Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2188, thousand times!

Star secret, its real name is a seven-star secret, which is derived from Qixing Xuanzong.

The ancient times, the seven-star Xi Zong strong is like a cloud, and their use of seven-star secrets has already reached an incredible point.

In the power of the stars, those strong seven-star Xi Zong strong, early integration of the stars into their own blood.

Emperor thirteen, Qixing Xuanzong Qixing, nature is also cultivating seven-star secrets.

However, he is now limited by this world, too huge.

Not only a single strength does not play, many means of secret surgery, and it is impossible to display it.

It is difficult to show that Qixing secret surgery is not just.

The Emperor's Thirty-Thirteen is also impossible to show like Bai Emperor.

If these, the emperor can show it, even if he is just a half-step magic, it can still beat the emperor.

But there is no way.

However, he can't show seven-star secrets, but he contains a lot of blood, and it is too big for the sword.

Like the star founder, the Lord that has fallen is, once he got a seven-star Xuanzong strong, with this fine blood, he showed a stars secret, it can last for a long time .

Because of this, the Lord of Xingchen Palace was slaughtered.

Unfortunately, the power of the stars in the blood is gradually useful, and the star crisis is gradually revealed.

Now, the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously the same blood! !

"Half time !!!"

The sword is unblocked in the middle of the honesty, under the throne of the stars, the breath on his body is also raised at the speed of terror.

The voids around the battlefield, the many strong people of the vast chaotic world saw that the Emperor 13 Dynasty sword had throws an item, but they did not see what it was.

I don't know what the power is there.

Suddenly ...

A horrible to extreme breath, broke out.

All the strong people in the world, including the eyes of the white emperor, all in the sword, no double convergence.

"This, this is ..."

"The sword monarch is the breath of the sword!"

"How horror, how can the Sword Monarch Suddenly increase?"

A shocking eye stared at the sword.

I don't blame them shocked.

You must know that the third å of the stamping secret surgery is now unparalleled, but it is a thousand times! !

The sword is unparalleled, it is extremely strong, and it is more stronger in the third level.

Now, the strength is doubled directly, what is this concept?

"The sword is unparalleled." Bai Di also stared at the sword.

He is able to feel that the sword is unparalleled at this moment, and it is much more powerful than him to show the secret surgery of the star, and the nine star has a large number of base cards.

Not at a level at all.

"This feeling……"

The sword is unparalleled, it is clever, feeling the power of the foot and more than enough power, and the inner is also excited.

At the beginning of the Emperor, in order to completely destroy the Cross, the sword is unparalleled, and the third volume of the stars secret surgery is also.

But the first first, his strength did not now, in this second, he was only possible to show a sword, too short, he did not have to experience his strength, but now it is different.

Have the soul of the soul, the power of the stars, enough to make him unscrupulous squandering half an hour! !

Therefore, he has the opportunity to carefully feel the power.

"My current strength should be a chaotic god, even more stronger." The sword is unmarkable, and it also feels.

In front of this, what is the so-called emperor?

No wonder the chaotic gods will have so much better than the mixed.

Briefly, after a certain amount of familiarity of your own strength, the sword is unparalleled, and the cold eyes look to the front battlefield, and finally lock in the blood of the blood.

"This person must die!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword in his hand is also shocked.

Combining, his shape is moving, and it is expressed as a stream light.

The battle between the Emperor 13 and the blood, even if it is a white emperor, there is only a unpredictable, there is no room for any intervene.

But now, the sword is unparalleled but it is.


The blood color is still full of heavens and the earth, and there is no bones under the blood.

The blood emperor is still the master of this world.

His hand holding a bloody gun, has a lot of skyrocketing than before, and the body is swayed, and the long gun is once again turned into blood light.

Silver suffering is filled.

And the Emperor is still like an iceberg, the sword in his hand, the sword is shouted, the sword light or weak, or is glare, or beautiful, or the dark, sometimes the sword is strong, sometimes it is light fluttering It seems that there is no power at all.

His swordsmanship is intoxicated.

It is difficult to understand that the two people is fighting, and it is suddenly ... a body shape is quite unbeatted into the battlefield.

This person is naturally a sword.

He ignored the power of the power of the Emperor 13, the blood of the blood, broke into the battlefield, but the blood peak sword in his hand has already made a strong advantage.


A sword is cut out.

This sword, compared to many swords from the Emperor 13, it seems to be more shallow, and there is no deeper.

This sword is implied, but the swordsmanship that is not fascinated by the soul of the Emperor, even more powerful.

The sword is out, and when the front is suddenly being born, it will be born in half.

Tiandi, there has been a huge gully.

The center of the gully, that is very squatting, just like a fan-like sword, yang, is already fierce.

The gentle of the surrounding void, the blood emperor is also moving, immediately turned to see.

When I saw a sword unparalleled sword, the blood emperor was flashing a contempt, "firefly light, dare to fight for glory in the sun and moon?"


A low drink, the bloody gun in the blood emperor, but it is like a long stick, and it is straightforward to flush.

This horizontal sweep, with a heavy superimposed blood, just like a dragon, pushing the tail snipping.

The blood is cold, and after this shot, his scorpion once again placed the Emperor of the front.

For him, the Emperor 13 is the opponent he really needs to pay attention to.

As for the sword, unparalleled?

The antite, it is enough to defeat it, if it is not a special physical fitness, it can even directly kill it.

But when there is a dragon tail, the blood is really colliding with the sword ...

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