Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2167 is not strong

Above the void of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled, the white emperor, Tianchen old ancestors stand together, and the sword is behind the sword.

"There are many big cards with the three royal borders, are not weak." The sword didn't look at the three giant destruction of the gods in the distance, could not help but sigh.

"It is not weak, this is because of the relationship between the Emperor falls into our camp. Otherwise, their means will be more." Tianchen Lao Zu said: "But even so, they take the bottom sign with us. It's almost the same, and even the faint camp is also stronger. As for the killing of both parties, our camp is a absolute advantage. "

The sword is unparalleled, and he also seen it.

Those gods that threw boiled, no matter whether it is a battle in God, God, the battle of God, or on the battle of the Emperor, and the ancient chaotic world camp occupies an absolute advantage, and this is still expanding. .

After all, the number of strong people in the camp, the quality is not small.

If you continue to kill it, I am afraid that I haven't used it for a long time. Top for more than half a day, the three imperial camp will defeat the whole line.

"Now, it is too early, know that the leaders in the three imperial world have not yet happened." White Emperor said, "On the highest level of the third level of power, our camp, but Not as good as they. "

Tianchen Lao Zu and swords will look back.

The third level of the big battle is ..............................................................

One side of the three emperors, known to have blood owners, burn respect, dust, magic, bar, and four.

Among them, the strength of the blood is also very close to Bai Emperor, and the burning force is more stronger than the sword.

"Blood owner's means, even if I personally shot, I don't necessarily have absolute grasp, so if I truthfully fight, I am afraid that he is enough to entangle me." Bai Emperor said.

"If I put it all my best, I can try to burn respect, dust, the dust, the devil, but it is estimated that it will be very reluctant, as for the last Balk, his strength, sword, can you stop him? "The sword has no double turned to the sword."

Sword, it is itself the second level of the peak war, and the strong people left in ancient times, the means is good.

"You can try it." The sword said.

"So, the four third-level great emperors of the three emperors, we can find a way to block it, but the four third-level numbers, there is one person, have you noticed?" Bai Emperor suddenly Tao.

There is no double eyeliner, and immediately see it in the distance.

There, there is five shadows standing side by side.

In addition to blood owners, burning, dust, magic, and Baron four people, there are the last person.

That is a blizzard, a woman with perfect body!

"Cold as snow !!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the amazing Li Mang, the dead is solidified in the only woman in those people.

The cold, as if the snow, the Buddha, I also missed the sword, the eyes, and I watched the sword unparalleled, but the corner of the mouth was a light smile.

"It's a bit wrong." The sword is not double-faced.

"What happened?" Bai Di looked at him for the first time in Tianchen.

"Do you have found that these leaders in the three emperors are too calm?" The sword said unparalleled.

"Too calming?" Bai Di wrinkled with Tianchen old ancestors, look carefully, the next two eyes are also slight.

Indeed, the leaders of the three emperors are very calm.

A look cold, can't see the color.

"Strange, according to the truth, the three imperial camps have been completely disadvantage. The leaders of the three imperial circles should have to hurry to see their way, but they can see their appearance, but it seems that they are not anxious." Tianchen old ancestors Wrinkle.

You know, this decisive battle, but the life and death of the two sides of the camp.

Like a sword, there is a unparalleled, Bai Emperor, Tianchen ancestors, one anxiously.

I only hope that the self-causing camp will get absolute advantages and defeat the other party.

But what about blood owners?

They look like any urgent or nervous.

"Don't you worry about the disadvantages of your own camp? Or say that there are other big cards in their hands." The sword is unparalleled.

"The three imperial bords are prepared for so many years, and the means are deeply unspeakable. If there are other base cards, it is enough to reverse the entire battle," We must have a prevention. "Bai Di's eyes are cold," Tianchen, you hurry Let our camp are very cautious, letting our emperors are always wary, be careful about their big movements. "

"Okay." Tianchen's grandmather mainly, and also said: "Reassure, even if they are really different, there is also the same, don't forget, the three emperors, I have never ever. Use it. "

"Emperor?" Bernard smiled slightly.

This emperor is that he is manual, and its intrinsic is his full blow!

However, his strength is too strong, and now, it is difficult to remember his fullness of his full hits, and even even the general attacker is difficult to refine, and even I am lucky to make one or two, but I want to integrate the power of the emperor into the governor, there is still a very high failure chance.

This also leads to that there is almost no gains that have a full hit of the great chaotic world.

Top more special treasures, spending the cost of the big cost contains some of the power of the emperor, and then there is a powerful emperor to guide the way, and force can reach the power of the emperor. It is similar to such an attack, but the attack of this means is compared to the enemy, or the gap is very large.

As for the reason why Bernande can refine the emperor, it is because it is fortunate from the ancient battlefield.

He spent a long time, trying again and again, and finally will refine three emperors. Other gains are ruined because of refining failure, but destroyed.

"These three emperors, now they have mastered a two great emperor, with a peak emperor, this three people are now scattered, respectively, in the three corners of the battlefield, no matter which one There is a big change in the corner, they can immediately use the emperors, and they should be able to cope. "Tianchen Laozu said.

"This is good." Bernard nodded slightly.

But the sword is not blessed, but it is still quite cold.

He always feels that the calm of the leaders of the three emperors and is not just that it is.


PS: Today's four is more!

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