Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2170 is falling, fierce!

Battlefield edge.

The sword is unparalleled, the white emperor, Tianchen old ancestors looked at the battlefield that was completely in violent abilities, listening to the horror explosion of the ears.

Three people are ignorant.

They want to save, but they are not coming.

And this battlefield is too big, and even if there is a chance to shoot, it can be saved in an instant.

In their sight, the vast chaotic world is a lot of power, falling under the self-explosion of madness.

" !"

The sword has no double eyes, and looks to one of the directions.

The Emperor I didn't hesitate to get a replenishment of the Tiandong, and unfortunately, but it is endless to become an emperor.

After the beginning of this war, the Jena Differen's Emperor must rush in the forehead, and he is now the core battlefield.

As a result, the three strong people around him were self-burst. In the three three-way strong, there was an emperor who was close to the peak level, an ordinary emperor, plus a peak god, while exploding, And it is close to him.

Almost in an instant, the Emperor of the Emperor and the other God around him were killed by these three strong people.

At the same time, the big energy of the Stars is gathered together.

Among them, there is a sword that is unparalleled, the Nie Yun Dynasty, the Lord, Jiuyin God, Xuanwu God Emperor and others. At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, the disciples have broken through the ,

Several people teamed up to form a battle, and they also killed in this battlefield.

But now, in the vicinity of the emperor plus a goddess, at the same time, it is more self-explosion, and there is a great emperor in their distance. Although the great emperor is far more, there are still many power toave. They are above the battle.

Under the impact of such terrorist power, their battles collapsed.

"No !!" The sword has no double-faced.

The battle of the battle, the horrible power of the throne, the victims of the stars swept.

Although the universal of the star, although we can fight, but the power is sweep, the top of the nine Yin God, Xuanwu God, the main three people of Nie Yun Demo, but directly die, and the temple It is good to be lucky, and it is barely survived, but it also suffered from heavy.

"Jiuyin, Nie Yun, Xuanwu ..."

The sword is unhealthy in the blood, but it can only be strong.

The same is the same next to the white emperor next to him.

The same scene, also appeared in the corner of this battlefield.

A large number of strong people are falling under the self-explosion of the mad, and they are still in the strong! !

You know, there is no shortage of the big enemies in those who have fallen into the madness.

The self-burst of these emperors is the same, it is difficult to resist.


The sword is unparalleled to look at a whole body skin, like a high man who covers a layer of flames, in the self-explosion, the body collapses, and the vitality is broken.

That high man is the full of the Shengshi.

When the sword is unparalleled, I just broke through the seventh step of the reverse repair, and I also had a respect of this, and even the latter.

But the same is a member of the Shengling, and the two sides are naturally standing in the same camp.

Now, this has fallen.


The sword is unparalleled and looks at one person.

That is the witch owner.

Originally, it is not to be the SAR, but because after the vital chaotic world crisis revealed, he did not hesitate to join the St. League camp, and fight with them.

On this battle, the manifestation of the Warrior's performance is not too easy, but it has made his greatest efforts.

With a great emperor of the three emperors, he is not in the ten meters away from himself. The self-explosive power is 90% of his life, he also fell on the spot.

"Battle King!" The sword was unparalleled and shaved again.

Not only single human beings, the strong people of the Special Ethnic Union also suffered devastating strikes.

The war king is the nine-star god of his ancient people.

Although there is no long-term breakthrough, but because of the innate advantages of the ancient gods, the war is extremely strong, but now, the same fall.

An emperor, a strong strong in the world of Outdoor Chaos, and each of them has a strong strength and is also extremely effective in life life.

However, hundreds of thousands of hardcore, hundreds of mad are now self-explosion, destroy everything!

This horrible mode, even if the emperor is hard to resist.

The intensive explosive sound produced by self-burst continued to have a few breathing time, and finally stopped.

The battlefield in front of me is terrible.

The power of horror and violent, still flooding in the various corners of the battlefield, half rang, these violent power are gradually dissipated.


The entire battlefield is already completely quiet.

The sword is unparalleled, the white emperor, Tianchen old ancestors three have been scarlet, they look at the battlefields in front of them.

On the battlefield, the original vast chaotic world camp has more than 4,000 strong people, and the three thousand strong people are crazy.

But now, still saves the breath, people standing there, even two thousands have.

Among them, there are nearly three thousand strong camps, including those gods, all of which are all falling, and there is no survival.

Ling Zong, like the second level, is also self-explosing.

The rest of this nearly two thousand strong people are all the ancient chaotic world, but compared to the strong army of more than 4,000 people before ... falling in full! ! !

Even if it is almost two thousand strong people, it is also a weakness, and it is obviously hierarchical, and some seem to fall at any time.

No one can keep the peak.

Even if the strength is a strong Jiu Hosheng, Red Dragon King, the God, Chen Xing, Black Emperor, these second-level big emperors have also suffered heavy.

Especially the black royal, before, in the Emperor Town, she was injured, and she had not completely recovered. Now he is hurt here, and the situation is extremely miserable. It is necessary to recover immediately, and her black dragon is another big emperor. Then it was fallen.

The big master, serious injury! ! !

"Years !!!"

The white emperor trembled, almost two words from the teeth.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is tricky, and it is a killing.

And his two eyes are turned into lightning, and they look at the end of the void.

Not only they, the Tianchen old ancestors next to the battlefield, there are also strong people who live in the battlefield. At this moment, they also look up. With the endless anger and killing, death is dying. .

That piece of empty, standing five people.

These five people, planning everything!

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