Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2150 is a sudden battle!

On the Torni Island, the ancient chaotic world camp, countless strong people waiting quietly.

Finally, with the sweeping of a time and space, a huge time and space channel is the most air of Thunder Island.

The appearance of this spatiotemporal channel is that the many strong people who have already hoped on the Zernse Island, and the eyes are bright.


Bai Emperor and many of the two major alliances have almost simultaneously at that time.

Looking at the time and space in front, the white emperor flashed, and the sound of the vision is the sound of the Nundu Island.

"The war is coming!"

"All, let me enter the three imperial boundaries, remove the potential toxic tumor of the chaotic world !!"


After that, the Bai Emperor is the first straight into the time and space channel.

There are also many great emperors behind him, and they have joined the path of space.

After that, it is the unique energy of the dense numbness, and the same fish is penetrated.


Emperor's void.

When I saw that the huge time and space channel appeared, I burned the respect, and the dusty killing immediately rose a bad premonition.

They have already seen that this time and space passage is very general.

It's too big, the power of time and space is too much.

Such a huge time and space channel, absolutely impossible to be a sword where they are used to escape.

Plus the sword is not double just mentioned ...

In the burn and dusty, the magic will sink, hey! A human shadow has been span from the other end of the time and space channel.

He, white hair, the skin is also full of fear.

As a result, there is no breath, but it is easy to be a focus of this world.

Burning the eyes of the two people, the eyes of the two people can't help but lock in the people.

"White Emperor !!!"

Burning respects to the dust and magic march are big.

Both of them, laying with Bai Emperor, and personally realized the horror of the latter.

Now, Baili has appeared again in front of them.

And not only the white emperor, just across the white emperor, there is a relationship between the time, and there is a relationship from that shine.

An emperor from the Red Dragon King, Tianchen Ancestors, the Emperor of the Emperor, the East Emperor.

Luo Yu Wang, the war, the king, the secret spring and other emperors from the Special Ethnic Union.

More than 20 people.

It's just that the number of large energy people like the wasp is like the harber, and the number is very amazing.

In short moments, the ancient chaotic world camp is all strong, all through this time and space channel, come within this emperor.

"This this……"

Incinered, dusty magic, Babai three, although it is the third level of the big emperor, this moment, this is a portrait of the harm like the Yellow Horizontal, and it is also shocked.

They are all this, let alone the strong people of the three imperial camps around the surroundings.

Those strong people are all thoroughly.

They are worried, but the consciousness of the white emperor is very clear.

"All, one Qi ... kill it !!"

The indifferent sound is issued from the white emperor.

After him, there were twenty great emperors, nearly four thousand energy, instant ...

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

"Kill them !!"

The sky shouting, fierce, in the Emperor City.

Passive Ma Ma is like a shadow of the Yellow, and the strong people of the three imperial camps are directly drafted.

This scene, the many strong people in the third imperial world change.

"not good!!"


"Decisive battle! This is a battle !!"

"The battle broke out!"

A horrified voice was issued from the strong mouth of the three imperial camp.

They guess it is right, the battle is outbreak.

But this decisive battle is completely sudden, and they are not prepared.

Specifically, they are prepared, from the beginning of knowing the battle, the three imperial camps have been prepared, but they don't think of it, the power of the chaotic world camp will take this way, directly,

First dispatch the strong team sneak attack and hit the three imperial cries.

When they supported the strong people of the three imperial borders, they immediately crushed the synergies to open a huge time and space, and then the ancient chaotic world army directly killed.

too suddenly.

The three imperial camps were completely imposed.

In that special dark void, the blood master is originally sitting in the quiet end, waiting for the results from the Emperor City.

It can be suddenly changed.

"decisive battle?"

"Not good, is calculated !!"

A low whistle, the body shape of the blood is immediately disappeared on this void.

Emperor City has been completely falling into a chaotic.

The strong army from the vital chaotic world, accompanied by the sky shouting, and the great emperors of the three imperial borders, those that rushed.

One by one kills.

In the forefront of the person, there is the existence of Tianchen ancestors.

"Use the prison dragonflag!" Tianchen old ancestors sounded, and the voice sounded behind the ear.

I immediately heard the few people who had a low voice of Tianchen, but it took a lot of blackstones.

The blackstone exudes an incomparably mysterious breath.

These people don't have any hesitation, and directly put the strong people in the hands of the blackstone in the front of the three imperial cries.

I have thrown a six black stone.

But this six blackstones have been burst on the way to go out, and it is awkward ~~~ Huge array appears out.

In an instant formed six ancient holdings, covering six different voids.

In this six-piece void, there are many strong people in the three imperial camps, but there are many emperors.

"What is this?"

The three imperial powers in the law were surprised, and they all took place to fight the surrounding law, but they immediately found that the law is strong, it is indestructible.

Even if the emperor personally shot, even if it is a few great, it can't shake the law.

Only the energy on the array is self-discovered, they can detach the coverage of the France.

The Dragon France, from the ancient times, one of the top gods.

Once the law is formed, almost no one is broken.

Now, the emergence of this six prison dragon is limited, so that the strong people of the three imperial camps have lost their opportunities to escape.

"Jade arrow, ready!" Tianchen old ancestors re-issued the command, this time he is a command to issue a command.

In the rear of the Digital Chaos World Strong Army, dozens of energy gathered there, dozens of energy do not rush to the three imperial camps like other people, but stay in the original .

And in front of them, there are four giant bow.


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