Under the coverage of blood color, the whole world is already quiet.

Then there is an endless murderous alien beast, and I saw the appearance of the ' ', but I can't help but go.

The sword is unparalleled, and the lips are also staring at this huge thing in front of them.

It is also a model of blood color, just a large volume.

Ordinary blood-like beast is only one meter, but the length is only two meters, and the difference between the emperor is doubled, but the height is three meters, but the body is not only five meters.

This is a big thing that appears in front of you, heights over ten meters, and the length is more than 20 meters.

Although this volume is not what is nothing to do with many different beasts of the ancient chaotic world or a special ethnic group.

Like the sword is unparalleled, the old body is revealed to be ten feet, if it is deliberately zoomed, the volume exceeds tens of thousands of feet can be achieved.

But in front of you, this bloody beast, compared to other different beasts, it is indeed a great substitute.

"Look at it, this bloody is the beast, it should be an alior emperor." The sword is unimaced.

Any big group, the level is a different ethnic group, will have a recognized royal, or leader.

The number of bloody aliens of this blood is so much, and naturally, the strongest will be born, obviously this is the head.

"The three meters high blood color is already with the great strength. I don't know if this isasto, the strength is it?" The sword did not have a double eyeliner.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, while the latter is the scarlet eye, it has already gained him.

Suddenly ... Boom!

A burst of air explosion, the big body of the antergee is actually awkward at this moment.

Some is just a strong broken wind.

"This speed?"

The sword is unparalleled.

This bloody is really horrible, and this speed is even more amazing.

A whistling, the alien emperor has appeared in front of the sword, and it extends a bloody paw.

This bloody claw is a bloody thunder, fierce.

This wave, it seems that the speed of the claw is not fast, the opposite feels slowly.

It can be actually because this kind of claw speed is too fast, and it has directly affected the surrounding time and space, which makes people have an illusion.

In fact, this claw is incredible.

And the power of this claw, although it is a genuine huge star in this claw, afraid that there is only the result of being shredded.

The sword is unbentered, and it is straightforward, and his blood peak sword is also moving.

The sword is swept, and a sword is shocked, and it is instantly swept.

Xuanluo swordsmanship, blasting!

Moving like a blast, as heavy rain!


The two crossed, and a bright ray didn't go out, illuminated the world.

The sword is unparalleled to the self-confidence. The second stage of the second stage of the reverse repair, with the power of the Jiu Xing ancient blood, plus the power of the Taikoo's virtual sky, his strength, power Strong terrible.

Like the dust of the magic, the third level of the third level, it also controls a line of order rules.

However, it is necessary to have the power out of his full use of the order rules, and it is still nothing more than the sword.

Now the sword is unparalleled, and it is also the strongest blast rain in the Xuanluo sword.

Even if it is the dust of the migrant, it is estimated that it is only a copy of the direct shock.

But now I am playing with this alien, colliding with each other, a time ... Boom!

A strong force is along the sword unparalleled arm, and it is impacted in his body.

This unparalleled impact, the sword is unparalleled, and the anti-ring will stand firm.

After standing stabilizes, he couldn't help but look at himself a slap in the palm of his own, and the eyes flashed a shock.

"The one-to-herb is a claw, this power is never in the burn!" The sword is unimaced.

He is over, the latter strength is also above him, and the sword is unparalleled to burn the third level peak should be very close.

And now this is the pressure brought to him, and it is better than the burden.

After all, this antergee is not single, but it is not weak to burn, the key is that the speed is speed, which is too much to be fast.


The body shape of the ten meters high of the antergee disappeared again.

The sword has no double-finish, the power of the soul is covered, and it has already locked the body shape of the imperial imperial shape.

Immediately, the seven-handed Hongyin gold sword directly exploded.

The sword is unparalleled. It is better than that of this antergee. The gap is not small, but if he is a golden sword ... that is completely different.

The seven-handle Hong Yinjun is a seven golden light, and the cave is in the air, and it takes out the huge body of the imperial imperial body.

However, when this seven golden lights are about to shock on the antergee, but they see that this anterior animal shape is a few strange shakes.

These rocks have been shaken, and they are relaxed, like the darling of space, it is easy to sway the seven Handan Jinjian.


This scene, even if the sword is unparalleled, it feels a little incredible.

Obviously, this is not just a single speed, and the shape is flexible.


The sword is unparalleled, and the seven-handed Hong Yinjian that is avoided by the antergee is instantly rotating, and it will take the imperial imperial.

And his own body is emerging, and go directly toward the album.

In an instant, you will fight with this alien emperor.

This one is a beast and instantly launched a cruelty.

The most terrible thing that the antergea is its two bloody claws. The Tacrity is very sufficient, and it is enough to be easy to tear open, and the two claws are attacked, and the speed is fast, even if it is a sword. The fastest swordsmanship is like a demon, which is far more than, horrible.

Sorry, swords are unparalleled, but he is a football 18 arm, the 18th arm is unique, so that the sword is unparalleled to follow this alien emperor. The claws, together with the seven-handed Hong Kong sword in the surrounding madness, but it is also enough to be a battle with the antergee.

clang! clang! clang! Hey! Hey! ~~

Only heard a fierce confounded voice, the metal collision continued to echoing in the center of the battlefield.

Those bloody beasts around, one of them, showing the awe, but there is no other animal, dare to shoot at this time.

This battle is that the sword is unparalleled with the anterges.

Wink, the sword is unparalleled with the anterior emperor.

In this nearly half an hour, the sword is unparalleled with the anterges, and the battle is thousands of times, and the war is very mad.

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