Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2176 Crazy under the blood

Suddenly the dramatic change, it also produced a huge turning in the three emperors.

"What's wrong?"


"Bloody sky, this is a big sign."

Numerous cultivars in the three emperors looked up and looked at the sky.

The sky has been completely covered under a layer of blood, as if wearing a bloody clothes.

And that is filled with blood light on the sky, it is still very unparalleled.

Bloody holy place.

"Good guy, this blood light actually covered the entire three imperial boundaries? This blood is the master, what to do?" Tianchen old ancestors low.

The strong army of the Outdoor Chaos World, although it has already killed this bloody holy place, but in the three emperors, there is still a small part of the strong, pay attention to the movement of the three emperors.

Now, this blood light covers the entire three imperial news, he is naturally aware of the first time.

In the front, the white emperor is extremely cold with the sword.

They also received news, and the two people are getting more and more uneasy.

As for the blood of the blood, it is ever smile to the end, no one knows what he thinks.

"Hey, killing, to start." Blood owner said coldly.

When I heard this, the white emperor and the sword were unbolded.

He is around around and does not detect what changes occur.

However, in the third emperor at this moment ...

A ordinary territory, the depths of the mountains, have a Zhuangzi.

One of the Zhuangzi.

A little girl who seems to be only 11 or two, a little girl with a braid, standing on a empty floor, looking up at the sky above.

"Hey, come and see, you come and see, the sky is color, change the color." The little girl shouted.

In a house house in the rear of the little girl, a middle-aged man wearing a simple gray dress came out, the middle-aged man came to the little girl, and he looked at the sky, but it was a doubt.

"What is going on?" Middle-aged man murs, but the eyes are gradually getting different.

At this moment, the little girl next to him, but it was awkward, and Zhang opened his mouth directly to the middle-aged man's waist.

Middle-aged man dodgeously, actually biting this little girl in an instant.

"Red, what do you do?" The middle-aged man hurts.

But he immediately discovered that his daughter was completely distorted, the original clear and bright eyes were completely turned into a bloody, and it was full of madness. It didn't care about the middle-aged man. It is again to move toward the middle-aged man.

It seems like a wild beast.

At this moment, the middle-aged man is gradually covered by blood, after a while, it is also completely crazy, and the little girl is fiercely killed.

And very fast, he personally handed the little girl, killing it.

Subsequently, this crazy middle-aged man is crazy to fly to others.

This middle-aged man is completely crazy.

Not only one of him, everyone in this Zhuangzi, in a very short time, all in order to mad.

Killing, crazy killing.

These people who have fallen into mad are completely lost, they don't know who the other party is, only kill, kill, kill everything.

This original quiet and peaceful Zhuangzi, in an intermediate blood flow into the river.


This is an incomparably bustling territory.

There are many families in this territory, including the strongest ethnic groups.

There are many strong people in Duanmu family, and the strong people above the chaotic bodies have nearly 20, but with the outbreak of the chaotic world, the strong people in the Duanmu family participate in the family, and even the family. There is no chaotic border, some are just some true gods, and the gods.

Even if it is true God, because the long chaotic world camp is sweeping in the three imperial circles, the chaos is mostly killed.

So now the strongest in many families, is generally eternal.

However, in this way, Duanmu family is still a recognized hegemony in this territory.

At this moment, most of the wood family, most of them gathered on a void, overlooking the sky above.

"This day, some weird." A Ziyi old man murmured.

This purple clothes are the strongest of the end of the house, one reaches the peak level.

"It's no weird this day, but it is covered in this sky, quite quite weird." The other eternal God is murmured.

At this time ...

"Adult! Adult!"

Anxious voice sounded, but saw a virtual god, flipped with the fastest speed.

This void is a scarlet, a face of a face.

"What is this panic?" The old woman frowned.

"Adults, people are chaos, completely mess, those disciples don't know what to kill because of what is, and they are extremely crazy, so that many disciples have been directly killed directly." This void is really .


Ziyi old people with the true sense of God are bigger.

"Walk, we have passed!"

When the old man rushed to the scene with strong people, the scene of the purple clothes was in front of it.

At the moment, the side of the house has long been blood flowing into the river!

Countless disciples, including some maids, slaves are crazy at this moment.

This killing, no camp, purely the respective killing, a very madness of a killing, even when they appear at the scene, there are several diverse people's disciples, and they are still crazy to attack them. .

"Crazy, it is crazy!" The older old man roaring, but he did not have enough, his eyes gradually appeared a blood red.

At this time, the virtual true God who came to the letter before, it was also completely turned into madness, turned around, and did not say that the old people were shot directly.


Under the anger of the old man, it is immediately shot.

With the many real gods of the end, the gods added to this killing, this killing is getting more and more intense.

The true god of those end-wood families, and it is gradually all of the madness, including the strongest purple clothes, is also the case.

The whole side of the wood family is also enveloped by endless killing.

Such a scene, not only in the ordinary Zhuangzi and this roample family, but in the country of the three emperors, it is crazy in a corner.

Blood light covers the entire three imperial world.

Under this bloody, there are countless cultural territories in the three emperors, and countless cultivators have lost rationality and incarnation into madness, crazy killing.

The blood is too glaring, but also a charm.

Just under the cover of this blood, this big three imperial world, in a short meal, is already in order to be a human hell! !

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