The blood is inside, and the sword with the long sword is unparalleled, and it is slowly thrown forward.

The faint blood color fog is flooded around him, and the brighter is getting more and more rich as him.

At the same time, this bloody fog is also filled with a touch of blood.

However, in this environment, the plants in this blood are still growing.

Enter your eyes everywhere.

"I didn't know this, I didn't know this, I didn't have a bit trouble." The sword was unparalleled.

If it is replaced with other dangers, such as the four tops of the three imperial world, there are many strong people to go inside, and most of the environment and some crises have also known some, and they must be relaxed.

But this blood is different.

What crisis is in the end of the blood inside, or what is in the end, the whole three emperors are estimated to know some of the big deals.

But those who haven't seen traces now, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is no information, and it is in the inside, and naturally feels a blank.

"There is no way, you can only take a step back." The sword is unmarkable.

He stepped forward in front of him, and the power of the soul has already spread, which is obviously quite cautious.

Just in the sword where there is no double into the blood.

At the deepest place in this blood, the bloody figure sitting in the dark void is a little observed.

"Some people come in." The blood of the blood was slightly cold.

"Is it coming in? Is it the big army of the ancient chaotic world?" Asked the dust and magic of the dust.

"No, the other side only one person, this breath should be the sword monarch." The blood shifting is glittering.

"Sword Monarch? The sword is unparalleled?" The dusty magic is blindly blocked, "it's a boy!"

"The speed of the chaotic world is fast enough, so so soon, this blood is coming." Burning the sound of the sound and turned slightly.

"Very normal, the strong people of the vast chaotic world After sweeping all territories, I tried to find a trace that I waited for me. Nowadays, many territories in the three emperors, even if there are some unbreasy places, they have been turned over. Chaotian, there is only some dangerous situations, and the people in the three imperial circles are escaping here, they must have left some spider marts, they naturally find here. "The blood laughed.

"But according to I estimate, although they found it here, it should not be sure that I am waiting for me, or they will definitely send the army to kill, will not be like this, just let this sword monarch Come."

"This sword monarch seems to be tested." Burning respect.

"It should be like this." Blood main smiled, "Since he wants to test, let him in the blood of the blood, this blood is not so good, do not say some natural crisis, single blood The blood in the opposite is enough, it is enough. If he is a fierce, it will make it out, then it is interesting. "

Incinered, dust and rain also revealed a strange smile.

They are indeed hidden in this blood, and this blood is also there is a great crisis.

The reason why they can hide this, they are not threatened, not attacked, because of some special relationships.

The sword is unparalleled.


Invisiting blood, the sword is still plunging in front of the back.

The blink of an eye has passed for a long time.

In this long time, he did not encounter any danger.

However, when he just appeared on a jungle void.

call out!

A bloody stream, no signs directly from below the ground, and directly in the sword.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double eyeliner, and I found out that the cold eyes immediately locked this bloody stream.

Have to say, this blood color is very fast, far more than the general god, God is going to be a lot.

It is estimated that even if it is compared with the general emperor, the gap is not big.

The most important thing is that this blood color flow has always been lurking in the deep depth of the jungle, there is no breath, the sword is unparalleled, the power of the sword has just been smashed from this jungle, and did not know.

Blood color flows directly appeared in front of the sword, and a bloody claw was not sounded in the sword.

The cold breath of the claw scatter is enough to make the general emperor.

Such a near distance, so sudden, speed is faster, and the bloody pallet power is also very strong.

In this situation, if it is changed to the general emperor, I am probably being able to sneak attack directly.

However, this bloody streamer sneak attack is a sword.


The sword is unparalleled, the sword is too lazy, just just one hand, a shade of the invisible sword is rare.

This sword is light, but the sword is just a stroke, there is no effort, but the part of the Shenli will still reach the first level of the emperor level.

In an instant, it collided with the bloody claws that hit.

The , a painful mourning, the bloody fierce fierce.

"not dead?"

The sword is unparalleled.

I have hit this, I also contain the power of the emperor, I can't kill the other party to the scene.

And the bloody streamer quickly stood stabilized, and the sword is unparalleled, and the color of this blood color is also finally seen.

This is actually a height of just one meter, the appearance is a bit similar to the fox, but the whole body is a bloody weird.

This other beast is extremely scarlet, it is dead, and the sword is unparalleled, but the spin is directly modified, with a faster speed to the next dark forest.

"Want to escape?"

There is no double eyeliner in the sword, and a golden light is in an instant.

This golden light is a Hongyu Golden Sword he controls, and it is also a genuine Hong Yinjian.

At that speed, I opened it directly, it is horrible!

You must know that the sword is unparalleled before the imitation of Hongyu Jinjian, full of full, and that speed is enough to make a general first level, the second level of the two great frightened and even desperate.

And now, the authentic Hong Yinjian, the speed is more than three times more than before. !

What amazing speed is this?

Although the bloody alien although the speed of escaping is amazing, but it is too bad to have a lot of difference with Hong Yujinjian.

Just just a kung fu, Hong Yinjin sword has been chasing the bloody alien, but carrying a stunning power, directly impacting on this bloody.

Although this bloody alien beast body has strong horizontal, but also can't resist this power. The first time was worn by Hong Yinjian Cave.


PS: Today's four is more!

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