Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 217, Human Hell!

"Crazy! Crazy!"

"People in the three emperors are crazy, everyone is crazy, seeing people, killing!"

"Too many deaths, I am in a city, I have seen a countless cultivator in a city in this madness, almost all dead!"

A message is transmitted to the sword unparalleled with the ear of the Sword.

The blood light covers the entire three imperial boundaries, the endless practitioner in the three emperors, whether it is the world, the real god is also arrived, it is all in order to mad, but the strength is strong, and the speed of the madness is also slow. Stop.

However, the bloody is difficult to affect the energy of the energy, and those of the vast chaotic world camps fall within the three emperors, they have not been affected by the blood.

But they saw the madness of countless strong people in the three emperors.

"Mix!" Bai Emperor issued an anger.

"It's not as good as the animals!" The sword is unparalleled to death, the blood owner in front, the killing of the heart, has also reached an unprecedented point.

Before, they saw the blood owners and others for their own purposes, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice the many strong people, so that they became crazy, their purpose was to open the reverse blood.

So hit, it has made the sword unparalleled.

And now this blood is raised, but it is too much before.

Previously, it was just a cultivator of those who had more than those of the chaotic bideways. Now the blood master has reached the paws to the endless cultivator in the three emperors.

It is to know that some of the cultivars in the three emperors are still very weak, and they are innocent, and the quantity is even more.

That is definitely hundreds of millions of ordinary practitioners.

Among these ordinary cultivators, there are many young people who have just born baby and the heart of the heart.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, it is in a hostile camp, but in humanity, it is only a big sweep after occupying the Emperor City, and the sweep is only only the highest level of the three imperial world, and the chaotic is the following, the chaotic world can Didn't plan to shoot.

Even the enemy camp is like this.

But now, this blood master is clearly the leader of the three emperors, but fortunately, the sword is unparalleled. These hostile camps are sincere angry!

Blood light covers the entire three imperial boundaries, so that countless cultivars in the three emperors are mad, self-evident, and finally make the three imperial circles to a human hell!

This is a demonic means! !

"I wait until now I want to kill the blood owl, can the big array stop?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You can't." Bai Di shook his head, "the big array has been completely arranged, and the many cultural people in the third imperial world have become madders. If I have killed the blood, I can't make cultivators who have fallen into the madness. Restored, they still continue to kill until they are thoroughly dead. "

"Moreover, to kill the blood, talk about?"

The facts of Baili said.

This big battle has been launched, and the number of countless practitioners in the three emperors have been completely turned into madness. At this time, even if the big array stops, it can't change anything.

What's more, want to kill the blood owners, so that this big array is so easy?

If you can kill the blood, the white emperor has already opened it, the key is that he can't do it.

"Mix, if I can't destroy the reverse blood of the reverse blood ..." The sword is unbolded, but it is full of helplessness.

He tried his best.

Try to destroy the reverse blood, but it failed.

The white emperor deeply sucking, and the look was more gentle than the sword.

He is a strong person left from the first era, and the life of the live years is not much longer than the sword.

In such a long time, he has seen too many disasters.

When the first era collapses, countless cultivars are all faded, and the scene is more horrible than the three emperors of this moment.

The white emperor watched in his eyes.

So he is now full of compassion on the encounter of the three imperial world, but it is just compassion.

And in front of the void, blood owner, burn, dust, magic, cold, five people stand together.

In the five people, the blood owner, burn respect, dust, the nature of the magic, the nature, the encounter of the ordinary practitioners in the three emperors, there is no mercy.

Cold as snow, Liu Chao slightly, never talk.

As for the bar, at this moment, it is inner warranty. He now even some regrets to join the three imperial camps, although the three imperial camps have made him strong, but now the monk of blood, etc., it is not cold and chestnut. .

"How is the blood owner, what is going on?" I asked casually.

"Although I have just started, but I expected our previous factor, as long as I don't reach the chaotic border, no one can resist this big array, now it is now mad madness."

"The more you kill, the more blood that is given to this big array, until now, the cultivator of this world should have died 30%." The blood slam smiled, smile as the devil, as if death That 30% of cultivators, only the ant ants are generally everywhere.

"How is it? How is the blood of the absorption?" I asked.

"Not bad, take this way, when the cultivator of this world is dead, this big blood gas has also been completely accumulated." Blood main road.

The reverse blood is a big array that he spends a long-term boy.

The strength of this big array is the endless blood.

How did these blood gases get? Naturally, it is produced by the madness of the strong.

Like the crazy killing of this blood emperor's holy place, the many cultural people in the three imperial circles become a self-burst of madness, and the large number of strong people have fallen, and they have a large number of blood, with these blood, this big group is only running.

But it is just a preliminary operation.

If you want this big, you really want to play the power they want, more bloody, and more vast.

So, he had a bloody shrouded this scene of the entire three imperial world.

Now the crazy killing of the three emperors is the continuous power of the blood gas for this major array.

"Well? 40%." Blood owner opened again.

But this will only work.

The previous cultivator was only 30%, and I had a husband, I reached 40%?

Although there is only one result, but compared to the endless practitioners of the three imperial world, don't know how many millions of practitioners.

After a while, the cultivator killed in the three imperial cries was 40% from 30%.

This is the speed, what horror?


White Emperor is low, just a word.

But this word contains endless kill.

"Kill them." The sword is not doubled on the sky.

Although it can't stop the operation of the big array, they will never look at it.


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