Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2187 Blood!


Yes, now the blood emperor, I can't believe my eyes.

He is very clear about how strong this world is limited.

Under normal circumstances, anyone can only play the ultimate power of the chaotic bodies in this sky.

In this case, his consciousness is planning for so many years. If you try to create this reverse blood, and finally, the whole three imperial endless life is, which makes his big array to shake this world limit. Let him meet the chaos level.

It can be said that he has paid too much in order to achieve this step.

But now, he didn't think that this emperor can reach the half-step god!

Although halfway gods, there are still some gaps from the real chaotic magic, but this also shows that the Emperor is shaking this world.

And the Emperor 13, there is no difference in any price without any array.

He, purely on the strong strength of his own, to force the heavens and the earth with a strong force, so that he has reached a half-step moon.

One pays a big price, ready for a long time, ultimately limit the heavens and the earth who shakes.

One is not prepared, directly relying on its own strength, forcibly shaking the heaven and earth restrictions.

The gap between these two, and the instant is clear.

The swordsman shasty the world, and the emperor of the half-step god is still indifferent, and the sword in the hand is once again.

The same sword, its power is more than a few times before the power ratio.


The sword is directly cut this unfolded sea, and the blessed blood sea is born with several paragraphs. The whole boundless sea is completely crashed.

The secret test of the blood of the blood, directly disintegrating.

"Sure enough, a half-step magic, although the strength of the power is not improved, but the swordsman who can apply, but it is more powerful, but the overall strength is better than before. Dragonfly. "The emperor color has become a bit difficult.

The strength of the Emperor is showing this moment, has completely exceeded his expectations.

He wants to kill the Emperor to the thoughts here, I am afraid it can only be deemed.

At this moment, the sword defeated the Emperor of the Heavy Blood Sea and once again shot.

This time, he is not a simple flavor, but a shaking in front of the blood emperor.

The sword in the hand is coming, and then it is simple to lick.

The movement is clean, but the mystery is very.

The speed of swordsmanship is even more than a large number of strong people in the battlefield can't capture the traces of Sword Ying.


The blood emperor flashed in the amazing , nor fear, under the boar, and the blood colors in the hands also tatched.

On the battlefield, the Emperor 13 and the blood emperor were already close to the fight.

The two major are far beyond the peaks of the category of this era, showing a shocking means.

This battle, completely made the strong people in the world of chaotic worlds.

"This, this is not too powerful?" Chen Xing Wang drove his throat and looked at the void in front.

There, hundreds of miles of void is completely for a battlefield.

They can only see two breaths in the central collision of the battlefield, but no one caught.

The top can only capture some swords, or some guns.

Those swords and light, every seemingly simple, but it contains endless metallo, broad profound.

The sword is unparalleled, and in the many strong people in the world, it should be the strongest person on the sword.

However, even him, see the sword light that the battlefield is constantly moving, every sword is given to him, and he is rooted.

It is important to know that this is also the power of the Emperor of the Emperor, and the swordsman, swords, and order rules can only play a small part of the relationship.

If the Emperor 13 is in the whole day, how is the swords of him, what is it incredible?

"This sword is ..." The sword is unparalleled, it is awkward.

Seeing the swordsmanship of the emperor, the sword is unparalleled only, and there has been a new Sword Gate.

It turned out that he sent him a sword, but it was a chestnut.

Other power, also stunned.

Even the white emperor is also full of horror.

Bai Emperor, as the power of this era, but he is very clear, this battle in front of him is not what he can be able to do.

"Some troubles, this emperor thirteen, can shake the world limit, reach the half-step gods, and can take the truly chaotic god of the emperor with half-step gods, but also without falling down. But just just a fight is quite, there is still no change. "Bai Emperor frowned.

The sword next to the sword is also a sink.

Indeed, I want to really end this war, solve the crisis of the vast chaotic world, so I must kill the blood in front of you.

Only killing the blood, making the reverse blood of the big array completely stopped, and the ancient chaotic world is really truly crossing this crisis.

Otherwise, just as long as the blood is not dead, he can continue to drive the bloody big array to the world's chaotic world coverage, through the killing of the vast chaotic world, and accumulate more blood, thus make your own strength, and they can't prevent.

Even the Emperor is 13, it is impossible to get the moment.

"What should I do?" The sword is extremely ugly.

At the moment it is in the core battlefield.

"Haha !! It can be in this way with half-step gods, and the imperial battle with the chaotic gods, the emperor is 13, you are worthy of the seven-star of Qixing Xuanzong, but unfortunately, this is just this level, you essentially Can't prepare this emperor, stay in this emperor, then completely open this reverse blood in the vast chaotic world, when this world, everyone, still die, your emperor is thirteen, the same !! "Blood The emperor is also smiling in the war.

Emperor thirteen brow pico homology.

This is the Emperor Thirteen came to this battlefield, and after the blood of the blood, the last change occurred.

Obviously, the blood of this moment, he feels some tricky.

But it is just a tricky.

The Emperor's Thirteen is still a sword and blood! But its eyes have swept the voids in the distance.

And he glanced at it, he saw the sword.

The Emperor is moving, and the palm is a unique blood, but it is directly forced by him.

Subsequently, he waved by his palm, this blood was so bloodless, and the stream moved directly to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, although he doesn't have any communication with the Emperor, but he understands the intention of the Emperor, see that the stream is brushing, he also directly reached the street, but also caught, streamer The unique excessive blood in the package is incorporated into his body instantly.

Time, a unique power of a unique force is full of corners of his body.

This unique force, is ... The power of the stars! ! !

And the power of the stars in this drip, to cultivate the stars of the stars in the stars, there is no bigity!

If he said, the force of the star accumulated before, showing the third volume of the stars, only the force of the power can only be played.

So now this is full of vast stars in the corner of the body, but it is enough to let him unscrupulously show the third volume of the stars, and at least half an hour! ! !

"Star secret!"

There is no hesitation, the third volume of the stars has not been in the hands of the sword, and it will be displayed.


PS: Today's four is more!

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