Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2178 is still a little!

The war has once again burst.

This battle, not only a sword, no double, white emperor, and the sword shot.

At the same time, some strong people in the world of chaotic world were slightly stable, and various means were also used to use various means.

Everyone fully shot, vowed to kill the leaders of the three emperors in front of them.

Blood owners naturally also fully shot.

But even if the war broke out, the reverse blood is still can't stop.

"50% ..."

"60% ..."

"Oh, 70%."

The blood is smiling, and it is constantly opening in the fierce battle with the Emperor.

He opened once, and he made a few points in the darkness of the sword.

Time passed, a swaying past half an hour.

In these half times, the white emperor also tried to hit the upper empty, bombard the core of the big array, but the existence of the blood whirlpool, but unfortunately his attack did not regret the big array, nature can't make big The array stopped.

And the leaders of the three imperial world, the cold is always in the distance, and there is no shot at all.

Incinered, dusty magic, Barbai three people, in Bai Emperor, sword unparalleled, and the nine master, the gods and others jointly took hands, and the three were hiest.

Especially in the burn, he used to have some special means to explode the third level of the peak power. Now this is the chance, and the chance is found on the way, directly hitting it directly, the breath has reached the extreme .

As for the Blood Lord, although it was died by Bernand, it did not really suffer a big harm.

"Blood Lord, isn't it good?" Burning a big drink, his state has obviously reached the extreme.

If you drag it, he is totally likely to be found by Bai Emperor and kill directly.

"No, it is already good, this world of life should have died outside of the strong people above the chaotic bodies." Blood owner smiled slightly.

His smile is light, but he heard this, the sword is unparalleled, and it is a lightning strike.

"Did you die?" The sword was unmarkarized, but the figure was a little trembling.

The years he cultivated did not have a long time, and the scene of destroying the earth was really not much.

Even if the dark mill in the first three imperial circles is running, crushing everything, smashing one by one, and there is an endless practitioner in the goddess, being directly killed.

However, the sword is not seen in the eyes, just through the mirror screen, he did not really realize.

He is this time, although there is still a scene of the cultivator cultivator into the madman's crazy killed, but he personally realized.

And this process has continued to have nearly half of the time.

The endless practitioners in the three emperors are in pain and ignorance, they will die.

The sword is unparalleled.

But the few leaders in the three emperors, they heard this, but they were big.

"Are you extinct? What about the blood of the big array?"

Incinered, dusty, Baron, has come to the blood of the blood, including the endless expectations of the burning and dusty kingdom.

"The blood gas is a bit unfortunately, and our purpose is some of the same difference." Blood main road.

"Is it harder?" Burning the face color.

"What should I do? The soul of this world is almost the same, I want to continue to create blood, unless you kill these strong chaotic world, but now this situation, I am afraid that it is hard to kill again. Death them. "Dust rain is crumpled.

Now they are in absolute disadvantages, and in this way, I want to hurt the power of the vital chaotic world, almost impossible.

"Yeah, some are difficult, but I have already thought of a way, just need to be wronged." The blood main suddenly.

Burning a distant, and the eyes are a short.

The dusty magic is still not reacted with the bar, and the two bloody palms have already appeared in the beasts of his two.

These two bloody palms, with palpitolic power, directly slammed on the head of the dust, the devil, with the Bayi two, and the strength of the two is far less like blood, now in the serious injury The most important thing is that they have no preparation.


At the same time, the two low sounds sounded at the same time, and the dust of the migrant was smashed with the Babai, and the head has been smashed by the shock. The voice is also instantaneous.

And the burning body is a fierce, and I am busy looking away.

"Hey, want to escape? You can't escape." Bloody main smiled, the bloody palm was burn it.

"Blood owner, you ..." burned the face color.

He didn't think of it, and the blood owner will do it for them?

Want to exchange more blood in exchange with their life?

I saw the palm of the palm and borrowed to struggle.

However, the big array of never in nearly half, the burning is the worst, and the breath is also weak.

The blood took the initiative to go all out, and there is no endless blood, the power is crazy to burn the residual sweep, and the burn is burn, which makes him at all, there is no escape opportunity.

"Do not!!!"

The roaring sound of hysteria is issued in the mouth.

The burning is desperately struggling, and its scarlet's eyes are dead and stare at the blood owl.

But the final result, he is still killing directly by the blood owner.

The blink of a blink of an eye, the dust, the dust, the murder, and the three people have died, and the three of them can be the third-level emperor, and the blood generated by the death is naturally more rich.

These blood are filled with the reverse blood of the sky, completely engraving the absorption.


Standing in front of the sword is unparalleled, the white emperor has some mistaken look at this.

They didn't think of it, this blood owner will actually be so spicy.

After sacrificing a lot of chaotic bodies, it also killed the endless life in the three emperors.

Because the blood gas is still a little insufficient, he actually stretched the palm of the three emperors to another leader?

Among the three people who were killed by the blood ownership at this moment, the bar is even.

I caocated the dust, the dust, the devil, that is all left with him from the ancient times, and experienced the first era, the second era, and then planned all this today, it is definitely his companion. Talented.

But now, in order to completely accumulate the blood of this big array, he did not hesitate to kill him the two companions.

"Mad!" Bai Di couldn't help but

"Not good!" The sword was unbolded but suddenly changed.

It is to know that the leaders of the three imperial camps are not only a few of them have just been killed by the blood owners, and there is one person, standing in the distance.

That person, it is cold as a snow! !

Now, after killing the burning, dust, the king, the three people, this blood is shaking, but it appears in front of the cold as snow.

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