For the blood, the sword is unparalleled, no hatred, easy to provoke.

However, the blood gods mentioned in the blood of the blood, and the Wancha Chaos World Camp is concerned, and the sword is unparalleled must be clarified.

So, he can only hegemony is very horizontal.

The blood of the blood is already silent at the moment.

He has a thousand people, and all of the chaotic bodies of the human world can be comparable to the mid-term power of the human world, and there is also a nine-level, plus his third level number. The emperor personally leaders, and the war is not strong.

Otherway, he has no absolute grasp to keep this human beings.

If this human beings are really in accordance with what he said, stay in the territory of his blood, and kill a day, he is afraid that he is really a way.

Thinking of this, although the blood parade did not dare, but only compromise.

"Human, if I have not guess, you are not a man with the blood emperor, isn't it?" The blood parade suddenly opened.

"Well." The sword has no double nodding, it is not available.

"Hey, the battle between your human beings is really crazy." The blood of the blood said, "I can take you again:" I can take you to the blood of the holy place, but the premise is that you may not be anything to our group . "

"Reassured, as long as they no longer attack me, I will naturally not shoot." The sword is unparalleled.

"Come with me."

The blood parade did not say more, but turned to the bluntly to the blood.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately followed it.

Under the leadership of the blood parade, the sword was unparalleled through a piece of jungle, spent half a day, and finally came to the deepest place of this blood, and the core.

"There is a bloody holy place." The blood of the blood said.

The sword is unparalleled, looking up over the front of the country.

The territory is also under the coverage of blood color fog, and the blood color is most embarrassing, but the sword is unparalleled, the void around the territory is a single bloody film, there is no doubt, the bloody film, It is a big array.

"Is there a big array, really is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

The blood of the blood is then said: "This bloody holy place, the old man is occupied by your human berf, although the territory of our family is around the blood of the blood, but the old man is the most The strong people have reached an agreement. My family will not step into this blood emperor's holy land, but the same, the monopos of the human territory is more than the strong, and you must not come out from the blood of the holy to the land. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

He saw that the bloody holy place is indeed a gathering of the human strong, and there should be a link outside the outside world.

The strong people in the three emperors do not need to pass the blood of the blood in the world, and it can still be used to enter this blood.

As this time, with the vast chaos world swept in the three emperors, a large number of three imperialisms received a message to the blood, but there is a hidden space channel in the periphery of the blood, it can be directly Entering the blood of the Holy Top, just this space channel sword is unparalleled, so he will break into the vectors of the blood.

"Blood banned, is the first forbidden land of the three imperial world, but he didn't expect the highest level of the three emperors to open a holy place in this blood." The sword is unparalleled. "

He guess that even in the third emperor, it is estimated that there are only the top leaders, and those gods, only the existence of this bloody holy place.

Those gods, God should be unknown.

However, with this battle, the three imperial circles were swept, the leaders of the three imperial circles, this only gave the blood of the holy place to use as the hidden in the three emperors.

"Since I found their hidden, it is good to do." The sword has a smile, and immediately let the nine emperor of the blood peeled sword, report.

"The hidden hidden in the three imperial borders, really in this bloody!" When the white emperor received this news, it was quite joy.

"I finally found it." Tianchen ancestors also sigh.

During this time, the strong people in the third impetus came to find a madness in the three emperors. It can be said that the whole three emperors will be turned over, but they still have not found the hidden hidden in the strong, but now I finally found it.

And since it has been found, it is naturally that the army is directly dispatched.

"Nine, you told the sword and unparalleled, I will immediately transfer the strong army of the chaotic world, killing the blood, but before this, he wants to solve it by the blood." White The emperor looked at the nineteen emperor.

"Yes." Nine nine emperor nodded.

Then I inform the sword and unparalleled information.

The sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear, the strong army of the vast chaotic world will kill the blood of the holy place, it is definitely to pass through the vectors of the blood.

When it comes, if it is rubbing with the blood of the blood ...

That is a third-level big emperor, nine first level, the second level of the big emperor, plus the lineup of the enemy's strength.

Such a lineup, even if it is ancient chaotic world camp, I am afraid I have to win.

"Blood parade."

The sword has seen the blood of the sword to see the past, and his face also has a gentle smile. "There is an unfortunate, I hope you can promise."

"What?" "The cold scorpion of the blood of the emperor glanced at the sword.

"My people, I will have to come to this blood, I will pass through your blood in the territory, so ... I hope that your family will be able to do it." The sword said.

"What is your person? It seems that you have to set off a battle in the blood insulation?" The blood of the blood is cold.

"Yes, and it is very fierce, it is called unsatisfactory decisive battle. If you want to come to your blood, you should not want to have to come to the war between my human beings?" The sword is unparalleled.

Blood paraderi, slightly, "I promise you, I will order it, give you a road to this blood emperor's holy place, let you pass, but one thing, I don't like it. This battle spread to our family. "

"My people will try to restrain, never wave yours, or those who are in your territory, but those people in the bloody holy place," said the sword unparalleled.

The blood of the blood glazed, he watched the sword and did not say more.

"The nine emperor, tell the white emperor, let them come in." The sword did not have a double command.


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