Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2158 Blood

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also taken for a while in the third emperor, and some famous and great power in the three emperors, or dangerous, or know.

This blood is obsessed, and the sword has heard of no double.

There are eight risks in the three emperors, and the four is known, and it is known.

Among them, eight insurances are, but the four is absolutely, but it is undoubtedly dying below the chaotic border.

Although it is a strong sunshine, the general chaotic boy is in the middle of the middle, the chance of false, the false chance is also possible, even even the intertect of the chaotic border, that is, the strong level of the Emperor is the extreme deep It is possible to fall.

These places, the three imperial cries are definitely a famous Heph.

However, there is a place in the three emperors, and the danger is still four, which is the last ban.

This is forbidden, but it is blood to ban!

That is the true ban, but the ground is, regardless of the strength of strength, it is almost nine deaths, even if it is the emperor.

"The blood is confusing, is the first formerly forbidden to the three emperors, the crisis is heavy, and the long years have dare to go in, the strong people in the third imperial world, hiding here?" The sword was unparalleled.

That is the first forbidden place, even the great strengths will not be able to live.

Hiding there, is it too excited to be too reluctant?

"Now I can't determine, but I have found that there is a lot of strong people in the previous time before that time, and even some of the cultivators of the three emperors, see this time Some people broke into the bloody, so the high-rise strong people in the three emperors were hidden inside, and there must be some possibilities. "Tianchen Laozu said.

"This is just one of the possibilities, it is possible to be the whereabouts of the intentions of the three emperors, I want to make our unforgettable army into the blood kick, it is true, no one knows the inside What do you encounter, there is really an endless dangerous danger, so that our camp is very resistant, it will not pay for it. "Bai Emperor said.

"So our strong army is impossible to directly break into the blood. The best way is to go to the blood and obstacle, determine if there is a hidden in the three imperialism, or say There is a purely dangerous danger, and it is intentional exposure of the three imperial borders to attract us to go. "

"But the blood is forbidden to be called the first forbidden place in the three emperors, and it is not to be underestimated, so if we only send a general energy to go to the inside, then it is not much dying, and it is impossible to get Therefore, therefore, you must send the emperor to personally, and it is not a general emperor. "

"I understand." The sword is not a hyper point.

It has already understood the meaning of Bai Di and Tianchen.

Since there is a trace of the three imperialisms, it must be invested in it, and the general power can not find a top sharp.

In the many big emperors of the chaotic world, it is best to go to the blood, it should be that the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, now the ancient chaotic world camp, you will reach the third level, and I have to take it here, to prevent all kinds of irrerange, I can't personally go to the blood, so I can only I am bothering you. "Bai Di smiled.

"You are refurbished, reversible, the life of the life, I know, plus your current strength, although the blood is dangerous, but it should also threaten your life, as for the truth To the strong in the third imperial world, you should also resist a while, only one news, my third imperial army will immediately kill. "Bai Emperor said.

The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that if the unusual emperor is going to the blood, he registers all the problems. How can I have time to search for the traces of the three imperial borders?

So, he goes, is the most appropriate, and is safe.

Because he is super strong, even if he encounters a large number of strong people in the third impetus, it can support it for a while, dragging to the white emperor.

"In case of preventing case, I will let the nine you will go with you, and his soul can make sure your message will not have problems." Bai Emperor said.

"In this case, then I will start now." The sword said unparalleled.

"Go." Bai Emperor waved.

The sword is not hesitant, and immediately left the palace, and go to the nine tips.

"Nine" Di Jun. "The sword is unparalleled to the nine-level emperor.

"Sword Monarch." The nine emperor is a humble color.

Today's sword is unparalleled, and the power in the whole chaotic world camp is second only to Bai Emperor.

And after the crisis revealed, several incidents, swords were all crucial.

Like this sneak attack on the Emperor, brought great huge huge huge huge huge huge camp, the sword is also a huge credit.

Because of this, the sword is unparalleled in the vast chaotic world, it is more and more strong, even if the emperor is very respectful, the emperor is unparalleled to the sword.

"You should have received the news of the White Emperor?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Just received, I am preparing to find the sword monarch, I didn't expect you to find it first." The nine emperor smiled.

"In this case, then we will leave it directly, and you have to worry about nine emperors." The sword said.

"Understand." The nine emperor did not feel unexpected.

Although he is also a great emperor, it is just the first level of the emperor, and it is still the most common kind.

The blood is banned, and it is difficult to help the sword in the middle of the crisis. Instead, it is possible to become a sword. There is a lot of swords, so the best way is that he stayed in the sword, the sword, just relying on the soul. Always keeping a message.

The only nine-level emperor did not resist the sword where there was no double suppression to the blood peak sword.

Then the sword is unparalleled to go straight to the blood.

The three emperors, 12 states, and this blood is in the intersection of two states.

The bustling area of ​​the blood is also huge, not as a small territory.

Soon the sword is unparalleled to the edge of the blood.

"Here, is it blood?"

The sword is unparalleled in the void, looking at the front of the territory under the front of the bloody mist, his eyes slightly.

Even if he, when he saw the blood instead, he also faintly rushed to a sense of crisis, imagined, this blood is inevitably contains a small crisis.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, also feels the time and space of the blood, and quite quite strange.

"Fortunately, I have arrived together with nine emperors, or in the blood, I am afraid that I may not be able to pass the information at any time." The sword is unimaced.

Then he didn't hesitate, directly into this bloody.

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