Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2143 sweeps the eight parties (below)

"Fast, I have a full force, there is any bottom sign to take it out, don't hide it again!"

"Use a battle, fast!"

That Ling Zong crazyly roared.

These emperors have become scarlet.

The spin did not have any retained one by one, and many of the base cards were almost simultaneously used. In addition, ten emperors formed two major battles, and broke out more powerful.


As these gods use their own base cards, they will be significantly better than before.

And on the speed and various means, it is much better than before.

The sword is still in the middle of these emperors. See these offensive, his eyes are not blind.

"The great power, the strength is indeed, especially a group of emperors join hands." The sword is not bilateral cold.

Similar to this greatness now, the sword is unparalleled with Xuanluo swords.

"I can't stop, then I don't stop!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the breath has risen again.

The five treasures of the five treasures of his body also made a bright ray, and the body is even crazy, and his body is fierce, but it is not a point that we want to resist these offensive.

Eventually ... Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A special horizontal offensive is directly above the sword.

The bombardment of this road has given some vibrations to the sword, but in a round of bombardment, his pace is just slightly retreat, and then it is once again burst.


"This body body ..."

The fifteen emperors present were very shocked.

However, the body shape of the sword has once again come to several great things, and the big emperor has made a battle in the midnual middle age of the second level, which is extremely strong.


The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is a cold blood, as if it is a scarlet blood condense, this ice is cold, and it is anger.

Xuanluo sword, blood is extreme!


The mid-auger is a cold snoring, and that the battle is in his head, and the source of the big source after him will continue to gather.


An Optimus Giant, an awkward.

This suddenly came into contact with the positive contact with the cold blood.

At the beginning, each other can still be reluctantly counter-balance, but with the coldness of the cold, a horrible force is abrupt, this Swynard is actually crashing directly.

And the power of the cold sword is still survived.


Including the mid-year man in the west, the revenue is in the same manner, and the battle is also quadruple.


"I have formed a battle in the formation, I personally, the power has reached the most impressed number of the second level, but the result is defeated by him, no doubt, his combat power has reached the third level It is enough to be a three emperor. "The mid-the mid-year is in the cold.

A sword defeated a battle, the sword was unparalleled, and I just wanted to move the midnual of the west to the mid-year, but he heard a few broken sounds after he was successfully.

Although the power of these broken sounds is not strong, but the sword is unparalleled.

I saw him behind him, and the foot of the six golden lights was taken along with his head.

After that six golden light, a young man in a purple hair is staring at him.

"Hong Yu Jinjian?"

The sword is unfolded.

The purple hammered man Ziyi, the sword is unparalleled with him, and the other person is controlled, but the genuine Hong Yinjian.

And the sword is unparalleled, but the imitation of Hong Yinjian, the power is naturally more than the other party.

Of course, that is, now ...

"The Hong Kong Jincian in your hands should also have a small role, so ... you will be the second." The sword is unbreakish, and there is a flaming, but there is a foot seven golden light in front of him. Go, this seven golden light also takes directly to shoot.

Seven golden lights, the six golden light collides with the palm of the purple purple man.

Mingming sword is not double-controlled only the imitation of Hong Yinjian, can be under collision, hey! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The six hand of the purple purple man's six handles Hong Yinjun actually shocked out, there is no room for counterfeit.

The seven-handed brilliant gold sword of the sword is unparalleled, will continue to take out.

"What?" The purple purple man is shocked, and it seems that it is impossible to imagine his own Hongyin Jinjian collision, which will compare the other party's imitation.

When the golden light continued to shoot toward him, he immediately wanted to escape, but the seven golden light was too fast.

I only heard the sound of seven slamming sounds.

Seven Handle Hongyin Jinjian, with the strength of the sword, unparalleled strength, full of hardship, each handle has the power of the second level.

One single handle, in fact, it is enough to rush to defeat the purple hair, but now it is a foot seven handle.

This seven-handed Hong Kong sword purple hair purple man only barely barely affected the shock of the front and two hands, the third hand has also directly broken down his skull, the remaining four handles are stranded his body.

Electro-optical flame is another emperor fallen.

After this emperor fell, he left the treasure and the Qiankun, and was also taken away by the sword.


The sword has no double eyed ring, and the face is with a small bloodthirsty smile.

This smile, in the surrounding emperor, just like the devil, so that they are frightened.

They crazy shot, I want to kill the sword is unparalleled, I can't kill, at least, I can do it, but I actually ...

The sword is unparalleled, too strong!

The third level of the big power, this is far more than one of them.

And if the sword is unparalleled is only the third level of the big emperor, like the dusty magic, their many emperors teamed up with their hands, and they are still fearful.

But the key is that the sword is unparalleled with the third level of the big power, his body strength is more desperate! !

He is like a madman, at all, no need to worry that you will not be injured, ignore their attack, crazy shots.

Purely, the intention of life, can be problematic, they can't kill the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, but you can easily kill them.

This is completely free to care about the injury, the powerful default, the means is also the third-level big emperor, in their view, far more than the three leaders in the third imperial world, are terrible.

The strength of their three leaders is strong, but in any case, they have to be carefully be siegeed by their many great emperors.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is completely exclusive.

He did not die at all, and he has been in an invincible state from the battle between these emperors.

How do they resist this?

Nature, only by the sword is unparalleled, there is ruthlessly rushing, quite horizontal sweep!

On the battlefield, the sword has no double alone, but the battle is full of sixteen emperors, but a terrible battle, sweeping the rumor, let the remaining emperor, all of them! !


PS: Today is 5 more!

Recommend the old book "Wuji Cang", "Wu Xiao Shu", "I am the Beast", and it is also very hot, the brothers of the book, you can go see.

In addition, the sword net is strictly played, but there is a yellow, and the content of the involvement is 404. Although the book is very pure, some chapters may also have a little violent, and now the author is a lot of books, very confusing Many books have repeated, or it is clear, but it has not been displayed. Whether the book will encounter this situation, I don't know, but if you appear, I hope everyone should not panic because I will solve it as soon as possible. .

If there is no update every night, it is definitely a problem in the background, and it will be displayed over time. You don't have to worry too.

Finally, all this book is shielded, or what is repeated, you can go to the group to inform me, I will immediately edit the recovery.

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