Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2175, a blood color


Looking at it is still intact, the inverse blood of the reverse blood, the many strong people of the ancient chaotic world, are all silent.

The sword is not frightened, and it is closely wrinkled.

And at this time ...

"Sword is unparalleled!"

A drizzle came from the surrounding void, but it was that there was a dusty magic king of the soul attack, and there was no double behind the sword.

Dust and rain, magic, glamorous, burning a raging angry, "Kid, if this is too large, this sky is limited, even the soul intensity of this seat is greatly limited, otherwise, you will attack this soul, you think you have affected you. This seat? "

The dusty magic is really exempt.

To know, he is the strong who left the ancient times.

On the realm, he has long been surpassing the level of Chaos, but he is limited by heaven and earth, his strength, power is suppressed to half the emperor.

But this world is limited, not only the power is limited, even the body, even his soul, is also limited to the top of the emperor.

Because of this, the previous white emperor can hurt him, the sword is unparalleled, the soul attack can hurt him.

If it is his peak state, even if you stand there, you don't show up, and the white emperor, the sword will take him a little way.

The dusty magic is angry, but the sword that he is staring is unparalleled, but it does not pay attention to him.

Instead, continue to stare at the reverse blood of the front.

"Even the power of the Northern Emperor, there is no way to make this reverse blood, you want to completely break this big array, unless the white emperor is completely tailored, the most unscrupulous display is constantly bombarding this big The array may be possible. "

"But the Northern Emperor was hurt by the blood, and the two people were burn, and they came out at all."

"And I, if you can display the trick, maybe you can force this big array, but that trick ..."

Swordless is unfolded.

His base card has a lot, and the strongest base card, there is no doubt that it is a secret.

He made a third volume of Star Secrets, showing it, enough to let his own attack, play a thousand times of power.

With his current strength, we will fully use the third volume of the soul of the emperor, and then cooperate with the stars secretary, which is completely much stronger than the fullness of the White Emperor, and it should ruin this big array.

However ... the stars secret, he has used it shortly! !

Just in the three militaries, in the Emperor, in order to destroy the crimp, he showed a stars secret, and it was less than a hundred years.

Star secrets can not be easy, especially in the third volume, once a next time, etc., it is necessary for thousands of years.

Now in just a hundred years, the sword is unparalleled, there is no reply, and it is naturally unable to use.

Therefore, this possibility is now nothing.

On the other battlefield next to, Bai Emperor, Blood Lord, bunning three people have also stopped.

Blood ownership with the two people in this moment, there is a bit of wolf, while the white emperor is still in the sky.

"The sword is nothing?"

The blood main is turned, and I launched the sword. "This little guy fell to the resort. I have already revealed many means to follow strength. I didn't expect him to hide it. His soul attack, even dust I can't resist it when I rain. "

"But fortunately, I absorb so many cultural vesicles, I have already become extremely tough, and I haven't confuse this big array. Otherwise, it is really bad Happily. "

The Bai Di's face is indifference.

Everything happened over the sword, he naturally looks in the eyes.

The sword is not very dazzling. The soul attack is also appropriate. With the soul attack, I found out the opportunity to attack the reverse blood.

However, when I saw the sword, I took out my refining emperors, and I fell, but I still didn't shake the reverse blood. His heart was immediately sinking.

"Blood Lord, you are bigger, what is going to do?" Bai Emperor lowned.

"Want to know? Then I will become all you." Blood owner smiled, "It's almost the same, it should be started."


When I heard this, the burning of the next side, and the dusty magic of the dust is full of surprises.

"Haha, reverse blood big array, start!"

Blood owners smile, the sound echoed throughout the world.

Under the guidance of his mind, the reverse blood of the original is running is actually slowly rising, and it will continue to go up.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled, the heart is getting more and more strong, but he doesn't have a way.

He couldn't stop the reverse blood of the rebellion.

Don't say that it is him, even if it is a white emperor, the same is the same.

The white emperor has been fully out of power, but the blood owner and the burning is exhausted, but he blocks him down.

Many strong people in the world's chaotic world camps, there is no weakness, there is nothing left in the war, and it is equally weak.

They can only look at the reverse blood of the reverse blood.

Finally, this reverse blood has appeared in the top sky, and only a moment of engraving, but it is completely integrated into the top of the sky.

"This big array, integrating into the heavens and the earth?"

Many strong people in the vast chaotic world are all.

The sword is unparalleled.

His mountain river community map, show, and it is also integrated into the surrounding world.

But this reverse blood is full of mountains and rivers.

After the blush, after integrating around the world, it will completely disappear, the only thing left is only the existence of a small blood whirlpool.

And at the same time, everyone is in a puzzling.

From the small blood color whirlpool, a full of bloody shun is swept away.

This bloody light is like a slow-free bloody, which is crafted in the sky and earth in the sky.

In an instant kung fu, it has been completely covered with the sky of the blood emperor, and continues to spread towards the Holy Land.

In the blink of an eye, the whole blood is covered by this bloody long river, but this is still not the end, even just a starting point.

The blood-colored long river is not hindered, and crazy moves towards the endless land of blood.

Three emperors, 12th states, eighty four gods, 3,300, how is it?

But with the diffuses of this bloody, a seat area, a seat god, and even a state, all covered by this bloody long river.

A short film, this bloody long river has already filled the corner of the three emperors.

The sky above the whole three emperors is also thoroughted for a blood color! ! !


PS: Today's four is more!

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