"White Emperor, we must immediately send orders, let our people, quickly withdraw!" Bai Emperor lowned.

"It's too late." The sword is unparalleled, "this decisive battle is too fierce, our camp strong is too scattered, completely forms an exclamation with the three imperialism, this situation, want to retreat ,Totally impossible."

This is a battle!

Don't die, the battle.

The two sides did not completely defeat the other party before, and they were willing to prepare.

Therefore, both parties are scattered in the corners of the battlefield.

In this situation, any party wants to retreat to the whole body, it is impossible.

What's more, now all the strong people in the three imperial camps have fallen into the madness, and the strength has skyrocketed, and the enemy is not divided, and crazy kills.

In this crazy kill, the power of the vital chaotic world camp is really chance to retreat, it will inevitably pay an incredible price.

"The sword is unparalleled, now I want to go back too late, I don't want to integrate the strength, I will fall into the three emperors of the madness, all destroy!" White Emperor said: "They are in the middle of the madness, There is no reason, don't know how to think, but also the enemy, let us use this, strive to let the madness of the three imperial circles to kill! "

"Good." Tianchen's old ancestors nodded, even if they were ordered.

"Quick, join hands, join hands!"

"Don't kill them first, but first join hands to try to save as much as possible, let these crazy demones first, and they are almost the same, we will pick up the resumption."

"First save, don't impulsive, don't fever!"

A large number of strong people in the battlefield will act immediately.

Three imperialisms that have been caught in the madness, the fight is strong, and this is hard to fight hard, and that is to die.

On the contrary, the power of the vital chaotic world is just a single-bursting, so that these madness of the enemy is self-discovery, but it is definitely the best way.

On the battlefield, the strong people of the ancient chaotic world have come up.

Under their guidance, those who have fallen into the three imperial borders of madness have indeed been crazy.

The situation in the battlefield seems to be stable again.

"Switch? Just wait for these madness to kill the same, our people will take the initiative to attack." Tianchen Laozu spit.

"I am afraid it is not so easy." The sword is unparalleled but shook his head.

The white emperor next to it is also extremely cold.

In no matter whether the sword is unparalleled or Bai Emperor, their eyes did not look at the battlefield, but to see the voids in the forefront of the battlefield, the three emperors.

"They, what is the idea?" Bai Emperor Shen Sheng.

"Let the power in your hand, all become mad, crazy killing, these people, it is enough, enough." The sword is unparalleled, and the hands are flashing, flashing a strange emotions.

I have to know that one of the big leaders in the third impetus is that it is cold.

"This should be their base card?" Tianchen old ancestral road.

"Should not only end these, after all, let these strong people in the three imperial circles become madders, crazy killing, but they are also enemies, I don't divide it, just like this, I can't win the victory, they do this, there is no other purpose. The sword is unmatted.

And in the void, the blood owner, the burn, the dust and the devil three people are indifferent.

"The high-rise of the vital chaotic world is very smart. I know that the power of the squat first will save life, wait for us to finish the residual kill, then pick up the residence." The blood owner smiled.

"Hey, they think this is the way? Tianzhen." Burning disadpelling.

Sure enough, in the battlefield, many crazy madness of crazy killing, with time, their strength is getting stronger.

The most important thing is that their strength is getting more and more violent, more and more crazy.

The unprecedented crazy, full of battlefields.

Subsequently ... Boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the threshold of the terrorist explosion sounded, and the violent to the extreme ability was sweeping around.

These violent capacity coverage are too wide, and there are many strong people in the world's chaotic world.

In an instant, at least dozens of strong people were falling on the spot, and many people were seriously injured.

This scene, made the battlefield from the power of the vital chaotic world camp.


"These madness, actually burst?"

"not good!"

"Be careful!!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! ~~

It is also a continuous explosion of dense numbness.

Self-explosion, only when you must die in wise, in order to give a minimum damage, you will choose self-explosion, and you will erupt horror horror in destruction.

But in fact, all of the scenes are the chaotic bid, and it is a top power, which is a step in practice. How is it.

Unless there is a final way, there is no way, who is willing to self-explosion?

In addition, even if someone chooses self-explosion, this self-explosive power is more equivalent to the whole force of one or more, and the power is not completely concentrated, and it is possible to give the other side's early injury, so normal situation. Next, no matter in the vital chaotic world or in the third emperor, it is very few assessed, or heard that there is strong to choose self-explosion.

But now, a power of the three immersions of the madness, but they are directly self-explosion.

Moreover, the madness of these three impersonas has accumulated the ultimate, and the power of the power is already violent. Subsequently, the power of self-explosion is more than they once, at least ten times!

For example, an ordinary god is strong, if it is usually, he will have a good power of a peak god.

But now, in the state of madness, a Shenjun's self-burst, the powerful power is comparable to the full blow of an emperor.

If a god emperor is self-burst, that Wei Neng, barely can reach the emperor level.

And if the emperor has exploded ... is a horrible.

On the gait, even after the prior fierce battle, the remaining three-way strong, the remaining three-way strong, there are more than ten times, and the emperor is more than Hundreds of people.

So many strong people, in the middle of the madness, have been self-explosion?

Destroy the earth!

boom! boom! boom! Boom ~~~

The self-explosion of dense numbness is in the ear, and the entire battlefield is in an instant to fall into the horizontal power cover.

In the center of the battlefield, many strong people from the vast chaotic world camp are completely baptized by these violent energy.

Time, a scream of screaming and screaming, loudly.

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