Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2145 Goodbye

Come on, is an eagle nose, a young man with a few points.

He rushed from the distance, in addition to emitting the horror of the many emperors, but also a very strong blood atmosphere.

This blood is atmospheric, and the sword is unparalleled. It is a swallowing blood!

Yes, the coming people are the ethnicity of the swallowing, Barbai!

Swallowing the heaven, since the original desire to cover the black scorpion by the sword, after the defeat, the sword was unbentered in three major peak ethnic groups, and it was directly destroyed.

However, the three peak ethnic groups are only just a root base of swallowing a family, but they have not found a combination of killing.

Later, the strong people who swallow the heaven were more completely sold, and the strong people of the three peaks were also looking for carefully in the specialty group, but did not find.

Now, the sword is unparalleled again to see this bar.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Contains that the endless anger and the killing sound are sent from the mouth, the bar is sharp as an eagle, and the death is staring at the sword.

It is clear that there is a distance from a distance, but the killing of the sky has formed a killing storm, and the sword is not double swept.

He, is full of hate for swords!

The reason why the swallowing a family is destroyed, and the high-rise power of swallowing the heavens will become a dog who is funeral. It can be said that it is a worship of the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, I want you to die !!"

Summit is fiercely echoed from the sky.

That has already appeared in the sword where there is no double, the shape of the strange figure is actually left in the void.

Those of the remaining shadows are like real, and people can distinguish between true and false.


The strange light flashes, Baron has already appeared on the sword without double side, and a golden pawl is like a golden lightning, it is coming.

"This speed ..." The sword is unparalleled, and it can't hurt.

To know, he is now the third level of the big force, even if it is facing the 16th emperor, it is not afraid, but instead can take the other side by one by one.

It can now be exposed to this bar, which makes him rushing, and it is an amazing speed that this is the speed of this bar.

Although it is shocked, the sword is not slow, and the moment that the golden flow of light is bright, he has been anti-hands sword.

Xuanluo sword, a demon!

It is also a sword at the speed.


The sword is collided with the golden streamer, but it is a sound like a metal impact, and the horrible power has been opened.

The sword has no double shape, under the guidance of strength, I can't help but pay back the step.

The body shape of the bar is also detained.

As two of them have fallen, this war is temporarily touched, and the thirteen emperors who have murdered swords have appeared around, and they did not continue to shoot.


The sword is unparalleled, and the next moment he looked up again, and he saw the past.

Its gaze has also become a little downs.

"Level 3?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is very good to have now.

This barley has a pawl to collide with himself, but almost in the wind, such strength, there is no doubt, there must be a number of third levels.

"Haha ~~ sword is unparalleled, did you not think?"

The voids in the distance, the same stove, but it is a smile. He looked at the sword without a double gaze. "This world is not only single, you can get the opportunity, others can get it!" "

"I will give you, I am swallowing the roots of the country, and many strong people have become the dog of the funeral. They can only flee the specialty bodies, but because of this, I have to find a breakthrough, I have to improve the reason, To this end, this is a great price, and finally entered the land of the three imperial camps, and I was very lucky. I actually really in the land of that opportunity, master a line of order rules! "

"Now, I, but the third-level emperor of the price of the price!"

When I heard this, the sword was unbolded.

He also guessed that Light is resistant to the talents of the Bar, wants to master a silk order rule in such a short period of time, and it is impossible.

But if there is an organic treasure to assist, it will be different.

After all, this world is the most important, most useful, that is the chance.

This bar is obviously a large firmer.

In the periphery, the thirteen emperors headed by Ling Zong heard the words of the bar, but it has exposed a lottery.

They don't know Babai, I don't know why he comes, but now they know.

Obviously, Baron is the strong of their camp, and strength has reached the third level, enough to compare with their three leaders.

"The gentleman, this sword is unparalleled, and I will give you to deal with it." Ling Zong immediately opened.

"No problem." Bar is nodded.

Ling Zong is looking at many great eyes around.


Thirteen great emperors were immediately moving.

They didn't want to stay with swords unparalleled and continued fierce battle, because they all clear, even if they join hands, it is absolutely impossible to kill swords.

Let me, they have more important things to do now.

They want to immediately think of the seven emperors who are crazy around the surroundings, otherwise many cultivars in the Emperor, they can be slaughtered.

Seeing this thirteen emperor left, the sword was unparalleled, but he did not stop.

Soon, this piece of void, only the sword is unparalleled with the two people.

The breath on the two is extremely amazing.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can know how to get the charm of the three imperial camps, how can I pay?" Barnite took a silk scarlet and watched the sword.

"What?" The sword has no double.


"Not 100,000 years, the freedom of millions of years, but the endless years of the future, hundreds of millions of years, I have to listen to the three leaders of the three imperial world, can't have a violation, unless I die, I will always Can't liberate! "Baron sound is a bit mad.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is also mad.

Next, hundreds of years old, as long as I live, I have to listen to the driving of the three leaders of the third imperial world, this price is really terrible.

"Haha !! Billion million years of freedom, from now on, I am a piece of chess in others, but you know that I will be willing to become a piece of chess, but also to get the charm, what?" I suddenly laughed.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled and stared at the bar.

"My purpose, of course, in order to kill you !!" The bar is hung in the temple, it is like a devil.

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