Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2166 final battle, broke out!

In the blood of the blood, nearly three thousand strong people took a scarlet medicine in his hand and looked at each other.

This Tan medicine is just given to them, and each person has one.

Blood owners only said that this Dan medicine has a lot of trend, but the specific effect, but did not tell them.

Now the decisive battle is about to begin, the blood owner will let them swallow the medicinal medicine, which makes them some hesitating.

"What to do one is, I don't hurry!"

A low drink suddenly sounded, and it is naturally the dust of the rain, and it is accompanied by a horrible pressure.

These three imperialisms are all one.

Although they don't know what this Dan medicine is in the end, but for the worship and trust of the three emperors, someone will swallow this scarletan medicine.

See someone took the lead, the rest of the people, naturally also started to swallow.

Even even the 20th emperor, I also swallowed the medicinal medicine one by one.

See this, the blood owner, the dust is satisfied with the laugh.


It is also an unprecedented dramatic roaring.

The big array around the blood of the blood is indeed very strong, even if it is the third level of the big emperor, it is extremely difficult to defeat.

But now, the Outdoor Chaos World Camp is a strong attack on more than 4,000 people to achieve the gods.

Although there is no combination of the array, you can use a purely shot, this power is also strong.

After two rounds of attack, this big array has risen.

Subsequently, immediately is the third round of attack!


This big array finally crashed.

"Killing in!"

Bai Di's magnificent voice echoed.

"Kill!" "Kill!"

Many strong people in the world, it is like a buck, and it is straightforward.

The three imperial world, that swallows nearly three thousand strong people in Dan medicine, under the leadership of many great emperors, and instantly attacked.

The two sides camp, all added, more than 7,000 energy, the Emperor participated in the war is more than 50.

The blink of an eye has been collided.

This final decisive battle between the two sides of the courage and death, finally broke out!

"Haha, die!"

Jiu Han Lord's Dark Beast, the boundless darkness covered nearly one-third of the battlefield, there is no darkness to form a root-root thorn, killing the strong people in the three imperial circles around the world, almost instantly There are ten strong people die in his hand.

At the end of the final battle, the Jiu Hero, these greats will not take into account their own identity, one by one, all out of their strength, as long as you encounter the strong people of the other party, no matter whether it is the emperor, or Those gods, God emperor, will kill innocent.

Of course, the big power of the three emperors is also the same.

And these great emperors are very easy to stand together in the battlefield.

Like now, the Jiu Han Lord just rushed into the battlefield, a bald man like a wild beast appeared in front of him, this is one of the second level of the third level of the three emperors, Ling Zong.

"Is you?" The nine holy owner sinks, staring at Ling Zong, but immediately smile, "When I saw you, I just just a big emperor, but now I have already joined it. The second level, today is going to fight with you! "

After finishing, the Jiu Han is moving directly.

In an instant, you will be together with Ling Zong.

Other battlefields, the second level of the second level of the God, Red Dragon King, Chen Xing, Black Emperor, and the first level of many ancient chaotic world camps have also fully shot, and the other Emperor is crazy.

As for those ordinary gods, God, their fierce battle is even more fierce.

"Justian arrow, ready!"

Among the fierce battles, Tianchen old ancestors rushed to the order.

The three giant bow is in the edge of the battlefield. As the footsteps of ten largest people put the power into, the three destroyed arrows have been completed.

In an instant, these three arrows broke out.

The speed is incredible, and finally bombards the three emperors in the three emperors.

As a result, two great emperories were directly killed, and there was no big emperor, but they also suffered from heavy.

"Star God is dispatched!"

"Prison Dragon Flag Preparation!"

Tianchen's ancestor will reach a piece of order, the many big cards of the vast chaotic world camp, have taken it out, and give the three milrence strikes at the critical time.

Of course, there are many big cards in the world, and the three imperial camps are natural.

The last time the Emperor Wars, just because there is no time to prepare, there is no use.

But now it is different.

"Blood bone dragon, dispatched!"

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

A deafening roar sounded in succession, and then there was a tremendous blood color in the battlefield, and only the skeleton of the skeleton.

This ten bloody dragon, every breath is stronger, and each is almost very powerful.

But it is a foot 10.

"Destroy the soldiers, come!"


There was a three giant rang on the battlefield, and it was obedient with three hormones.

These three-headed big samples are black, but they are human models, wearing black war helmets, holding black long guns, ups to have no compassion, and there are thousands of feet.

The breath of destroying the earth is emitted from these three destruction.

Destroy the gods, is the war weapon in ancient times.

The three destruction of the gods now, although only the lowest destruction of the hierarchy, but still need to be a strong force in the supreme chaos to be controlled.

Once manipulated, these three destruction of the gods are enough to explode the power of the second level, and the fighting power is unparalleled!

Blood bone dragon, destroy the gods ...

A wide variety of bottom cards come out from the three imperial camps, and the bottom cards that are not taken out of the chaotic world camp are weak.

In fact, the ghost tool in the three emperors is not only these. There are a lot of bottom cards to be in the emperor city. As so far, the Emperor is lost, those base cards naturally fall into the ancient chaotic world camp. In your hand, there are now many cards that have been taken out by the ancient chaotic world camp and deal with them.

This battle, the heat of the war, the faint, secretly.

The whole blood emperor has been completely reduced to a ruin.

Even outside the blood of the Holy Land, the blood of the blood invented the blood of the blood is also affected.

Many strong people's wars, the diffuse power, has been impacted to the rushing of the blood in the world.

Fortunately, a few people in the blood, under the leader of the blood, gathered to the edge of the blood, which was not involved in this flusky battle.

"The internal battle of the human ethnic group is really crazy."

The blood parade was there, and he felt the endless power from the blood emperor's holy land, even if he was dark.

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