Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2141 16 Emperor!

The center of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with a hint of ice, looks into the battlefield around.

Looking at the strong people of the monostism of the three emperors, the seven emperors of the Jiu Han Lord, the sword were ruthless, and his inner heart did not rise.

These people may have a lot of innocent people, and even a lot of things don't know how the three imperial world has existence.

They are only born in the third imperial world, and they have improved their strength in normal cultivation.

However, the control of the three emperors, that is, the highest level of three emperors, but it is still going to fight with the ancient chaotic world!

This battle is dead!

The three emperors are defeated, the three imperial world will die.

If the ancient chaotic world is defeated, the chaotic world will also completely dissipate, and the endless life will completely cover.

As the sword is unparalleled, he has no choice!

He must give the three imperial camps as much as possible, let the self-catering camp, get the final victory!

Even if you don't want to be!

Even if you don't care about everything ...

Not only one of him, and there is a seven emperor who is crazy to slaughter.

The sword is his sword, and the consciousness is not said to be, the other six people, the nine holy owner, the god, Tianling God Emperor, and Chen Xing Wang, Black Jer, Lei Yuan, Lei Yuan, Each of them has a lofty strength to follow the status. If you do it usually, you will never be such a large number of bids.

But this time, they have long been prepared.

In a word, they have not been selected.

"Everything, all for the ancient chaotic world!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, but it is a firm color that flashes unprecedented.

Combining, the sword is unparalleled, but suddenly looks at it.

There, there is a strong figure rapidly, and it is the big emperors who stayed in the emperor.

Looking away, there are more than ten digits.

Seeing that more than ten shadows of rapid arrival, the sword was unblocked.

"You continue to slaughter, those big emperors, give me!"

The sword is unparalleled in the surrounding void, and his body has just greeted the ten emperor directly.


Among the voids from the three sculptures, it has been discovered with the faster moving, and it is coming in the fastest speed.

I hope it is, I have a sixteen emperor! !

The 16th Emperor, this is also the whole three imperial camp, nearly half of the power.

Nowadays, this 16th Emperor has seen a lot of chaotic bodies in the distance of a large number of chaotic babies in the distance.

The 16th Emperor, the noodles change.

They stayed at the emperor, and they were still too far from the three sculptures. After the perception of the emperor's breath broke out, they immediately arrived at the fastest speed, but although he is him, you have these emperors, From the Tria Pavilion to the battlefield where the three sculptures is located, the at least takes a few breathing time.

But this is the number of breathing time, but it is enough to make the seven emperors of the Nine Holy Lord, crazy slaughter.

Like now, the light is induced, and there have been more than three hundred chaotic bodies to be killed by slaughter, but this slaughter is still continuing, the number of strong people who have been slaughtered are rapid.

"Bastard !!!"

A emperor broke out directly.

"The sword is unparalleled, and this sword is unparalleled !!!" "The 16th Emperor, the head of the head is ugly to the beast.

The bald man is in the wild beast, there are two people, one is a mid-a golden robe, the other is a white hair old woman, they are the most strong in the three body, they are already The second level is reached.

As for the remaining thirteen, it is the first level of the big emperor.

"The last time I know all the whereabouts of his three imperial world, with many preparations, even deliberately set the trap, but not only did not kill him, but still let him ruin the Stone, and this time, I The three imperial communities are also guarded, and the actions are more strict than before, but they are still mixed by him !! "Ling Zong low.

"There is no way, the existence of Emperor is to let my strong people in the third imperial world, create more power, unless it is completely closed, otherwise, will always be found in the machine "The middle age of the stations next to Ling Zong also said.

"This time, this sword is unparalleled to be disguised into a strong red dust old ancestors of a million-year-old, and he is very good, I have no doubt, I'm not having any doubt, I've been there. The red dust old ancestors, this made him come in. "

When you hear this, many big emperors around them are helpless.

They have had the sneak attack of the sword unparalleled, or the ancient chaotic world camp strong, but this prevention is not too much.

"Saint stone, it is dead, it is destroyed, if it is still in the Shengshi, there are many banned big arms of my three emperors. This sword is unparalleled." Ling Zong Shen Sheng.

"Now, these are no longer used, I have to hurry to the battlefield, stop the strong people of the vast chaotic world camp." The white hair said.

Just as the Ling Zong people exchange each other, Boom!

The front is empty, but the body shape of a bloody sky is a step step.

He, height is over ten feet, all over the black jade, the huge body, there is nine heads, 18 arms.

The 18th arm also held a long sword on the arm, and he had the endless swords, just like a lid of the devil!

Seeing this figure, this sixteen emperor suddenly burst into endless killer.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!" Ling Zong is even more biting his teeth.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the pace is not paused.

Time has already appeared in front of this 16th emperor, and the pounds of the pounds directly enveloped the 16th Emperor.

This is strong, so that the sixteen emperors are shameful.

"kill him!"

Ling Zong sent a dry drink, and the 16th emperor shot at the same time.

This Ling Zong is the strongest, his first shot, step out step, and hit the war in hand.

Booming ~~~ a dark ax, in the case of unlimited zoom in the empty space, although there is no voice, but the power is shocking.

Time, directly.

The mid-ania in the west side, is waving his in the hands like crystal.

This palm is equally rapidly enlarged. In an instant, it is a mantye, which has been caught by a crystal jade, and the mountain is rushing everything, and then the sword is unparalleled.

The white-haired old woman is holding a dark gold-colored bowel, a long stick, a dark golden sticky shadow appearing at the same day, but then these sticks are in an amazing speed. The integration is also bombarded.

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