Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2163 Blood Edge

Finally, the sword was unparalleled with the beast.

"Haha, happy, happy!"

The sword is unblocked in the bismuth, watching the antergee, the battle is extremely strong.

This battle, his fault is extremely happy, his strength is complete, there is no bondage showing.

And this alien emperor is indeed strong enough, in the just fierce battle, although it looks like the war, but actually sword is unparalleled, he is completely in the wind.

This is still because he got the genuine Hong Yinjian, the strength has improved a lot, and the seven hand of the seven Hong Hao Jinjian in the active battle is greatly involved.

Otherwise, just this battle, he is not just that it falls into the lower wind. It is definitely completely suppressed, or even crushed.

The odd emperor's scarlet eyes are also dead at this moment.

Although he is extremely angry because the sword has killed his many people.

But by this battle, he had to admit that he could not sword unparalleled.

He killed the sword and was unparalleled. Although it was a whole blood and fans, he did not allow the sword without a double, but the family will suffer more damage.

And some, that is, he is now hard to continue to fight.

The blood and blood is indeed an extremely strong enemy.

Whether it is strength, speed or defense, it is extremely terrible, but the blood is not really weak.

If it is really completely weak, in the ancient times, he will never just only the second-class foreign ethnic group.

He has a weakness, and the weakness is obvious, then it is the ability to continue to kill, it's too short!

The people of the blood and the whole family, the whole force broke out, the power consumption in the body is very amazing, like an ordinary blood stony, if it is full of fierce battle, the top can only do dozens of breathing, the power will consume light, and he is Blood parade, strong strength, plus the accumulation of long years, but also to fully exploit the fierce battle halfway.

I have already passed the half analog, and the remaining power is not enough.

"Human!" The blood of the blood opened, said that it was a thick human voice.

"Oh, will you talk?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is not unexpected.

Strengthening the blood parade, I have already opened my mind, perhaps because of the restriction of the beast, he can't completely turned into human form, but the language of the opening said that human language is still no problem.

"Human, you are slaughtering my ethnic group, what do you want to do?" The blood of the blood is cold.

"Tu Yu people? That is because they took the initiative to attack me, I only kill." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Here is the territory of our family, but someone breaks, and our people will kill them!"

The blood of the blood is low, "but according to the agreement between the people of the human being," all the strong people in the peak of the chaotic border are not to step on our territory, even if they want to go to the blood of the holy, then they have to be from our territory. Around the surrounding, but although it is true that it is only the middle stage of the chaotic border, your strength is strong, even I can't have you, this combat is directly into the territory of our family, it has violated you and my family. The agreement between! "

"Human, are you going to be with my blood and fight?"

The sword has no double look.

From the words of this blood, he heard a lot of information.

First, these bloody beasts are blood and blood, this blood is blocked is the territory of the blood, and this is the leader of the blood.

Second, the blood Huan Han has reached a special agreement with the Human Ethnic Group of the Hanhuangren, and the human emperor is not allowed to enter the land of the blood.

Third, it is also the most important point, this blood is just mentioned by the blood emperor.

Bloody holy place?

The sword has never heard of the three emperors, but this blood is obviously going to the emperor's holy place to pass through the surrounding blood of the blood.

"The blood parade, my agreement between your family and the human group did not know, even before entering this blood, I didn't know the existence of your blood, as for the war, of course, there is no idea. "The sword is unparalleled and explained.

The facts he said.

Before he entered the blood, he did not know this, he didn't heard of it.

"In this case, then please leave, and you must not step on the end of our leader in the future." The blood is low.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a lot of people who have killed the blood. If there is an ability, he will definitely hesitate to kill the sword without double.

Like just, he did not have a nonsense, and it took the picture directly to kill the sword.

It can be fought again. He found that he could not kill the sword. Even if he sets the power of the entire ethnic group, he may not kill death. Naturally he can only let the sword have left.

"Would you like me to leave?" The sword didn't touch the nose, "I am not in a hurry, the blood parade, there is something, I want to ask you, it is what you just said, the blood emperor, where is it? Is the inside? "

"You don't know the blood of the holy place?" The cold scorpion of the blood parade glanced at the sword, and the scorpion also flashed a different color.

In his opinion, the strength of the sword is inevitably the person of this world of human ethnic leaders, and it should be unknown to know that the blood emperor is, or even a few mans of the blood of the Holy Land, but the result ...

Also, the sword is unparalleled and does not know the agreement between the people and the human ethnic group, which is suspicious of the blood of the sword.

"Hey, I don't know what you have come. However, you killed our family so many people, now I want the emperor to answer your question, but it is an idiotic dream, human beings, hurry!" The blood is low. The horrible suffocation also swept.

At the surrounding blood parade, the dense Ma Ma will at least beast, and also stare at the sword with the scarlet eyes.

As long as the blood parachevity is, this thousand of bloody beasts is absolutely not hesitating directly, and there is no double tear into a fragment.

"Oh, the blood is emperor, don't be so big?" The sword is unparalleled but smile, "killing many people in your family, I am willing to pay sin, and even willing to pay some cost as compensation, but I just me Asking questions, still hope that you can answer me truthfully, otherwise ... "

"Otherwise, how?" "The blood of the blood is cold.

"Otherwise, I will stay in your territory, and I will find you every day. I will find a hundred wars of your family. Every time I killed a hundred, I have to look at your blood ink. I have to live in a few days. "The sword has no smile, but this smile is like a blade.

"You dare!" The blood parade was immediately angered.

"You can try it?" The sword was not double-sided but it became cold.


PS: Today's four is more!

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