Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2160 Bloody

The bloody fog is diffuse void, the sword is unparalleled overlooking the bloody alcoholic body.

Although this bloody alien is already dead, the remaining power of the residual fingertips is still contrurm.

"What is this different beast?" The sword was unbearable.

The sword is unparalleled in the vast chaotic world. For so long, all kinds of different animals have never seen, but they have heard of it.

At this moment, in front of him, and sneak his different beasts, he is unheard.

"The speed is so fast, much better than the speed of my own, and the powerful different beasts are much faster, the power is also strong, and the one of the claws who wizard to me before, if it is the general emperor without the preparation In the case, it may be directly killed, and it is equally strong in defense. "

The sword is unparalleled, but it is only a sword towards this bloody. Although it is just one hand, it is absolutely implicit that the power of the enemy, but it has not given this bloody alien beast. Obviously this imperial defense ability is also extremely good.

"Speed, power, defense ability, strong outrageous, is called no weakness, in addition, it is more hidden, it is more perfect. Even if I have previously covered it, I didn't find it, so The other beast ... "The sword has no bisector.


This other beast is definitely the most terrible different beast he has ever seen.

Although this one of the beasts is less than him, it is extremely good at facing the same beast or human cultivator. This kind of aspect is extremely good, and there is no weaker than the beast, and it is absolutely called the demon. .

"I don't know if I will also encounter this kind of beast, and this kind of beast is more powerful." The sword is unmarkable.

He didn't stay, and he continued to play up.

But he just got far, the same beast, the same attacked, but he touched again.

And this time, it is a five-headed beast, while shooting.

Of course, the five-headed bloody beasts have the same strength of the sword without a double, and it is naturally not struggling in the sword. It is soon killed one by one.

The sword is unparalleled, continue to travel ...

The blood is banned, and the darkness is in the dark.

Blood owner, burn, dust, magic, cold, snow, four people sitting together.

"No accident, the sword has no doubles should have been handed over with the blood of the blood?" Blood main face hangs a cold smile.

"Blood and critique, although I am waiting for the era, it is not the most peak ethnic group, and the four gods are more poor, but in this era, it is equally, but unfortunately The battle is too fierce. Even the seven-star Xuanzong is waiting for this, this is also affected by the blood and all people, can live, and continue until now, it is far from the beginning. ratio."

"So, now the overall battle of the blood in the world is still much stronger than those of the crowd of the world's special ethnic groups. Even if it is that the three imperial bordes have not been hit hard, they can only barely let them It is low, the blood of the blood, and the burn can not be provoked. "Incinered.

"Hey, the sword is not wanting to know if I wait until the blood is banned? He really wants to know, you have to pass the blood and all people, I have to look at him, whether there is so much energy, In the face of the entire blood and the whole family. "Dust and Rain Devils smiled.

"Alone, a few heads, or dozens of blood, this sword is not double down, but as he is deeply in-depth, it is necessary to face it." Blood owner is also smiling. .

Blood hurt is the first forbidden place for the three emperors.

And here, it is the territory of the blood.

For the blood chance, even the three emperors of the whole day, it will not easily touch hard, but reach some agreements.

Like now, why do many strong people in the third impetus be banned into hiding, not just because of the bustling.

The most important thing is that there is a blood inbound, there is a presence of blood.

The power of the chaotic world camp, I want to kill in, it is bound to be the blood.


The sword is unparalleled in front of the front.

During this time, he also encountered some bloody alien, and some were just a single one, and some were gathered together.

These bloody alien beasts are strong, and anything is enough to have great threats to God, but they naturally solve them in the sword.

There is a three-day in the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

Three days, the sword is unparalleled, and it has truly came to the depths of this blood.


There is no double eyed in the sword, and the pace is also paused directly.

He looked around, where there was a presence of a six-headed blood, with this, in his surroundings, there is also a bloody alien.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is found that there is a 15th side of the bloody beast around him.

"I have been forbidden in the blood. I have encountered five bloody alien, but now I have encountered fifteen ... It seems that I am in the old nest of these different beasts." Sword is unparalleled Muttered.

These bloody alien beasts are extremely strong, which is no weakness.

A single one, it is enough to kill the general emperor. If there is a ten-headed hand, even if it is a general emperor, it can have a certain threat.

And this bloody bloody bloody is afraid that it is far more than this.

"No wonder this blood is known as the first forbidden place, there is no big grade strength, I don't dare to come in." The sword is unparalleled. "

If the emperor is strong, even the peak emperor, as long as there is no big battle, it is possible to have fallen in the three or four sides of the blood, it is estimated that there is a false may, if it is like a sword, there is no way to go deep, a sighter In the face of fifteen blood, it is afraid of death.

On the occasion of swords, the fifteen bloody album is not idle.

I saw a scarlet eye staring at the sword. There was no exchange before these bloody beasts, just saw the first eyes of the sword, and immediately had endless killing.

Rotating,! " " "

A bloody stream is instantly burst.

The fifteen bloody alien beasts, it is now murder, every bloody is beast, and the speed is fast.

"These different beasts are really unreasonable. When I see me, I don't say it directly." The sword didn't have a double eye, and the blood peak sword appeared in his hand.

"That is to see if you are so fast, or my sword is faster!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The blood peak sword in hand swept.

Xuanluo sword, a demon!

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