Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 217, reverse blood!

In the past, all the strong people in the chaotic world were angry, standing in the five figures, except for the squid, others, other four, including the cold, and the snow is extremely indifferent.

"Hey, it's a little dead." Blood owner is lightly admired, and his mouth has evacuated a strange smile.

"These people, but the strong people accumulated in the three emperors, but now ..." The dust is gently sigh, but the expression is not changed.

"I first made this world with the price, I was prepared today. Although these strong people are already falling, but as long as they have played their own roles, they are also dead." Tao.

"You have a few, it is really cruel." Cold as the snow swept this three people.

"Cruel? Hey, little girl, you don't say we have three, don't forget your own identity, if your physical fit is completely played, the degree of destruction is, afraid that it is better than me, is it better than me? "Blood owner laughed.

Cold as a snow, but there is no more to say.

"Well, the blood is the master, the sacrifice, the blood, should it be enough?" Burned the past.

"Well, I am reluctant, just reach the request." Blood owner smiled.

Wen said, burning the dust, the dust, the magic, is a big joy.

"It's a look, you can use the hand." Burning a smile.

On the other side, the sword is unparalleled to look at the expression of the blood of the people.

When I saw the smile on the face of the blood, the heart of the sword lost a bad feeling.

"These beasts are ready for it?" The sword didn't drink.

In his opinion, in a special means, transform themselves into the madness of only killing, and finally died in ignorance and pain.

This kind of act is not different from the animal.

But at the same time, he also known that since the blood owner is so actually, it must be a purpose.

It is impossible to just give him a huge damage to him in front of him.

There is definitely some means, or the blood owner has been preparing for anything.

The white emperor next to him is also dignified to Tianchen's old ancestors. They also see this.

At this time, !

Under the gaze of many strong people, the blood owner finally moved.

He joined the steps, and it was easy to appear in the center of the battlefield, and those who were scattered on the battlefield had already retired from the edge, and they went behind the swords, and they went behind them.

The center of the battlefield, the blood owner is alone with his hands, proudly standing there, the face is with a strange smile.

"White Emperor, sword is unparalleled, remember before in the Emperor City, this seat is telling you?" Blood mainly hit.

The sword is unparalleled with the white emperor.

If the blood owner left, they certainly remember.

"Hey, this is said, when you meet, you will give you a big surprise, but just that surprise, how? You are still satisfied?" The blood main smiled.

The sword is unparalleled with white emperor, but the killing of the body is getting more and more strong.

"Blood owner, don't you have anything, do you have any means, come out." Bai Emperor lowned.

"Mean? Of course, and you will see it right away." Blood owner smiled.

At the same time, he laughed, at his foot, but it was a crazy tremble.

"Is this?" The many strong faces of the vast chaotic world are changed.

"Is the bottom, there is a change in the bottom?" The sword has no double instant reaction, and the eyes directly overlook the ground below, and his strength of his soul is also penetrated directly into the ground.

Soon, he found the source of geoscumic trembling.

Then, it is a big array in the bottom of the ground, and a bloody is incomparable.

This big array is slowly moving upwards.

Originally in the depths of the ground, more than thousands of miles, but now there is less than a thousand miles from the ground, and continue to rise up.

After a while, it is no less than 100 miles away.

"This big array, when did you appear?" The sword has no double silence.

"A very strange big array, even I can't see it, and I have to smash this blood emperor with the power of the soul before, and naturally, it also includes the depths of this blood emperor, but I have not found this at all. The Barmine is also cold.

Bai Emperor is the strongest of the ancient chaotic world camp, and it is also reversible, and the strength is deeply effective.

In terms of the power of the soul, it is also extremely very good, and the strength of the threshold is stronger than the sword.

Otherway, it is the bottom of the soul to sweep this blood emperor, and there is no big squat, the blood color is really deep enough.

! !

The ground fierce has spread a dramatic roar, and it is directly raised from the bottom of the ground to see a huge blood color method.

On this blood color, the diffuse blood energy is extremely rich, carefully, those bloody energy, it is made of a drop of blood.

Looking at the blood color law in front of it, no matter whether the sword is unparalleled or white emperor, and there are people present, there are those who are good at the array of laws, and they can see the way.

"What is this about? I have never seen it?" A Shen Emperor who is good at the array is exciting.

"I feel that this big array seems to be strong, but why will I wait for me to have such a strong sense of horror?"

"This big array is not true."

A sound is sounded.

Many strong people in the vital chaotic world, they are solemn.

"Bai Emperor." The voice of the blood is again raging again. "You know why this seat will open up a bloody holy place here, and why do you want this final battle?"

Bai Emperor is not a contract, "Is it for this big array?"

"Smart." Blood main smile, "I will introduce you, this big group is not from the ancient times, nor is it from your vital chaotic world, but this is a long-lasting years of rushing, thus creating it. One of the words, as for the name of this big array, I have never thought of it, but I think it is good today, it's name, it is called reverse blood. "

"Reverse blood big array?"

Bai Emperor, sword is unparalleled, and the many strong people present are for a look.

No wonder they can't see this big array. It turns out that this big array is created by this blood, and has just been found, the name is not taken.

However, although they don't know what the blood owners have come to this big array, they want to do it, but from the movement of the blood master ... This big group will never be simple.


PS: Today's four is more!

The real war is about to start, everyone will wait and see.

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