Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2148 is ready to go

At the same time, at the Emperor's Battle, Wancha Chaotic World, Zi Zi Island.

Dediazed, countless strong people have gathered together.

Not only a human beings, there is also a special ethnic group, countless strong.

I hope it is afraid that it is 4,000 people.

4,000 people, the number may not be much.

But if these four thousand people are all added with the identity of the energy people, the power is enough to be shocking! !

To know, the big energy, every birth is extremely difficult. Any one can be considered a super existence of a hegemon, each is enough to open up the territory, accounting for many God, like a lot of top science in the Shengzeo, usually There is only a number of digits, and the top of the ten-in-one energy is sitting in the town.

Four thousand energy, this number is enough to scare people.

And so many big energy, whether it is a human bean, and the special ethnic group is unable to come out, only two alliances join hands, collect the top power of the world's chaotic world, and collect them.

It can be said that this is already all the peak power of the ancient chaotic world.

At this moment, you gathered in this large energy, one by one, wrapped in the palm, and was very excited.

They all know that the Emperor personally ordered them to convene them together, the purpose is for what.

There is no doubt that it is inevitable for the final decisive battle! !

In the Shengtiange, many of the big gods of the two alliances are also together.

Human Salas, coupled with special ethnic alliances, even throws an eight-person strong team, the first of the eight-person strong team, with the sword is unparalleled, still have more than 20!

These twentieth great emperors come from human territories. They are not less than a member of the Shengshi before, but because of the arrival of the war, choose to join the St. League, like Warrhe, East Emperor Waiting for several people.

These great eyes are also looking forward to.

"Luo Yu Wang, there is no problem with the special ethnic group?" Bai Emperor looked directly in the dark spring of Luoyu Wang.

"White Emperor is relieved, the ancient emperor issued the order before leaving, and the special ethnic group will be a strong group of many ethnic groups, listen to your order from the White Emperor, now you order, all the strong people in my special ethnic group have I have rushed to the Thunder Island, and the many godges of each ethnic group have not retained. All have taken it out, and the many soldiers accumulated in the ancient gods, a lot of ancient gods have been distributed, and they can make a war at any time. Luo Yu Wang Zheng said.

The sword is unparalleled, the Chen Xing Wang, the black royal three people went to the three imperial circles, so many things in the special ethnic group, most of them were in charge of Luo Yuwang and Dark Springs.

"Very good." White Emperor nodded and immediately looked at one person next to it, "Tianchen, how is my Sales of the Sales?"

"It has also been collected." Tianchen Laozu nodded: "According to your instructions, these years, all the strong people who participate in the war, have been inherited by Star Mik, and most of them can move the stars. The first volume is released. "

"And, I have all accumulated resources all accumulated, and I am allocated by my Holy League, now there is a lot of hands to recover in a very short time. The sacred mix of the power of the power, a big days that can be quickly injured, even if there are no two medicinal herbs, there are other Dan medicine or treasures in the hands. "

"Some battles, the law of the combination, most of my Shengshi has been displayed, and finally, there are many big cards that I have accumulated in my long-lasting years, such as the arrow, the prison dragon law, bloody lightning , Stars, emperors, etc., are already ready. "

The white emperor heard and nodded.

"Everything is ready, just wait for the sword where there is no double will be crushed." Bai Emperor clasped his hands.

Many of the great achievements in the scene are also in the heart.

Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the war.


In the Emperor, the war is still going on.

This war is now mainly divided into two battlefields.

The first battlefield, many emperors were crazy.

Among them, only seven emperors have only seven emperors, and there are thirteen digits before the three imperial camps, plus six in the next arrival, and there are more than nineteen.

On the quantity, it is obviously not proportional, but the seven emperors of the vital chaotic world are extremely high.

Seven emperors, the weakest Tianling God and Lei Yuan, that is also the top end of the first level, the remaining five people, all of them are the second level.

Especially the sword!

Sword, as a sword of swords, is an ancient times, and now the strength has reached the peak, and the strongest has a strong combat force, which has reached the top of the second level, plus him There are many means, and he is a person who has two second levels of the second level of Shang Lingzong and the mid-year middle age, and it also has a certain wind.

Other six great emperors have burst all the combat efforts, plus swords and unpaid models of five fire gods, released the five gods to join the battlefield, the overall strength, the nineteen emperors of the three imperial camps How many.

The big battle of the two sides is extremely hot, but it is difficult to divide the victory.

The second battlefield is naturally the battlefield where the sword is unparalleled.

I saw the sword unparalleled. The ancient people were very incomparable. The nine-eight arms have also been revealed. The strength of the squad is full, and he will resist the dust and rain and the third level of the third level of the Dust Rain and the Baron. The great emperor is not afraid.

Although he can't help the two third-level emperors in front of him, but the dust is connected to the Pakistani, and there is no way to take the sword.

It can be said that both battlefields have been stalemate.

However, this deadline is not lasts for a long time.

Within the emperor, the huge space channel appeared again.

Subsequently, a road shape directly across the space channel, look at it, there is a hundred people.

Most of this hundreds of people were only God's emperor, but there were eight movements in the forehead, and this eight people were angry. He is an eight-game genuine great power.

"This is ... people who have bloody doors?"

The sword is unbolded.

A warm robes, and the cold breath that came out, has confirmed the identity of these people.

It is just that the sword is unparalleled, and the arrival of these blood, there is no cold, and the head is a old man who has a lot of fire.

The old man stood there, and he felt as if a group burned the endless years of the flame flame.

From him, the sword is also a huge pressure.

This pressure is strong, and it is much more powerful than him.

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