Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2165 Blood Emperor

In the Emperor City, after learning the bloody holy place in the bust of the strong people in the three emperors, Bai Emperor started to prepare.

Only less than two days, the strong army of the chaotic world is again assembled.

Then, it will be directly directed to the blood.

After they entered the blood of the blood, there was a feeling of the blood of the bloody holy land.

"The army of the chaotic world, arrived." Blood owner opened.

"Is it still coming?" Incinered, the dust of the devil is extremely cold, but did not feel unexpected.

They know that blood hosheng, although they are extremely strong, including that blood parade is extremely good, but the blood and crosses are not their camp, they want to stop the sword for them by the blood. It is impossible to stop the strong army of the chaotic world.

The army of the chaotic world will also kill this blood emperor sooner or later.

It's just more than they imagined, I have to come back.

"Blood Lord, have you been ready?" Incinered over.

"It's almost, next, just pay those things according to the plan, you can show the means." The blood main is cold.

Incinered, dusty king, cold, snow, sinking.

They are very clear, what is it?

"There is no way, for our purpose, the sacrifice will be sacrificed." Blood main voice is cold, "Go, let's prepare, don't take it, the strong army of the chaotic world will arrive."

Incinered, dusty king, cold, three people have left.

In this dim, only the blood owner is sitting quietly.

At this moment, his mouth is a smile, this smile is cold, which will make anyone's creepy.

"Hey, this emperor is carefully prepared for so many years, it is finally ... to start !!"


The blood is banned, the crisis is heavy, but the crisis of the blood hurts is the blood.

With the compromise of the blood parachev, the blood incense has given a road directly to the blood of the Holy Land in his territory, and there is no danger in this blood, there is no danger in this blood. All the way is unimpeded, so soon, I came to the Blood Huang Holy Land.

"Those strong people in the three imperial world are hidden here?"

The strong army of the Outdoor Chaotic World, the uniform strong people are staring at the territory under the front of the Big Array.

Even with the hindrance of the big array, they can still be able to induce a hidden breath hidden inside.

There is no doubt that there is a lot of power in the big array.

"Tibetan is really deep enough, who can think of these people will hide the first forces in these three milings." Jiu Han Lord smiled.

"Fortunately, there is a sword monarch to explore it, but also let the blood chaotic family make a step, otherwise, the strong people of the chaotic world camp want to determine this, it is not easy." Red Dragon smiled.

Many of the great emperors have also seen the swords, and they have admired.

Suddenly, the current sword is unparalleled in the vast chaotic world is definitely the day in the day.

These gods also worked orally.

"All, although we have found the hidden hidden in the three imperial borders, but it is still not very much." The sword is unparalleled, but he must know: "To know, the overall power of the three imperial camps, not weaker, though The battle of the last emperor, our camp is bigger, but the rest of the three emperors is still small, and this time is different from the last time. "

"The last time they have no preparation, this is taken by us, but this time they have prepared, so the next battle, for our camp, I am afraid it will be a bitter battle!"

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, the gods around you have nod, and the expression is alive.

For the three imperial cries, even have passed the three imperial cries that have lost heavy losses, they still don't dare to have a little psychological.

After all, this battle, the relationship is too great.

Once defeated, the vast chaotic world is completely completed.

"As far as I know, this bloody holy place is a space channel connected to the outside world, and the strong people in the three imperial circles must have been to the arrival of our army, but they did not choose to leave directly through the space channel, see, They want to be here, and we will finally do the final battle. "The sword is unbooled.

"This bloody holy land, has been in the control of the three emperors, and there is a big array of coverage. It is a decisive battle here. It is indeed unfavorable to our camp, but now this is the power of the three imperial camps. Out of the battle with us, it is impossible, we want to completely win the victory, just to defeat the three imperial bords, the only way. "Tianchen Laozu said.

"In this case, then the battle!" Bai Emperor is cold, "the command, directly attack, first to defeat this bloody holy place!"


Tianchen old ancestors led.

Subsequently, the power of the soul covers the entire Out of Chaotic World Army, ordered the first time.

In an instant, the many strong people of the strong army, including many emperors present, they have worked.

A strong attack, did not have a special battle amplitude, is an incomparable attack, but the attack is the same direction of the big array.

boom! ! !

The horrible roar, and immediately burn it throughout the world.

During the bloody holy land, in the arrival of the big army of the Outstanding Chaos World, many strong people in the three emperors have also gathered together.

The three imperial camps, the original, the whole strength is not weak than the ancient chaotic world.

It can be passed through the battle of the Emperor, and then, the long-term chaotic world army will sweep in the three imperial circles, killing a lot of strong, and the three imperial cries have a heavy loss.

It is still not enough to gather in this bloody holy place.

The gods of the three thousand people are less than 3,000.

As for the Emperor level, there is only twenty people who don't count the few leaders.

These lineups, compared to the current Outdoor Chaotic World Camp, it is indeed a big difference.


When the huge roar sounded, the strong people of these three imperial camps in the blood emperor were almost asked.

"Is it started to attack the big array?"

The blood main station is at most top, looking at the big array of swaying in front of the front, looks slightly, looks around, and the cold voice is also issued from his mouth.

"The medicinal medicine that has just given you, now it is directly swallowed."

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