Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2193 final hits

In the ancient times, the blood emperor is one of the most peaks, although the Emperor has no law, but some of the words of the Emperor 13, some legends still know.

The three strongest swordsmanship of the Emperor, including the world of swords, just the weakest.

However, it is the weakest sword. If it is placed in ancient times, the emperor thirteen shows this sword, even if he can't kill him, the at least will hit him.

Legend of the Emperor's Thirteen Sword, which can be a sword, there is a variety of swords and sea, Jian Mountain, and Jianlin.

It can now, the world of the swords of the Emperor, just just barely and strong, and is not complete.

"Haha !!!"

The blood queen suddenly laughed crazy, "Shanhe Society, Jiuzhou India's Seventh Print, plus your emperor's 13th world ..."

"Haha, come !!"

"What is the emperor, why?"

The blood emperor has also emerged a madness, even if the Jiuzhou seventh printed, and the surrounding swords ocean, the oppression of his oppression is amazing.

Especially the seventh print.

Even if it is the blood emperor, in this seventh printer, I also induced a huge life and death crisis.

As if the next moment, he is to be crushed from the seventh print.

But his heart, but it is not afraid!

The emperor, the emperor of the blood, the top of the ancient times, even the unbelievable ancient war has been seen, and there is still a crisis, and more dangerous, more desperate than the original battle.

"Taboo secret, blood !!"


The blood emperor is shocked, and the blood is rolling, but this blood gas is a roaring at this moment.

The blood of the blood is also dramatic, and its face is over.


The sound rang again, this time, the boundless blood in his surrounding rolls burst.

This slightly hidden endless bones, collapsed Qi Qi.

The blood emperor is a sweet, and a big mouthful spray.

"Third !!"

Booming ~~~ Tiandi is a big place, the blood emperor is immediately dyed by blood.

One of his arms, but also directly burst into blood mist.

"The taboo secret surgery of the blood family?" Emperor thirteen eyes were shorten.

Although the blood emperor, the blood of this moment is an unprecedented hit, but the emperor is very clear. He is not a hit hard, it is just to show the taboos, and it has paid an incomparably significant price.

Although this cost is large, but in exchange, it is powerful!

"Reverse blood big array, start !!"

Under the influence of taboos, the blood emperor has reached the level of chaotic gods, and the terrorist breath on the scene of all people is in the event, and they have risen sharply, even more than double!

And follow the reverse blood of the whole three emperors, but it is again crazy.

Endless blood is vulnerable, in an instant, in front of this blood, it has formed a layer of color barrier.

This blood barrier is indestructible! !

"Haha, come !!"

The blood emperor is very unparalleled, he stood behind the blood barrier, and the huge bloody alien was once again rising again, and the snoring shook the sky.

Above the void, the mainland formed by the seventh print of Jiuzhou, carrying the thrilling and rushing.

The first time was crushed over the blood barrier.

Rumble ~~~ Endless power show.

Seventh printed ...

The sword is unparalleled with the strongest strength, the collapse of the ancient nine stars, but also the soul burning, is alone.

This is a sword unparalleled desperate blow, which is also killing!

After the hit, he will die without the blood emperor.

And the blood emperor, at this time, it also paid a heavy cost, showing taboos, for the purpose, just to resist this seventh print.

He also knows that this is a sword where there is no last blow.

It is also the only one who can kill him without a double.

As long as he can block, or he didn't stop, but as long as he didn't die, he still re-recovered its peak with this reverse blood.

He has a growing year before, and it can still continue, and it will no longer stop him.

"He must die!"

If the sword is unparalleled, if it is crazy, he is actually crazy.

With the continuous intensification of the soul burning, his consciousness will gradually lose, and it is mad, and finally died with the strength of strength.

But before dying, his will has a mission.

That is, killing the blood!

Only killing him, the chaotic world can save.

His hometown, his many relatives, friends, can survive.

He can't fail!

"The emperor is carefully planning for so many years, it is hard to go to this step, how can I destroy a chaotic antibiotic antity in this era, it is impossible, it will never die!" "The blood emperor is equally The gas surgery, crazy is very incomparable.

The sword is unparalleled, there must be a reason to kill him.

And he also has the reason that must be survived.

The front collision of the two people.

Who will be born? Who is dead?

Or both of them die at the same time?

Around the battlefield, the ancient chaotic world has no number of strong persons look at the scene in front.

Looking at the vast and sharp continent, oppressing the bloody barrier formed by the inverse blood.

Looking at the two horrific, the power of everyone is desperate to squeeze in a crazy collision.

Many strong people, at this moment, they also held their hands tightly.

"Kill him, you must kill him!"

"The sword monarch, rely on him."

"The sword monarch he has never disappointed, this time, it will never!"

Numerous strong people are lying, looking forward to it.

They are all clear, the sword is unparalleled is their last hope.

And this hit is also the last blow of the sword.

If this is the last hit, I can't kill each other. That is the ancient chaotic world, it is over!

The most central, two horrible power of the battlefield collides in the crazy, and there is constant weakening in collision.

One breathing, two breathing, three breathing ...

The collision of these two terrorist power continued to have five breathing time, and stalemate the time of five breathing.

Finally ... !!

A slight voice sounded, the many strong eyes of the vital chaotic world were bright, and the hearts of the heart also showed the color of the ecstasy.

Because they saw that the bloody crowd was formed by the reverse blood of the blood, the endless blood barrier has already appeared.

This silk crack is like the madness of the spider web, and the power of the blood barrier is also reduced.

Subsequently, the blood barrier, finally broken!

Blooden Emperor's way to drive the reverse blood of the Big Staze formed the strongest barrier, no.

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