Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2144 Ask!


The sword is unparalleled, and it is easy to find a slight gap in the siege of many emperors, and appear in front of a teenager wearing a purple battle.

The sword is brain-wide, it is like a storm, carrying a shocking power.

That purple war armor is trying to resist, but it is not yet. I can only look at the sword on his body.

The purple dragonflied teenager is still widened, and it is a hint of incredible look, but the sword is also imposed through the purple dragon armor of his body, shocks above his body, and To devastate the trend of the daughter, I directly annihilated his body.

"The third!" The sword was unbreaking, and he was swumping, killing the sky.

There are many great achievements around him, and they will change this.

They were obvious in the first sixteen emperors to join hands to kill swords and unparalleled people. Results, not only couldn't kill swords, but in the blink of blinking, they were directly killed by swords. This is simple.

"Fast-demanding, with us, I can't help him, continue to cut down, only by him, breaking the destruction one by one!"

"Unless there are more chaotic bodies peak giants, or the three leaders are personally come out, otherwise, no one can resist this sword unparalleled."

"He, it is too strong, too changed."

I have a low voice echoed in this world.

For short film engraves, these emperors have made the war of swords that have been scared.

In these emperors, that is like a beast-like bald man Ling Zong, and also looks at the situation in front of his eyes, and he also looks to the surroundings.

On the way to the sword, the Jiu Hao, Sword, Chen Xingwang, etc. are still unblocked.

With their slaughter speed, short film engraving, the number of energy people who died in their hands have exceeded thousands, and they are still slaughtering.

To now, the energy of the three sculptures has been slaughtered by them, and they have killed the other corners of the emperor.

If you continue to let them go, I am afraid for how long it will not be used, and the total cultural factors will be killed by them.

"Adult, adult!"

"Express to rescue, speed is fast!"

Ling Zong is gloomy, and it is crazy.

Just broke out in the Emperor, the heat of the war was heavily.

Among the mysterious voids in the three emperors, the four stones have gathered again.

This is natural, naturally blood owners, burning, dust, magic, and cold.

After the Emperor City, the four three-way lineup lineup was the highest level, and he got a message in the first time.

"This sword is unparalleled, the last time, let him escape, and now he actually dare to enter my emperor in the same way, it is really good!" The dusty magic is holding hands, and the raging fire is filled. .

The blood owner that shrouded in a bloody color was also cold.

"The previous losses, especially the Temple Temple, the New Year of the Shengle is born, and our camp is lost, which makes our two sides of the high-level war. It is completely flat, now I am The three imperial camps have come up with the ancient chaotic world camp, there is no advantage. "

"Now, the strong team of the vital chaotic world camp attacked the Emperor, but the strong slaughter of my three millet border, if it made them succeed, and finally let them retreat, then our camp will be absolute Disadvantage, this matter, can never happen! "

"Immediately mobilize the power, support the past at the fastest speed!"

Blood owner directly issued a command.

The dusty magic is already standing, "I have let the bar of the fastest speed, so soon, I can get to the battlefield, there is a hand, I can stop the sword in a short time." And I will start immediately. This time, I will never let the kid escape again !! "

The voice fell, this dusty magic body has disappeared directly in this void, and obviously he has already gone to the Emperor City.

Blood owners looked at the place where the dust, the devil disappeared, but the completion is extremely indifferent.

Dust rain magic, I have no knowing that I have to sword with swords, I want to hit the sword without double the world's chaotic world.

Can you result?

But once lost again, it saved.

Blood owners have already questioned the ability of dust and rain.

Now he did not stop the dust of the devil, but after the dust of the devil left, he went to the past, "burned the respect, your own, your own strong, the fastest speed In the past, when I got a news, the sword was unparalleled and others had already slaughtered my three emperors. Now my three imperial circles have great losses. If this time, the sword is unparalleled, etc., Then our camp is really a disadvantage. "

"I understand, my bloody door will arrive at the fastest speed."

Incinered, then he had disappeared in this temple with the body shape of the snow.

In this volatile void, only the blood main one is left there, and sitting there, he is a little, but the finger is gently knocking on the armchair.

I don't know what I'm thinking.


Within the Emperor City, slaughter is still going on.

Jiu Han Lord, Sword, God, Chen Xing Wang, Black Jen, Tianling God Emperor, Lei Yuan, foot, nine great, unscrupulous shock.

The entire Emperor is completely caught in a murderous storm.

And those emperors who were originally sitting in the town, but they were all blocked by swords, and there was no chance to take advantage of the surrounding battlefield.

It is worth noting that these emperors have a total of sixteen, but now only thirteen is left.

And even the remaining thirteen emperors, most of them have been injured in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is just a person, but it is crazy about these great emperors with the devastation.

However, in the sword, there is no passion, and then let go of the fourth emperor ...


The farther is void, and a stunning figure is exploding in this battlefield with an amazing speed.

The thrilling is oppressed, this breath, covers all the strong people outside the field except the sword.

At the same time, there is no doubt that the owner of this breath is clearly unparalleled toward the sword.

After the appearance, the sword is unparalleled.

I am unparalleled with the remaining thirteen emperors, I feel this breath, and I can't help but look up.

When you see clearly, his look does not help but move.

"Is him?" The sword was unparalleled to show a surprised color.

The arrival of this person, the sword is unparalleled, and it knows clearly.

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