still don't enter the emperor." Yinyi The old man murmured.


In the void of the emperor, the sword is unparalleled, but his face is quite cold.

"I didn't expect, I was actually refused to do?" The sword was unimaced.

"It's normal, the last time you are mixed into the emperor with a strong person who has no smilly, the Crown is also destroyed, there is a lasting lesson, this three imperial communities have guarded Very normal. "The Jiu Huno, which was suppressed in the blood peak sword.

"Our plan is to sneak at the old nest of the three emperors, but if we can't even have the emperor, why said with sneak attack?" God said.

On the way, the sword is unparalleled, and the content of this task has also been informing these emperors.

"It is a bit of trouble, but it is not a way." The sword is unparalleled: "The Imperial City is just not to enter the people who are unknown. In this case, then I shaped an identity, or simply disguise into the three emperors. The famous people will go in. "

"Camouflage? How to disguise?" Jiu Hao is asked.

"Don't worry, let's find the intelligence department of the three emperors."

There is no interpretation of the sword without interpretation, but it is directly.

Three emperors, 12 states, eighty four gods, countless territories.

In such a huge territory, the forces are also intricate. Naturally, there are also some organizations that have trafficking intelligence. The sword is unparalleled to find a strong intelligence organization.

"I need some of the intelligence of the sublet of chaotic bodies, and that is that has already hidden, and even the older that may have fallen, the longer and good." The sword did not have a double command.

"Adults will wait."

The person of this intelligence organization immediately began to organize the information.

In the blood peak sword, the seven emperors of the sword have each other, and most of them have already understood the sword unparalleled plan.

The sword is unparalleled, I want to disguise a strong person who has already hidden in the three emperors.

Such a strong, very hidden, is dead, almost no one knows that in this case, there is an occasional tutorial, and it is normal.

Only for a moment, this intelligence organized by the person, the list of unhappy chaotic bidists, and handed over the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to start carefully.

There are more than a total of this list, it is already completely hidden, and it is dying that no one knows.

One of the shortest one is disappeared in 160,000 years ago, and the oldest one has already hired to hide 8 million years and have almost identified that it is fallen.

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