Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 218 Chapter Bai Emperor and Blood Emperor

The center of the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled to stand with the white emperor.

As for the blood emperor, it is supported with both hands and standing in front.

On the face of the blood emperor, it took a slightest color. "Out of the body has completely collapsed, but it will recover again, this is not dead, interesting, your counterattack system, it is more interesting "

Bai Di and the sword are extremely dignified.

Reversal of the perfect chaotic body of the seventh step, if it is called the dead, this is the same, whether it is a sword, no double or white emperor, is deliberately concealed, it is easy to show in front of people, but There is no way now.

"The sword is unparalleled, this battle is not you can insert, you will take it to the side." Bai Emperor opened.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is helpless.

Indeed, the strength of the blood is much better than him.

Just if he is not the relationship between the chaotic population, he is dead.

"White Emperor, you can deal with him?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"Don't know, but you can try it." Bai Emperor seriously.

The sword is unparalleled and frown, and I haven't said more, but I will have a peripheral void.

"Why, do you want to fight against the emperor with your own strength? If you have this qualification?" The bloody looked at the white emperor.

Bai Emperor did not speak, but the layer of golden armor covered by him is getting more and more exciting. At the same time, a unique force is also swept in the body, and instantly covers the whole body.

This force, it is the power of the stars!

Bai Emperor is also cultivating stars secret.

This stars secret, is also one of his strongest smelevate, and now he will launch this topic directly.


A cold, with the auxiliary of the power of the stars, Bai Di is again shot.

On his back, there is a high golden vain, bursting out the golden light, a huge fist lifted, and this fist is a golden sun.

This golden sun is eye-catching and glaring.

At the moment, everyone's eyes were unsupported.

The blood emperor also looked up and looked at the glare of the golden sun, and his eyes were also slight.

"Seven Star Xuanzong's seven-star secrets? Oh, secret surgery is a secret, but unfortunately, the strength is too bad, and only cultivates to the first volume, and the power is also ten times, can you let the emperor?" The blood emperor flashed a contempt.

This time he was directly filled with a palm.

When I was a palm, I immediately had an ancient bells roeted in the world.

A huge rickety bloody sculpture appeared in this world, and it was just a different state of consciousness. Now this bloody magic sculpture has completely condensed into an entity. The sculpture contains the destruction of the earth. Hed also has also surpassed the category of the chaos.

A huge palm, fierce shoot.

With the glare golden sun, the front collides together.


A loud sound, the world is silent.

Endless power can stir the heaven and earth, forming an unprecedented power storm.

This Shenli storm swept around everything, the many strong people in the sword and the vast chaotic world have been refunded, but it is still some of the wave of wave of this power storm. It is blown by the hard blow. It is difficult to open his eyes. Come.

And the most core of this power storm.

The white emperor is cold, and the hands are again scratch.

In an instant, it was a huge golden sun suddenly came out.

A punch, every punch carrying the power of easily killing the emperor, turning into a golden sun, crazy hit.

Although the blood emperor is still a windy look, but at the moment, he also used two palms.

Each of these two palms seem to be a bloody mountain, the same time, and all the attacks of the golden sun are all resistant.

In shortness of breathing time, Bai Emperor and the most important core of the Blood Emperor in the Power Storm, it has collided more than ten times.


The white emperor fell back, as for the blood emperor's body, it was slightly retired after this moment.

"Can you force the emperor?" Blood emperor looked up, reminded the white emperor, and immediately smiled, "looks like it, this emperor is a little more serious."

After that, this blood royal palm is a turning, a monster blood tone appears in his hand.

The bloody spearish spearish is very bad, exudes horrible suffocation.

The suffocating of this suffocating is much stronger than any of the swords that have a unboundful gods.

There is no doubt that the blood color spear is definitely a weapon!

It is important to know that this blood emperor has never used the gods to finally, even if his consciousness is divided into blood owners, he has never used the gods.

But now, he took this blood tone spear.

"White Emperor, let's try again."

The bloody is smirking, step out, appearing in front of the white emperor, the blood tone in the hand is a lightning.

This thorns seem to be Pu Tong.

However, the moment of tatting, a huge blood whirlpool appeared in the sky, the blood whirlpool swolts everything in the world, even if it is a genuine big emperor before this blood whirlpool, I am afraid that the slag that will be phagocyturn will not be swallowed.

And the white emperor is sinking, and the hands are used.


No golden shun, it is a huge golden sun.

This golden sun doesn't matter if the power is still a volume, it is much larger than him.

However, the golden sun collides with the blood tone ... There is no imagination that the sound of the dramatic roar is only, just the sound of the strong force squeezed.

The Bai Di's face was abrupt, and a horrible force was passed along his arms. He was shocked by his body.

"Haha !!"

The blood of the blood did not suffer from the slightest, directly chasing the white emperor, while the bloody spear in his hand stabbed again and again.

Every thorn, the speed is fast, and it cannot be described in the language.

At least a lot of power, no one is equal to that speed.

A tall tall spear came and killing, and the white emperor was also a difficult to resist, but was defeated by the crimped season.

Not much time, his gods have been tatched out several blood cavoes.

Although this blood hole is quickly repaired, the white emperor is indeed fully suppressed.

"Ship stars secret surgery, the overall battle has increased ten times the white emperor, but it is still not the righteous opponent, which is fully suppressed by him?"

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled and the many strong people in the chaotic world in the field have become ugly.

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