Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2149 Vachert

"Is it?" The sword was unblocked.

He listens to the white emperor, and the third-level number of the third level of the three emperors is three.

These three are blood masters, burn respect, and dust.

Dust rain magic is the leader of Huangquan Palace, has already gave a few times with the sword, but the blood owner and the burn sword have not seen it.

Nowadays, it is clear that the old man who is in the heart of the squats is clearly that the burn is undoubtedly.

"Dust rain, this seat will know, you can't get things." Burning the dusty king, the sound took a slightly ridicule.

"Bastan!" Dust and Rain Devils can not help but

"You are the sword is unparalleled?" Burning respects again, the sword is not double, "I have been closing the door before, I have never ignored the chaotic world, otherwise, this seat will never make you so simple, but now Since I have encountered it, it doesn't matter, this seat is directly destroyed today! "


Under the burn, the many strong people behind him, immediately went to the battlefield that many of the great emperors.

And he himself, but the first time, the sword is unparalled.

Booming ~~~

The horrible breath self-immolation is scattered, and his body shape is like a volcanic crazy, like a silence of hundreds of millions of years.

Wherever you have, the void is burned.

When this burning appears in front of the sword ...

The sword is unparalleled, only a hot breath, and the void is entered, it is already in the silent fire.

At the most intimate place in this Fire Sea, there is a flame king that is more than five meters. This fire is still holding a flame war knife in his hand.

The flame war knife is tall, but it is squatting.

~~~ The entire void is entirely covered by endless flames.

This flame war knife is enough to burn everything in the world.

There is no pair of swords, watching the huge flame war, and he also revealed a wonderfulness.

"The three big peaks in the three emperors, the dusty magic is just the weakest one, this burning is more than the dust, but I don't know, how much is it." The sword is unparalleled. Hand, but the face is showing a little bloodthirsty smile.

When the flame wars came, he did not want to dodge the idea.

I saw that the power of has risen from him, and a unpleasant sword is also moving directly.

This moment of sword is unparalleled, like the emperor of the sword, the sword in his hand is also the sword of the emperor.

As the power of the power is exchanged in the sword, a surprise sword is also very horizontal.

Emperor, second style!

This is the strongest sword that the sword is unparalleled.

The surprises formed, with the flame war knife, front contact.

Hard hard! !


One of the earth is one of the earth.

The flames of the sky and the endless swords are crazy to surround the surroundings, which makes the heaven and earth movement.

But this collision did not fall into a deadlock, but a winner in an instant.

"Is this power?"

The sword has been shocked, and it feels that the distance is passed through the arm, even if it is in his body's ability, it is impossible to ignore this force. ,

In an instant, his body is like a meteorite, falling directly into the ground.

In the end, he smashed on the ground, so that the ground had a deep pit.

At the moment, the shape of the sword has ridiculous again from the huge pit.


The sword is unparalleled and dead stars in front of the burning.

The same is the third level of the big emperor, the power of the burns is obviously more than the dust, and the bar is strong.

The sword is unparalleled, which is very close to the top of the third level.

This combat is too far away from him.

"Sword Monarch!"

A low drunk suddenly came from the surrounding battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled, but it has been completely in the wind on the battlefield, the Jiu Han Lord and Sword.

This is also normal, before they confront nine great emperors, and they can resist them.

But now the few great emperors of the blood, join the battlefield, and some of the surrounding majorists also affect them with some battle arrays or special means, so that they have fallen into absolute disadvantages. How long does it take? .

See this, the sword is not double-finished.

"Three third-level big emperors, the first level of the first level of the first level or the second level, and many gods, God emperors, this lineup ... is almost."

The sword has a different color in the bismuth, but the bottom has now takes the idea, and immediately in his hand, appears in his hand.


Incinered, dust and rain, the three people also saw the appearance of this.

"What is this?" Baron doubts.

"This is a good time, and it seems that it is a time and space. Does he want to use this?" The dust is cold.

"Want to escape? Dream!" Burning the face to be cold.

This time, the three imperial lines suddenly attacked, the loss is too big, if the sword is not double, let them leave, the two sides can really have a gap, only the sword is unparalleled. All stay, in order to make up for losses, let the overall battle between the two sides will continue to be flat.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, and it is absolutely not to escape.

Thinking of this, burning the stunned, the big flame that has already covered the heavens and the sky, this time is completely covered throughout the battlefield, and it also blocks this void.

Short blockade is displayed in his strength, and the general time and space is not used.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can't escape!"

"Hey is dead!"

Incinered a low whistling, the body-shaped flame king was once again riped.

The sword has no double eyes, with this burning strength, if you add dust, you will join your hand, and you will be able to kill when you can't escape.


"Who tells you, I am escaping?" The sword didn't have a cold smile, just like a blade.

"If you escape, you should be you !!!"

The voice is falling, the sword is unhappy, and the void of the void, under this force, suddenly broken.

Let the symbols, a vast space and space of time, and the moment.

The power of this time is too large, huge to far beyond the imagination of burning, the time-space blocked, the general time and space is not used, but he doesn't stop now from This time-space power swept out.


A giant space channel appeared in this empty city.

The sword is also directly rampted from a thick ** light.

"The second step plan, start !!!"

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