Suddenly there was a bloody figure in front of the sword, nature is the blood emperor.

I found that the bright sword light in front of the face is getting bigger and bigger, more and more dazzling, the blood emphasizes slightly, but it is not unexpected.

The blood tuning in his hand, but he was like a round stick, and it was straightforward.

A blood shadow, like a bloody dragon, in an instant to smash the sword light.

The bright sword is actually smashed by life.

Then the blood emperor is another step, it has already appeared in front of the Emperor.

He is excited, and his blood is born.



A large number of blood gas, it was condensed into substances, forming a daily blood sea.

This blood sea is boundless, extends, will cover the whole world, and naturally cover the Emperor 13.

The whole blood sea, all the gods of the Emperor came, and the packaged, only a large number of bloody sea water, formed a blood snake, these blood snakes every power is extremely very good, just take a one, it is enough Taking a positive front of a second-level peak.

There are hundreds of blood snakes that have been condensed by this booming, and there are hundreds.

This hundreds of blood snakes, the sky-covered Danti thirteen sweaters.

The battlefield is extremely far, the swords outside the boundless blood sea, the white emperors, and the many strong people of the ancient chaotic world, see the scene in the blood, can't suppress the inner horror.

"This blood emperor, there is no effort at all!"

"Don't say it, even 50% of strength, I am afraid that I haven't taken out!" The white emperor clasped his hands and the look is extremely complicated.

He before, the stars secret, the strength increased by ten times, and the result was still suppressed by the blood emperor, and the season was defeated.

After ten breathing, there was no stars secret, and he didn't even have the room in the blood emperor.

At that time, he shocked to the strength of the blood emperor of the chaotic god.

But now, I saw the blood of the emperor and the Emperor, he knew that when the blood emperor made his hand with him, it did not use efforts at all.

After all, when the blood emperor, there was no secret surgery at all, just just at will.

"Such strength, I don't know that the Emperor can resist it." Bai Emperor Shen Zong.

The sword is not very cold, and the heart is also a worry.

If it is the peak state, the Emperor 13 can naturally sweep this blood.

But the key is now limited, and the Emperor 13 can only play the ultimate strength of the chaotic bodies, and his many means, the secrets include the sentiment of order rules, which is also suppressed to a very low level.

And the blood emperor, although it is also a big limit, but he spent the rebounded blood of the long years, but now it is still reluctantly improving this world, and he has the power of the chaotic gods, which can be used. The order rules are also higher.

In this case, the emperor is still the opponent of the blood emperor?

Non-blood sea, dense numbers of blood snakes come to Dragon.

The Emperor is still cold, and everything is on the eyes.

One person stands there, and the sword in the hand is swayed.

Every sword is a cloud, and it is extremely casual.

But this is such a sword, every sword is enough to tear with dozens of blood snakes, the sword, and the blood snakes who have attacked him towards him, it has been twisted in most.

There is no bloody sea around, but there is a lot of blood snakes to connect, and it is still going forward to him.

"Haha, useless, this emperor is one of my blood secrets, this secret, you should also experience it in ancient times, unless you can force this boiled blood sea, otherwise you can only fall into this Blood sea, being lived in life, but unfortunately, although the emperor can play the power of chaotic gods, it can only force this secret to show this secret, and the condensed is only the weakest blood snake. ,otherwise……"

"But even so, you have to kill you, but also more than!"

"The Emperor is only the strength of the chaotic bodies, it is impossible to play this blood sea from the chaotic gods, so you still die."

"I didn't expect you before, you can tell you in the Lord of the State, and will eventually die in my hand? Hahaha ~~~"

The bloody emperor is extremely rampant, as if the Emperor will eventually die in his blood sea.

And I thought that the Emperor was dead in his hand, he couldn't help but excite the trembling.

Emperor thirteen!

In the peak state, the top leader in his blood family is just just reluctant to fight.

Such super existence, there are few in ancient times, but now, is it dying in his hand?

And the Emperor is 13th, and the treasure is willing to fall into his hand.

He is also ecstatic.

However, heard this bloody laughter, the emperor is still indifferent, there is no change.

He looked around that is still a heartless blood sea, abrupt, and a sword will rise.

This moment, he has been completely complete for a slick sword.

A handle as if it was born from chaos, and was grinded through hundreds of millions of years, it was finally the king sword.

This sword is suspended there, and the endless sword is straight to the nine.

The big heavens and the earth, under the end of this infinite sword, earthquake.

The sword in the battlefield is unparalleled, and the white emperor and others feel the endless swords, one is shocking.

Especially the sword is unparalleled, the same is a sword practice, he is clear that the swords of the Emperor should go to the thirteen of the Emperor.

He is also a sword, and a sword is equally good, but his sword is compared with the swords on the 13th body, it is a drop of water in the sea, slightly!

And just in the sword, the sky is shocked.

The breath of the Emperor is in an amazing speed began.

"Is this?" Blood imperial eye is a sharp way.

He can induce the breath of the Emperor's thirteen, soaring rises.

Originally just the ultimate chaotic bodies, but now, it has been climbed toward higher levels, and eventually transcends the category of the chaotic border, has reached a new level.

"Chaotic Magic?"

The blood emperor is frightened, but I quickly shook my head, "I am wrong, this breath, although it bends over the chaos, but still completely stepped on the chaotic gods, his current level, should be ... half Steps !! "


Located between chaotic, between the chaotic gods, half of the feet into the chaotic god.

"This guy!!!"

Blood emperor stared at the Emperor thirteen, and the face was incredible.

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