Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 213, fish is hooked

"Magic Head?"

The sword has no double touching the nose, and the face is quite a weird.

He is very clear, the devil in the intensity of the three emperors, it is what it is.

Since he ruined the Cross, the alert of this Emperor has been more than a few times more than before, and the rules must be strict.

In addition, the strong people in the three imperial worlds are more, especially the three imperial circles in the years are actively preparing for war, and a large number of strong people have been convened, and there are many gathered in the emperor.

That is to say, now the power of the Emperor City is much more than before.

"The more powerful people who gathered this emperor, then we sneak attack and kill more, the damage brought to the lineup of the three imperial lines will be even greater." The sword has no cold.

"All are ready, I have to do it." The sword is unparalleled in the seven emperors of the blood peak sword.

"Do you have to do it?"

"Oh, we can't wait."

The seven emperors in the blood peak sword are very excited.

After learning the content of this task, they wrapped in a picture, looking forward to it.

Now, it is finally going to do it.

On the way to exchange with these seven emperors, the sword is unparalleled directly to the Baichai, let the white emperor are ready.

After the emperor is destroyed, there is no big array around the dark mill, and the time and space is no longer restricted. The sword is unparalleled can also be directly connected to the outside world.

After receiving the sword unparalleled news, the white emperor immediately started to convene the strong people from the Holy League and the Special Ethnic Union.

And how long does it take, many strong people have already hosted.

Everything is ready.

Deep sucking tone, swords were not moving.

He brooded it directly to the three sculptures.

Since it is necessary to sneak attack, give the other part to the largest damage, it is natural to have a lot of people, and the strong people from the three emperors before the three sculptures are the most.

Many strong people stay in front of the three sculptures, the strong people before the three sculptures added, and there should be thousands of people, and thousands of people have reached the hierarchy of the mix.

"Sword Monarch, the number of energy here is much, but there is no existence of the emperor level, if it is able to find a way to bring a two emperor, it will be better." The Jiu Huno said.

"Well, I know." The sword didn't have a little bit, but I couldn't help but looked at the Tria Pavilion at the top of the huge peak.

In the case of the Crown, there were three great emperors around the golden whirlpool, but now the Cross is already destroyed. If there is no need to have the big power in the town, so the strong people in the three emperors, general Stay in the emperor.

And the number of emperors gathered, if he directly sneaked the emperor, I am afraid that it is not necessarily cheap, so the best way is to do it around these three sculptures, and then find a way to attract one or two emperories. come.

At this time, there is two people and flipped in a void next to the sword.

The two people, one is a jade tree, and the other is a green girl.

Coincidentally, these two people, swords are unparalleled.

"Well? Lin Tianhao?" The sword didn't have a double look.

Lin Tianyi, when he came to this emperor in the first time, he had a little guy with him.

Of course, the sword has always hidden his identity, and it is a highly healed dipped big man.

Now, he came to this emperor for the second time, and he saw him again.

"Haha, it is really quite." The sword has no double smile, the mind is also electricity, "Yes."

The sword has no double eyeline, and the next moment, his body shape is directly toward the forest.

Lin Tianyi and the green girl, I plan to go to the three sculpture before the exhibition, but they have just arrived before these three sculptures have not yet fallen.

! !

There is a shape in front of them, while a very evil spirited breath is also directly changing toward him.

"Good breath!" Lin Tianyi was shocked.

"This breath, at least the top of the chaotic crystal!" The green girl also is also awkward.

But the two quickly came out, then Lin Tianyi's sword was unparalleled, humility: "Dare to ask adults, do you have anything?"

"Hey, kid, ask you this seat, are you calling Lin Tianyi?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, it is me." Lin Tianyi couldn't touch the mind.

"That's there is no mistake, I first chased this seat with the single family, there is a person of your Lin family, since it is seen, then you can't let go, die!" The sword is unparalleled.

Rumble ~~~ I saw a red blood palm palm, carrying a shocking, swept straight.

"not good!"

Lin Tianyi also has the green girl's face.

In the top of the three sculptures, the strong people in front of the sculpture have also been alarmed, and there is a horrified gaze.

They are not a horrible sword, and there is a lot of power, but the sword is unparalleled.

In the Emperor City, and still directly in the three sculptures, this is not completely put in the eyes, don't you put the rules of the Emperor in your heart?

Sure enough, there is no double shot in the sword.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Numerous stocks have erupted at the same time, and there is a six-legged body shape simultaneously.

These six figures, it is the sideliners that have reached the middle of the chaos.


"Dare to shoot in the Emperor City, you are very courageous!"

"Hurry hard, otherwise, die !!"

A road explosion sound is also successive.

I can hear these bursts, but the sword is unparalleled, "Haha, I want to stop my red dust old ancestor, I really want to die !!"

The sword is unhappy, and the blood color is suddenly surprised, and the horrible power is coming out. It is actually a life of the six deacons to retreat.

His breath is still on the sky.

In the surrounding people, many people have exposed the color of shock.

"The red dust old ancestor is him?"

"One person destroys a single red dust old ancestor, he has come to the Emperor?"

"We can't dare to shoot in the Emperor, it is him, this red dust old ancestor is unable to eat."

A large number of strong people are amazed.

"Haha ~~~"

The sword is still incapable. After hitting the six defenders, his body shape is moving, but it is going to the Lin Tianyi.

"not good."

The six deacons were shocked.

Six people are responsible for safeguarding the order of the three sculptures, but if the red dust old ancestors are killed by this, they will kill Lin Tianzhen, then the sins of the six people can be big.

It is at this time ...


A cold snorted, this coldness also contained endless majesty.

And I heard this cold, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a happy.

"The fish hooked."


PS: Card Wen is very serious, and today four more normal updates.

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