Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2181 Strong Ascell

"It's a chaotic magic!"

Bai Emperor looked at the blood of the blood in front of him, the face is cloudy.

As the strongest in this era, he is the deepest understanding of the ancient understanding.

He is very clear, there is almost insurmountable gap between chaotic gods and chaos.

Moreover, if it is only a common chaotic god, he is reversible, and it has reached the most limit of the seventh step. At the same time, there are many means, confident enough to fight, this blood emperor is an ancient times Big top pointers.

He can now play the strength of the chaotic gods, and his combat power is also extremely terrible.

"This blood quarter is prepared, it can turn this world of limited restrictions, this, trouble is big." Bai Emperor is gloomy.

And the blood emperor still took the smile of play, "Chaotic God, although the strength of the Emperor is still not worth mentioning, but it is more than enough, but it is more than enough. It is to kill you one by one, then find the anti-blood big array to cover your chaotic world, and extracted your endless practitioners in this era, and absorbed many blood-resistant reverse blood, should You can completely shake this world, so that the strength of this emperor really returns to its peak. "

When I heard the blood of the blood, the people in the scene were shameful.

They can't recall the countless cultivators of the three imperialines in the middle of their minds.

If this scene, happened in the world of chaotic world ...

"Mix!" The white emperor has also appeared a scorpion.

"He, must die, no matter any price !!" "The sword is unparalleled is a face.

"Haha, dead is you."

The blood of the blood is laughing and the figure is not moving.

Before he just stood there, he stared against the shot of the White Emperor, and then hurt the white emperor.

And now, this blood emperor is active.

He shakes like a ghost, disappearing in the sight of everyone.

Even if it is a sword, there is no double, and the power of the white emperor is sweeping, and it is impossible to discover the trail of this blood.

Next moment, this bloody crime appeared again, but this time he is not a white emperor, but the sword is unparalleled.

He appeared, it was in front of the sword.

"Your kid is broken, it's a lot of things. Now the first one is to kill, it is you." The blood of the blood came to see the sword.

"Be careful!" Bai Emperor hurriedly sent a dry.

"Well?" The sword is not a double color is also a sink, and there is a lot of power to sweep.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The foot seven golden light has been instantly riped out, and the blood of the blood directly attacked.

"Hong Yu Jinjian? If you can show a second form, you may also have some threat to this emperor, but just the first form, and only the seven sink gold sword, the antity of ants will be." Blood emperor disdainfully smiled, single hand One finger.

The seven-handed crazy fire sword, but it seems to be a critical hush, with a faster speed, and even the golden light of the surface is also bleak a bit.

Following a vast blood fog swept directly from the blood emperor, there is no double cover in an instant.

Among the blood mist, a bloody stream is condensed out, as a root thorn, crazy, the sword, no double attack.

Deterioma's blood color, speed is amazing, sword is unparalleled, blood peak sword, show the mixed yuan, a sword, desperately resist.

But only can only block parts, but more bloody streams are directly impacted above his body.

His gods have a five treasure warfare, and it has cultivated too ancient deficiency, strong.

The general attack, even the third-level number of attacks on his body, he won't have too much damage.

But now, this channel of blood is light, and the power of the capacity of each stream is absolutely reached the extreme, the key is that there are too many times.

At a moment, there were nearly a hundred bloody stream bombards on his body, even if it was a sword where there were unparalleled poppics, he couldn't resist.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly crashed.

The blood fog that will be covered with the sword, and it is also dissipated.

The strong people around the battlefield are around the world of chaotic worlds, they are horrified to stare at the voids where the sword is unparalleled.

The void, empty, there is no one, there is only one of the world's power, still remains.

"Sword, Sword Monarch ..."

"Is it dead?"

"How can it be?"

Many strong people in the chaotic world, almost can't believe their eyes.

The sword monarch, the ancient chaotic world camp, only in the super existence of the white emperor.

Since the time, the sword is unparalleled in their hearts, it is a myth.

His rises is too long, and it is too amazing.

And the previous collision with the three imperial camps, mostly the sword is unbureed, in these strong people, their awe of the sword is almost unbearated.

But now, such a super existence, but it is a moment of kung fu, and is it killed by the blood?

This strength, simply suffocating!

However, the sword is unparalleled, is it really killed?


A excitement is suddenly sound.

Everyone immediately settled the empty look, but found that there was a lot of power to bring together.

Just for a moment, a figure appeared in front of everyone, and it was a sword who was just that was killed by the blood of the blood.

His figure is again condensed, and the breath on the body is still intact.


The figure is united, and the sword is unparalleled and immediately pulled away, and the blood is once again opened.

"This blood emperor, so strong!"

Even if it is a sword, there is also a shamper.

It is indeed strong, strong horror, strong suffocation.

His body is like, but it is in an instant, and there is no room for struggling.

And now, although he re-recovered with the perfect chaotic population, he had a power, but it has already consumed more than 30%!

You must know that after the second phase of the reverse repair, his power is more abundant than before, if it is a general attack, even if the body has collapsed, his power is also enough to support him for seven or eight times, but is defeated by the blood God, he is plenty of strength, but it costs the feet and 30%.

That is to say, in the face of the blood emperor, the top of his body can only re-group three times, and now it has been restructured once, there is still two times.

Of course, there is also a seven treasure god Dan, who gave it to the seven emperor. He has not taken it.

This seven treasure gods, enough to keep his body instantly recover, still can restructure him several times.

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