Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2183 is unstoppable!

White Emperor, one showed nine star A Star A, this is the fourth level of the big power.

The fourth level is actually comparable to the general chaotic god.

Following the white emperor, the star secret surgery, the overall battle is ten times, and that is in the chaotic god, it should be strong.

This is also the ultimate that the Bai Di can achieve.

As a result ... Bernard is still complicated with blood main.

The combination of both parties is obviously not the same level.

You can know that the first volume of Stars, and the top can only maintain ten breathing.

This ten breaths, the white emperor may also be able to barely resist the blood emperor, then the ten breaths?

Many strong people in the vast chaotic world, many faces such as death, and even the color of desperation.

Under the madness of the blood emperor, ten breathing time, already arrived!

call out!

When the time arrived, the stars were dissipated, and the Bai Emperor's war was reduced. The blood of the royalties came, and the Bai Emperor couldn't resist. It was done in the hole. After the end of the power, the Whole of the Over the whole body of the white emperor Thin shock of strand.

But just instantly kung fu, the white emperor's figure will re-group.

"Sure enough, the same means." The blood is cool, and it doesn't feel unexpected.

Bai Emperor and the blood emperor opened the distance, standing there, but it was silent.

The sword is unparalleled, and the many strong people in the chaotic world are also silent.

The white emperor of the Star Stars, can't stop this blood.

Who else can block him?

"Is it, don't you ruin in this blood emperor?" Tianchen's old ancestors trembled, staring at the blood of the blood.

"No way?" Jiu Han Lord also smiled.

"I have been trying to do my best, even the sword monarch, the white emperor has all possible, but there is no way, this blood emperor, he is strong." The God secretly shook his head.

The whole of the many strong people in the world is grief, desperate.

However, the sword where the top of these strong people is unparalleled, but it is deeply sucking, Shen Sheng said: "All the place, do it."

"Hey," Tianchen's ancestor and others have seen the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, "" burning soul, self-explosion, show everything that can be used to be desperate! "

There are many strong people who are present in Tianchen ancestors.

Burning soul?


If this is, you will fight!

"We didn't tighten, at least the ancient chaotic world is still, you can continue to survive, but if this blood is not dead, I will have the same hell like the three emperors!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The sword has no bisector has become crazy.

When I heard the sword is unparalleled, many strong people in the chaotic world are also clarified together.

Many strong people have decided to decide.

Indeed, they didn't choose, and they can't retreat!

Once the back, the ancient chaotic world is over, the final result is as death!

"Why, one is the same as death, I want to kill this emperor here for every price."

The blood emperor who stood in front of the voids, and interested, the sword, unparalleled, etc., the mouth is all the smiles.

He has seen what the sword is unparalleled.

I want to burn the soul, I want to be self-explosion, and I will die with him.

What is the problem is, will he care?

To know, he is now a chaotic god magic, reaching the level of chaotic gods, and its overall change can be much simpler as the sword is unparalleled.

Some ordinary chaotic bodies, the quantity, how to desperate, want to threaten him, it is almost impossible.

"Haha, come, just let this emperor to see, you really want to see if you know that you know, it is still crazy to struggle." The blood of the blood laughed, one hand holding your blood color spear The pace slowly across.

His pace is very slow, and under his restraint, he is not big.

He stepped step by step, step by step to the many strong people in the world.

He likes to look at the appearance of the ants in despair.

Step by step, the blood is getting closer and closer to the Bai Emperor, the sword is unparalleled.

Under this persecution, many strong people in the world's chaotic world are also more crazy.

"Prepare." The sword is unbolded, and the low voice echoes in the ear of every strong person in the world.

The strong people in the chaotic world in the world have been dead.

They have been prepared to sacrifice themselves to prepare for the blood emperor.

But at this time, when the bloody is about to completely appear in front of them, even when the last step is falling.

The pace of the blood is suddenly stopped.

He stopped there, did not step through the steps, and his eyes did not look at the sword and unparalleled and others, but turned to see another direction.

"It seems to have a fun guy." The blood emphasized the light, the play of the scorpion has waters, and some is just a face.

The sword is unparalleled, and countless roads have also seen the direction.

There, I don't know when a shadow appeared.

He is not high, just a normal human figure.

He, a white robe like snow, never contaminated with a little dust.

He, face Pang Jun cold, with a silky, the slender figure is full of void.

Without anything, he spread from him. He as if it was a group of air, and there is no such thing as this world.

However, it is such a person, but there is a pair of eyes, enough to overlook hundreds of millions of people, and even the world can overlook the masked deep eyes.

He stood there, there is no action, there is no words, but the world is completely lost.

Even the blood emperor who has reached the chaotic gods, this moment cannot be covered at this moment.

"he is……"

Many strong people in the chaotic world are closely staring at this sudden appearance.

"It's him!"

The nine holy owners in the crowd, widened their eyes, staring tightly.

That look, as if I saw the most terrible existence of the world.

An unprecedented frightening, instantly emerged in the heart of Jiu Hao.

His life is absolutely unable to forget this person in front of him, and will never forget. At the beginning, in the star, a sword.

That is his devil.

And the white emperor and sword have seen this person, but they have exposed a surprise!

There is no doubt that this suddenly arrived, it is ... The Emperor Ten *********** S: Today's four is more!

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