Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2192 is goodbye.

The nine ancient stars, the sword is unparalleled, and there are four.

This collapse of the four ancient stars, and the blood of the blood is full of swords.

"Not enough, far less enough."

The sword is unbolded and lie, followed!!!!!

The remaining five ancient stars are also collapsed.


Also is alone.

Instant swords are unparalleled with the power of the ancient blood, which is much better than before, and it is much better than before.

However, in this way, the sword is unparalleled, but he is still unable to start the seventh printing.

"Jiuxing is full of rinsengers, is it possible to show the seventh printed?" The sword was unparalleled and muttered.

Seventh printed, with the sixth print, the gap is too big.

Show seventh printing, the desired power of the power, and far from the sixth printed.

"not enough!"

"The power is not enough!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, but it gradually exposed a slice.

His many cards have been all displayed, and they also have the ultimate, and Jiuxing collapsed.

But the power is still a lot.

At this point, the sword is unparalleled, and there is only one way to show the seventh printing.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, and the face is decided, his scorpion is slowly lifted.

He lifted his eyes did not look at the blood emperor, and did not look at the emperor thirteen, but he looked at the front side of the line of sight, which is extremely distantly of the battlefield.

That figure is cold.

Looking at the cold, the sword is unparalleled.

"Frost, sorry!"

This sentence is just in the sword.

But it seems that it has passed through the distant void, and it is passed to the depths of the beautiful figure in the depth of the depths of the beautiful figure.

Cold as snow has always been indifferent, but at this moment, he should go to the sword, but his body and mind are invisible.

On the void, the sword is unparalleled and the white emperor after the scorpion.

"White Emperor, in the future, please take care of me to care for the fire world." The sword did not open the mouth, the sound echoed.

"The sword is unparalleled, are you?" Bai Di frowned.

The sword is unparalleled, not explained too much, but continues to sweep the many strong people in the world.

From a familiar face, the sword is not buddy, but it is showing a touch of smile.

"All, goodbye!"

Spit out, time, I saw a vast soul of the soul.

! ! !

The power of the soul, like the firewood encountered the fire, the bombing bears burned.

"Is this?" Bai Emperor's face change.

"The soul burns!" The many strong people in the chaotic world are also shocked, and countless excitement is more instantaneous.

The soul burning ... Only the means to give the other person more hurt to the other person.

Before the blood, the emperor swept everything, the Emperor's thirteen did not arrive. When many strong people in the world couldn't see the opportunity, many strong people have already made a burning soul, abandoning everything, just because the emperor is coming, They saw hope, this didn't do this.

But now, under the eyes of everyone, the sword is unparalleled to show this ultimate means!

Everyone knows that the soul is burning, it will be undoubtedly!

And the sword is unparalleled, it is obvious to be with the blood emperor, and the jade is burning! ! !

"Jiuzhou India, Seventh Print !!!"

Under the burning soul, the sword has no double overall strength again.

The power of the stars, the blood of the nine ancient stars, and all also played the extreme.

His face rose red, and has already been completely distorted, and the terrible.

Under this , a handy was launched from his hand.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled even from his own body to force three drops of blood, and once again, its own strength will raise a trace.

In this way, she finally reached the conditions that barely put the seventh printed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the present, all of them are all madly entered the world of paintings above.

With the infusion of endless power!

Finally, from the top, the wonderful picture world, a founcing, the fifth printed, the sixth printed, and a large vast continent, slowly coming.


An old bell echoed in the world.

These bells contain special magic, each is enough to be silent.

And this bell is spread on the continent, all over the battlefield.

At this moment, the entire battlefield is completely quiet.

Dead is unparalleled.

Many strong people in the world of the chaotic world, they looked up and stared at the mainland of the upper part.

Everyone is full, no one speaks.

This is not what they don't want to open, but under the oppression of the mainland, no one will open his mouth.

But you have to know that the mainland is not against them.

They are not the goal of the continent, they still have to bear such incredible oppression.

It's hard to imagine that the blood emperor under the ground below the continent, which is strong at this moment.

"Seventh Print!"

The Emperor thirteen also looked up, looked at the back of the upper, cold, and did not have a mood. At this moment, it turned over a different color.

"I also help you."

The faint voice sent from the throne of the 19th, and the sword in his hand was a bright ray.

This ray is like a huge sun, the vastness.

There are countless strong swords, they are completely condensed in this 'sun'.

Subsequently, the Emperor was thirteen, and the sword was out.

He has not moved, just just the sword in his hand, the direction of the blood.

Time, that huge sword is "the sun 'is swept, but when the blood emperor is in the void, it is directly burst.


Countless, the cold sword, in an instant formed a huge sword ocean.

This sword is sealed in the sky, and it is crazy to face the blood of the blood in all directions.

This has been compressed by the seventh printed oppression, and at the same time encountered the madness of the Emperor 13 of the swords of the ocean.

"Can I only do this?" The Emperor is slightly smashed.

The blood ride is cold, staring at the Emperor 13, "Emperor 13, if the emperor doesn't look wrong, this should be one of the swords of the strongest three swordsman you create, but you just half steps. The gods level, this sword is afraid to play it with strong power, otherwise the world of this sword will never only have this level !! "

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