"The sword is unparalleled, take it !!"


Baron directly shot.

The two people have an unconditional distance, and they are spanned by him.

This bar is in front of the sword, but the body is filled with golden light, it is like a hero.

But then, he! " " " "

A golden pawl is like a golden lightning, and it is overwhelming.

These golden claws, each of them is enough to tear the sky.

Every, it is enough to easily hurt a first level of the big emperor, and even directly kill.

The claws hampered, and the heavens and the earth were completely rendered into a golden color.


The sword is unparalleled, and a homotypeful sword will rise, and his body is immediately turned into a dark vortex of a swallowing land.

Xuanluo swordsmanship, mixed yuan.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

I only heard the continuous impact of the continuous impact, and each collisions have a horrible power outbreak.

Under the madness of the golden pawl, the sword is not parallel.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, are you not very strong? How is it now in this way, in my hand, even the eligibility is eligible?"

"The sword is unparalleled, you still have a hand, come back!"

The bar is crazy, his claws continue to waist.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the power is getting stronger and stronger.

He has had the blood of the heavenly festival, which has already had the power of the second-level peak. With the opportunity of the three emperors, it controls a line of order rules, although it is only a preliminary master, but still make him The strength has been greatly improved.

Now his claws are displayed, whether it is speed or power, it is far from being able to compare before.

Because of this, he has absolute confidence in his strength.

He knows that swords are absolutely impossible to be their own opponents.

Sure enough, he kills, he completely pressed the sword without a double, and the golden claws he showed was incredible, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, waste !! Waste !!"

The bar is a big smile, and it is even more mad.

However, this madness only continued to take a moment, but he suddenly found a place where a trace was discovered.

"How? My claw method is getting faster and faster, and the power is getting stronger and stronger. He can only wolf in the wolf at the beginning. When you go to the beginning, you should get more and more powerful, why can you now, he is a little Is there any change? "Pakistan is amazed at the sword.

He knows that if the sword is unparalleled to attack him, it is really very difficult, then with his strength is increased, it will definitely become more and more difficult.

This is hard, it will definitely be reflected in the fierce battle process.

But the result ...

From the battle to the present, the sword is unparalleled, although she has been back, it seems to be suppressed by him, but this suppression has never been pulled.

What does this explain?

Note that the sword is unparalleled to resist his attack, there is no imagination, or if it is easy to say?



It's a cold and fierce.

I have been using the sword of the blend of the blend of swords to resist this bar. The sword is unparalleled.

Mixed yuan, a sword, in an instant, and it is extremely blood.


On the front of the sword, on the golden claws hit, the power contained in the sword light suddenly broke out, and the body shape of the bar is shocked.

And the sword is not blessed there, and it is indifferent to watch the stable bar.

"This is the strength you are proud of? On this strength, you also want to kill me?" The sword has a context, and the sound is coming to the surrounding world.

"How is it possible?" Bar is full of eyes, staring at the sword.

It seems that I can't believe that swords are so easy to open themselves.

"Stupid goods, you think everyone is stupid as you, you need to pay for hundreds of millions of freedom for the price, only to exchange the third level of the big power?" The sword is unparalleled.

"You, you also reach the third level?" Baron is full of face.

He immediately received the news of the dust, the magic city, was immediately coming to the Emperor City, as for the sword unparalleled, he didn't think much, wait until the Emperor City, even though he saw the sword unparalleled and the thirteen The great emperor is in hand, but it has not seen the true war of swords.

Even if he is also unparalleled with the sword at the beginning, but the confrontation, no one has used strength, he still does not think that the sword is unparalleled to reach this level.

Until now ... he finally reacted.

"Stupid guys, dare to say that I am a waste? You are afraid that it is not as good as the waste." The sword is unparalleled to the Pakistani, full of ridicule.

He fought with this bar at first, and he didn't take all the strength. He just wanted to know that after this bar is mastered, the strength reached the point.

But the result is too disappointed.

"Originally thought that his blood, plus the blood power of the swallowing, once the order rules, the power should be extremely strong in the third level, but did not expect him to master the silk order rules, simply Incomplete, or it is not finished, the rules that can be used, and the rules that can be used is minimal! "

"Although this also barely let him have the third-level number of brains, but it is far away." The sword laughed.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is a big angry.

"you wanna die!!!"

Both the eyes seem to be spurted out of the flaming.

While he sent a lot, his body has changed, and it was in an instant to make a huge golden bat.

This golden bat that golden eyes stare at the sword.

" !!!"

The sound of the fare, the sound of fierce.

At the same time, the bar's body table also has a strong golden light, it is like a huge golden sun, and it is very happy.

"Is this a trick?"

The sword is unbolded indifferent, but it is a movement with the look.

"No, this time it is not only a unique soul attack, and there is also a very good soul attack secret, even his body, there is a soul attack treasure." Sword is unparalleled The heart is surprised.

This tricky of Baron, he taught it several times.

Before the Bayu, every time, it is just the soul attack means, it is very single, but now it is accompanied by the soul attack secret, and the soul attack treasure assistant.

The soul attack of the show, the power naturally skyrocket.

"It seems that he didn't just get a chance in the three emperors, and he also got some other benefits." The sword is unmarkable.

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