Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2137 famous three emperors

Single is destroyed.

Even those who have a strong monopolist from the Emperor in time, but under the opponent's violent strength, there is still no completion of the completely destroyed ending.

The many strong people are more than 90%, and there is rare escape.

One party, the family, blinking the smoke is disappeared.

And this is all, it has disappeared more than a million years of red dust!

This news is like a storm, swept throughout the three emperors.

There are countless strong people in the three emperors, and countless forces family are shaking, and they are all awkward.

"Red dust, this old thing disappeared for so many years, actually alive?"

"Not only is alive, the strength has a substantial increase, directly reaching the top of the middle of the chaotic border, it seems that he has disappeared, it should have a good opportunity."

"The old guy's means is still the same, and I will go out, I will directly give a single family, and someone destroyed a family, killing so many practitioners, his eyes did not blink."

"The red dust is not a good person. Otherwise, how can it be called a red dust? I was so bad that he was forced by a single family. Now it is difficult to have strength. Can he not retaliate?"

There are countless strong people in the three emperors talking about this.

No matter what they are amazed, it is still good, but no one can doubt the true identity of this red dust.

Because there is nothing worthy of doubts.

Everyone believes that the exclusion of the single family is that the red dust that disappears more than a million years.

However, in one of the citys in the Sanhuang boundaries, a hidden extremely good red old man learned that this news was full of face.

"Who is posing as my identity?"

This is the old man, is the real price of the fire.

He has been committed to the single pressure, and he is carefully hidden with his identity.

But now ... Single home is out, the most important thing, or is it destroyed?

I must know that he is still just the beginning of the chaotic border. He Yes can destroy a single family alone?

There is no doubt that some people are pretending to him.

"Others pretend to be me, what is the goal? Is it also a single home, just because there is no excuse, this will borrow my name?" Red Dust old ancestor muff, but immediately shook his head, "no matter what this What is the purpose of people? In short, he has destroyed a single family for me, and reported to the original hatred, and it is also worthy of me. "

"As for my name, he wants to give him."

The red dust old ancestors did not want to stand up and remove the sword. The sword is going to do, even even if the single family has been out, he will definitely sell the red dust old ancestors in the future. He still reflects the face.

Single home is destroyed, the red dust is a famous three emperor.

The purpose of sword is unparalleled has also been reached.

"This, you can go to the emperor." The sword was unparalleled smiling, and he immediately went straight to the emperor.

Before the door of the Emperor City, the guards were still strict, and the silver clothes that were still in the city from entering the city before standing there.


The void is in the distance, and it is straightforwardly unfolded.

This breath is still a quite public, even if there is still a relatively distant distance, the old people of the city gate of the city are already alarmed.

"So evil atmosphere, is this person?" The old man frowned.

It quickly came in the gate of the city, showing his appearance, which is an old man who is red-haired red robe.

"Well, many years have never arrived, this emperor feels how it is not the same before." The sword muttered.

"I don't know if it is?" The old silver dress stared at the sword.

"This seat, the red dust old ancestors." The sword is unparalleled.

"Red Dust Old?" The old man in the silver dress changed, but the proximal time is the boiling in the three emperors.

It is said that he has always hidden in a cave house. As a result, several real Gods have smashed into the cave, and this red dust is once again in front of the world.

Subsequently, the red dust is directly covered with a thunder's means, causing a sensation.

Now, the other party came again here.

"It turned out to be a red dust old ancestor, I don't know what you come to the Emperor City?" Asked the old people.

"Hey, this seat has reached the top of the chaotic border, just a step away from the peak of the mixed, now I am here, what is it for?" The sword is unpaired.

"It turned out that I would like to break through the peak giant of the Emperor." The old people in the old people were in the heart, and they did not doubt.

"Hey, I said that you have a boy, let it go in this seat?" The sword is unparalleled.

Silver clothes old face sink.

Despite the red dust, the old monster is a unclatible big devil, the famous Heph, but the rules of the Emperor are as long as the energy in the three emperors, no matter what you are fierce, red dust is nature It is also eligible to enter.

"You can go in, but I have to remind you, after I arrived in the Emperor, please converge your sex, don't violate the rules in the emperor, otherwise you can kill a single family alone, but the emperor can kill Death your strong, still there are still many. "Silver clothes worked.

"These things, this seat also needs you to remind? Go to the side, don't block the road of this seat." The sword didn't drink low, and immediately walked directly into the city.

That silver dress is slightly twitching, but there is no blocking.

"I spent a hand and feet, I finally mixed."

Standing in the Emperor, the sword has no double ring around the void, and the face is revealed.

Since it has been mixed into the Emperor, then it is much more simple.

"Well, that is the emperor? But now there is no big array covered?" The sword is unparalleled, looking at the great peak of the far away.

The top of the giant peak is the place of the emperor.

He remembers that he has come to this imperial city last time, he has to go through a ranking battle, and it will enter the peak.

But now, the emperor is obviously completely open.

Not only the emot, and there is another side of the three giant sculptures. It is also tall. It was originally a golden whirlpool in the center of the three sculptures, but with the criticism ruined, the golden swirl already Disappeared.

However, before the three sculptures, there are still many people who are in the cultivator.

In a restaurant in the Emperor, the sword is sitting there, while drinking wine, while listening to a waiter who is surrounded by him, saying that the Emperor's changes in the year.

According to this waiter, the change in Emperor City is that some people start entering the peak, ruining the Stone (Cross).

The strong people in the third impetus will destroy the people of the emperor stone, calling the devil!

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