Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 214, there is no choice


Originally confident, red-haired old people, this is a horror.

The many strong people around, I also shocked it in front of this scene.

The giant wind of the peak level of the chaotic boulder, personally shot a knife, the result is that there is no cut to the opponent's skin.

Even if there is a tattoo of the armor, the horror of the knife is also sufficient to create it, at least, you have to fly it out.

But in fact, the 'red dust old ancestor' is still quietly standing there, and it has never retired.

This wind is almost full of a knife, but did not shake him?

"You, you ..." The wind looked up, and looked at the sword.

"Why, is it very magical?" The sword is unparalleled is a smile.

This expression, the wind is suddenly sudden.

"No, don't say that the interim of a chaotic border in the area is the same as the giant of the peak of the chaotic border. I will never go back in front of this knife. He is absolutely impossible to retreat after a step. There is no emperor with a big emperor! "

"And in the people I have ever seen, the only thing can do this, only one!"

The wind is full of eyes, and the death is staring at the sword. There is a low, "You are not red dust, not the middle of the chaotic border, absolutely not !!"

"Ha!" The sword is unparalleled, but it is no longer hidden.

Suddenly, I saw a horrible, the original, the wind, there is still a large number of breath, and the clip is swept in the moment of Herch.

This breath appears, many strong people in the field, unhealthy.

At the same time, the sword has no double-faced appearance.

It was originally a red-haired red robes, and it was an instant to a new face.

This pair, not handsome, but with a bit of cold, with a bit of the confluence and calm.

Seeing this face in front of you, the wind only felt that his scalp had been completely fell.

"Yes you! Sure enough!"

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

A whisper, echoing the horizon.

This happily fare.

Not only this wind, it is clear that Lin Tianxi, who is not far from the side, but it is a fierce.

His hearts also have a sudden rise in an unprecedented fear.

"The devil! It is the devil !!!"

"The devil is coming again !!"

Lin Tianyi roared.

"Magic Head?"

Many strong people from the three imperities came to the three imperial worlds first, but they were completely stunned.

The devil, this is a recognized name of the three emperors, and only one person is referred to.

This person is in decades ago, with a self-defeating of the three chaotic giants in the third imperial world, and eventually destroyed their holy stone directly, calmly left.

This person is a strong heart in the hearts of the three imperial borders, and it is really killing the peerless devil! !

Now, this magic is coming again?

"Haha, it seems that I am very big in the third imperial world." The sword has seen the change of many strong faces around the surrounding, not smiling.

And the wind in front of him, the shackles were shocked, but the figure was instantly started.

He wants to escape, he is very clear, with him, in the face of swords, then there is no difference with death.

Unfortunately, the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously not going to give him an opportunity to escape.

"Don't worry,"

The sword is unparalleled and smiled.


It is a seven shape shape, but it is a void in the surrounding.

This seven-way figure appeared, suddenly, the seven strong scenes have also reached the breath of the peak level of the chaotic border.

These seven breaths, anything is enough to make the wind.

"not good!!"

The wind is bigger, and it is crazy to escape.

It has already been in the seven strong people who have been built in the blood peak of Jianno, but it is also instantly.

Seven emperors, at the same time, it is aimed at this wind.

Most importantly, any of these seven emperors is much stronger than this style.

The seven people join hands, this wind does not have any resistance.


I only heard a loud noise, and then the cold body fell directly to the ground.

This corpse head, the chest, has been forced to blew a big hole, and the life is instantly, and there is no room for a struggling.

"I still feel that the great strength is strong, I want to kill thousands of difficulties, but now it seems that as long as the strength is enough, there is a few great gains, I have to kill an emperor, but it is just a very simple thing. "The sword is unparalleled, and then his eyes have seen the crowd of dense Ma Ma in the surrounding.

"All, start killing!"

The sword is unparalleled, and this seven great moments are moving.

Booming ~~~

The horrible breath, the carrier is shocking, and the moment of the surrounding crowd broke out.

These seven emperors spread, rushed into the surrounding people, then shot, directly to the slaughter.

The strong number of strong people next to these three sculptures, except for the thousands of chaotic bids in that stay, later, with the sword, there is no double, and the moving quiet has attracted a lot of chaotic bodies. The chaotic in the scene has exceeded one thousand five hundred.

However, these are just the first stage of chaotic bid, and the middle of the chaotic boulder, although there is no more, there is no suitable battle, in the face of seven emperors, it is still one side, there is no resistance at all Open.

"no no!!"

"Escape, escape !!"

"This is this in this time, and the peak giant of the chaotic border is coming in? Hurry and escape!"

A scream of screaming.

There are no courages of many mixed chaos, and they all try to start crazy escape.

But their speed resort is naturally more than the Emperor of the Nine Holy Lord, and under these seven emperors, a large number of chaotic bodies are directly killed.

These three sculptures have void around, which is originally a place to enlighten, but just instantly kung fu, but it is already in order to succeed.

In the most central, swords in the battlefield, the sword is there, and in front of him, it is Lin Tianyi, and there is a green girl.

This two people are full of horror staring at the sword.

"The devil, the devil !!!" Lin Tianyi is crazy, and the bottom has an unprecedented fear.

The sword is unparalleled, and I look at Lin Tianyi, and I will wave, and the two invisible swords are in an instant.

Lin Tianyi and the green girl did not struggle at all, and they were directly killed by these two swords.

"Don't blame me ruthless, but I don't have a choice!" The sword is unparalleled.

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