Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2179 Blood Emperor

The most versatile voids in the battlefield, the snow has been quietly standing there.

From this war until the beginning, she never came out.

Now, I see that the blood owner is killing the burning, dust, the murder, and the three people are three people, and they are brushing to her, and the snow is sinking, but it is not half a back.


Blood owners appeared in front of the snow, the strange bloody eyes saw it in the snow.

"Why, the blood main people, don't you want to even kill here?" The cold voice is indifferent, and after her voice falls, she is awkward.

At the moment of looking up, her eyebrow suddenly appeared a special mark, her eyes became gray, did not bring a blood color, her paint black long hair, at this moment, it is instantly white, and the white hair is flutter.

An unprecedented destruction of an unprecedented thing is spread from her.

This is a strong horizontal, even if it is the sword in the distance, the white emperor is waiting, and it can't help but shock.

"Is this?" The sword was not a sidebrow.

He still saw the snow like a snow.

White hair, gray, destroying the earth!

This is a unique state of the unique state, and it is more horrible when it is completely released when it is a body, and it is fully released.

Looking at the cold, the eyes, no slightly bloody eyes, even if it is a slight twitching of the blood main mouth, the deepest thing is flashing, and there has been a jealousy color.

"The body of life is really envious, but I have a hateful body. I am relieved. I look at the one behind you. After all, this seat is still not want to die, and the reverse blood The blood of the big array is just enough. "Blood owner smiled indifferent, nor did he say what he said is true.

Cold as the snow is still white, she is cold and sweeping, and she did not speak.

But she is in the air is full.

"Little girl, retreat, otherwise the war, this seat I can't determine if it will not be careful to get into your body, let you kill you." Blood owner said.

Cold like a snow sleeve, white hair, and the destruction of the breath disappeared, her shape is shaking, the voids in the farther, obviously not intended to be in the next big array.

Blood owner, it turns over, chartered, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Carefully plan for so many years, prepared for so many years, now, finally go to this last step?" Blood owners mysterious, the sound did not hide.

When he heard the blood, the white emperor, the sword was unparalleled.

They all know that the three imperial camps have been prepared for a long time, which is completely exposed to the front of the chaotic world, which has triggered this war.

And this war now, this blood master sacrificed all the strong people under his hand, and even kill his companions, there must be his own purpose.

Now, is his ultimate goal, is it finally revealed?

"I have reached this step, I have no effect this body, let this hiding are just seeing you." The blood owner smiled, but his body is getting more and more transparent, and it is finally thoroughly for a piece. nothingness.

The strong people of the Outdoor Chaotic World see this scene, they are not surprised.


"This blood is lost?"

"what happened?"

Everyone is somewhat inexplicab.

But then at this time!

The earth is immersed, and then the ground is already terrible, but there is a huge crack.

This crack is similar to the hanketing of life. After the appearance, it will immediately start exaggerating with an amazing speed.

In an instant, it was formed a tenth day.

At the bottom of the gully, a horrible breath is slowly awake.

"this is?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the faces of the two people in the Emperor have become a sharp change.

They are the strongest, and they are able to feel the atmosphere of the bottom of the bottom, what kind of terror is.

Combining, a body shape is also slowed away from the bottom of the bottom, stepping out, and eventually appearing above this void.

"back to normal!!!"

"This is the year, so today, it is finally completely restored !!!"

"Haha ~~~"

With a bit of mad, laughter, like the Thunder rolling in the world.

This big laughing contains the endless violent breath, and he has heard the ear, but many strong in the world has been shameful from the heart.

The sword is unparalleled with white emperor, it is dead and staring at this figure in front of them.

He, height is approximately three meters, the whole body skin scarlet is still like blood.

But this bloody person has a strong muscle, and there is no breath on the whole body.

He is also the human head of human beings, just except the scarlet skin, there are also a variety of unique black tips.

The whole person looks up, and it is extremely horrible.

"This secret line, there is also this ... is the strong person of the blood family, the blood family!" The sword has no eyesight.

"Blood Family?" The sword is not a double inner heart.

He is not before, some of the ancient things, he also knows.

The ancient times, countless power, the number of strong power.

Like seven-star Xuanzong, it is definitely a huge intensive super existence, which is super forces.

In ancient times, the status of Qixing Xuanzong shall be equivalent to the ancient gods of the special peak ethnic group, it is an absolute major hegemony.

But except for the seven-star Xuanzong, there is also a lot of forces.

For example, when I first came to attack the three holy bits of Qixing Xuanzong, the four gods, eight side, and the ancient times were extremely strong.

The blood family, the sword is also heard from the sword.

That is one of the four gods, with the ancient family.

These four major gods can be called the gods, and their unique blood is extremely horrible.

Like the sword is unparalleled, you are very clear, how strong your own ancient blood is, just because he only got the heritage of the ancient blood, but the amenities of the ancient attacks will not be learned, before they can't learn the ancient blood. Exegeted all over.

But even if it only rely on the force generated by the blood, there is a huge increase in his strength.

Nowadays, now in front of the sword, it is the name of the ancient family, but it is still the high-time blood family!

"Are you a blood master?" Bai Di stared at this bloody strong.

The mad smile and smiled slowly converges the look. His scorpion glanced at the white emperor, cold channel: "Blood owner? No, I am the blood of the blood, the emperor of the blood, the blood main is just the emperor A little consciousness is forth. "

"Consciousness? Sure enough."

Bai Mei murmured, but did not feel unexpected.


PS: Today's four is more!

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