Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2136 Red Dust

"these people……"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the information on a strong person, and finally he locks his eyes on one of them.

This person, named red dust, the outside world is called Red Dust, the red dust, is trenching over a million years ago, until there is no trace now.

And please mention that this red dust is in a versatile, almost no friend, and his heart is still an evil, and even a unableful master, it is a recognized big magic, because of this, More than a million years ago, he was chased by the family strong, and finally seriously injured.

Since then, there is no drop.

"This red dust disappeared millions of years, there is a great possibility that it is possible to live well, just because there are too many enemies, they don't dare to show it. He is also able to say this. One. "The sword smiled smiled.

He will choose this red dust, first in the strong people who have hidden in more than ten songs, first because this red dust is no friend, no a few people know him, you can save a lot of trouble, then this is the old dust The ancestors could not be a day, and the sword would be quite convenient.

"Just him."

Take the idea, the sword is unparalleled to start a change.

Originally, a cold youth of a knife was, and the next moment was a red-haired red robe.

This is the same, the sword is unparalleled, according to the intelligence of the red dust, the red dust is simple.

Strength reaches him such level, to change his appearance to disguise into a person, it is too easy.

It is not just that it is an appearance, even the breath, this moment is not a shed-free breath, which is also a very evil and cold.

At first glance, it is definitely a big devil who is not buckled.

"I am like this, if you call the red dust, unless it is close to him, it is very familiar with him, it is very familiar with him. Otherwise, it is afraid that no one will doubt, but the red dust is even more than a friend. , There is no one who is close to, who can I recognize me? "

"Of course, I want to rely on this identity to enter the emperor, I have to do some preparations."

The sword is unpaired, and then he immediately began to prepare.


A few days later, in the ordinary territor of the three emperors, there was a unborn mountain range in ancient inner territory.


The four people appeared at the same time in the mountains.

"Three, this is this." A purple woman looked at the mountains below.

"Ling, you determine this mountain range, when there is a strong person left behind?" A burly man frown.

"I am sure." Ziyi woman nodded, said: "That cave is three days ago, when I passed here, I didn't find the cave, I didn't find the cave, but I had a very vast vastness of the cave. Atmospheric, the atmosphere is generally a treasure to come out, I was attracted at the time, and I found the cave. "

"I originally planned to explore the inside of the Dongfu before, but I have been stopped from the cave, I was stopped by a war, and the strength of the battle is extremely strong. Although the attack means is very general, I don't know what secret Surgery, but its strength, speed, etc. have reached the first stage of the chaotic boy, I am not an opponent, so I can only leave, I will come to you. "

When I heard the purple clothes, the hearts of the three people were also moving.

There is a breath that is born treasure, and there is still a war in the Dongfu, there is no doubt that the cave is indeed.

"Walk, we went to the cave to quiet, spirit, you took the road."

Four people went to the cave immediately.

Soon they entered the Dongfu, and didn't have long, I met the preliminary war of the purple clothes.

These four people have reached the top of Chaos, and they join hands, and they have been declining them. Finally, they finally break through the obstacles of the war, and continue to go to the inside of the Cave.

But I don't know, when they all overcome the battle of the war, a red-haired red robes in this cave is extremely red, but it is showing a strange smile.

"Is it come?" The sword was unparalleled, and the spin was continued into a slap in the case.

Not long after, the four real God came to the deepest place of the Dongfu.

When they came here, it was found that this cave has no treasure existence, but in the center of the Dongfu, there is a red-haired old man sitting there.

It is still not waiting for these four people to react, but I saw that the red-haired old man was opened, and a horrible breath was anger, and the opening was burst into the Dongfu.

"Boir, dare to break into the closure of my red dust, you, go to death."

The red-haired old man is directly out.

"not good!!"

"Hurry !!"

That four really shocked.

They only knew that they were all ignorant of the insiders left, but a chaotic state, the cave house.

They broke into the opponent's closed customs, and they were arrested to each other. Now the other party must kill them.

boom! boom! boom!

The red-haired elderly took a shot, and the three were killed, but only the purple woman escaped.

Of course, this is also the sword unparalleled to let her leave.

After this purple woman leaves, it is like a sword unparalleled, and immediately spreads out.

Red dust, a million-year name has disappeared in the three emperors, but again.

This is also the sword, no double wants to see, he deliberately gave the Ziyi woman four people, deliberately reported the name of the red dust, and deliberately put the purple woman to leave, everything is to let the red dusty name, once again The sound of the three emperors.

However, it is still not enough.

Shortly after the red dust, the name of the red dust was resounded, the sword has come to a big family.

This family is a single family in the three emperors.

There are many single strong people. It is said that there is a lot of chaotic bideways, and there is even a middle-aged ancestor.

And this single family is a million years ago, crazy chasing the red dust, forced red dust, only have to sell, and did not dare to show the culprit.

Looking at the big family below, the sword is unparalleled but grin.

A big drink, instantly swaying in the world.

"Single mouse, more than a million years ago, you chasing me, I will force me to go without road, and today, I am red dust, the ancestor is coming !!"

"Single home, all to die !!!"


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