Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2180 Chaos God

Although it has been guessed, the white emperor is still extremely ugly with the sword.

The blood emperor, as the name suggests, the blood of the blood.

Single identity, you can already reflect his strength.

Although the sword is unparalared, the blood emperor of the ancient times, not only one, the blood emperor in front of me, but it is not necessarily the strongest of the blood family, but there is no doubt that he is still the peak of the ancient times. one.

This can see the blood owner from his previous awareness.

A consciousness is so strong, then how much is his book?

"Blood emperor, you spend so much price, sacrifice so many people under the hand, its purpose, is it to make your book awakened?" Bai Emperor stared at the blood.

"Yes." The blood is smile, "I was too fierce that the battle was too fierce, even if the Emperor also fell into an unprecedented virtual period, just waiting for a long time to fall, it is already the limit, and it is already the limit. This is a long time, the imperial consciousness is in order to make this respect! "

"The people who sacrifice ... but a group of antibiotics, don't say that the ordinary practitioners in this world, even if they burn, the dust, the migrant, the same battle, the same thing is just ate , Use these ants, in exchange for the chance of this emperor, they also die. "

"Is the antite?" The sword was unbolded.

"They are anthone, do you think you are tall?" Bai Di is cold, "the blood emperor, do you think about the book? Don't forget, now this world, it is no longer ancient times, no matter you Strong in ancient times, now, your combat power can only be used to the ultimate of the chaotic. "

"In this era, I am dominate!"

The white emperor also is cold, and it contains endless weights.

At that moment in the voice fall, he also shot directly.

Booming ~~~ The brifillar is still covered in his body, and the powerful golden vane will be more horizontal behind him.

As Bai Emperor stepped out, his body appeared in front of the blood emperor, one hand.

This grip, its palm's void is in an instant, and spreads with an amazing speed.

In an instant void, there was a spider web covering tens of thousands of miles, and the denseness of the width of countless spatial cracks.

The explosive force was held in the hand of the white emperor, and the force was under the gamp amplitude, and in an instant, it was like a volcanic outbreak.

Bai Emperor, this era is strong!

Its has completely played it.

It can be seen that the white emperor hits the endless movement, and the blood is standing.

Under this smile, hidden is a contempt.

His body shape is not moving, just reaching out of the right hand, exactly, is a finger.

This blood colors did not show any secret solution, but only the casual front side pointed out.

Under the gaze of countless strong people, this random blood finger, with the white emperor's fists, positive contact.

Boom ~~~ A low voice sounded, and then the world of the world is all over the sky.

However, in the most important thing in the battlefield, countless strong people's gaze, the white emperor's golden fists, the blood emperor's blood fingers are still in touch, and the white emperor is also filled with horrible power, this power, It is enough to make anyone in the field for despair.

It is such a punch, but the bloody fingers of the blood emperor, it is clearly written.

Endless power is impacted, the blood of the blood is not moving, his finger does not move.

"How is it possible?" Everyone around the battlefield was unbelievable to see this scene.

Even if it is a white emperor, it also flashed a shocking color.

The blood emperor suddenly smiled, in this laughter, immediately had a large blood mist directly to the white emperor.

This large blood mist covers the heavens and the earth, and the time is just covered with the entire body of the white emperor.

Subsequently in the blood mist, a bloody palm appeared out.

This bloody palm seems to be tearned, from ancient times to this world.

There is a moment of flash, and the many strong people around them are very happy.

"This power is ..." The sword is unparalleled and surprised, and the death is staring at the bloody palm.

He is clear from this bloody hand, induces a horrible force that has been completely over on the emperor.

This power is not available to the Emperor.


This bloody palm bombards with the fist swayed by the White Emperor.


A stuffy, the corner of the white emperor is directly emilled, and the body is also in an instant.

After the body is stable, the white emperor looks up again, but the atmosphere is instant to return to the peak.

"It is a bit mean. This hurts this hurt you. But you will recover from it. The imperial cultivation system is more and more curious about you." The blood rushed casually.

Reverse repair, reaching the seventh step, there is perfect chaotic body, as long as the power is still there, no matter the injury, you can instantly recover from the power.

This is the terrible and anti-day of reverse.

"Your strength ..." Bai Emperor stared at the blood of the blood.

The sword is unparalleled, and all the strong people of the vast chaotic world will also condense their eyes on the blood emperor.

"Why, is it unbelievable, it is a great restriction in this world, but the emperor has still played the power to surpass the chaotic border?" Blood and Emperor were smiling, seeing the eyes of Bai Emperor, sword unparalleled, etc. It seems like an cat play mouse.

"Is it because of the reverse blood?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, smart." Blood emperor smiled, "You really thought that this emperor was carefully prepared for so many years, just completely showed the reverse blood of the rebellion, just let the emperor woke up? You are too small to see this emperor It's true, this big array is really worth it, it is possible to shake this world limit !!! "

"Although it is only to cover a three imperial boundaries, the blood gas absorbed is only barely shake the world limit. It is the silk that reluctantly shakes, so that the tricks of the opposite of the rebellion, received The limit is slightly lower. "

"So, now the emperor, but you are not your chaotic, but ... chaotic god !!"

Chaos god!

The four words of simple single, but the white emperor, the sword is still in the scene, and the intensity of the ancient people have some understanding.

The ancient times, the strong is like a cloud, and the chaotic boulder, which is very common, it is not true to be true.

The ancient times in the peak period, the power of over the chaotic border, all of which are everything!

On the chaotic border, it is a chaotic god!

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