Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2195 That two thousand one hundred and ninety-three chapters finalize!


"This is impossible!!!"

Crazy, even hysterical, hysterical, is issued in the blood of the blood.

This moment of the blood is indeed a complete.

The oppression restriction from the heavens and the earth came, his reverse blood was directly resolved, but he could know that he can reach the chaotic gods, because there is a reverse blood, now His strength is also scattered rapidly.

From the original chaotic gods, the momentum fell to the half-step chaotic god, and it was fairly equivalent to the Emperor.

The realm falls, his various means, the overall strength is suddenly reduced.

"It's impossible, my reverse blood is clearly implied that this world has been shaken, and it has always been very calm. I have completely hold the power of the chaotic gods, why, why is this world limit? Increasing? "

The blood emperor is incredible, and the face is also completely distorted.

But very quickly, he will lock his eyes to the top of the people.

"It's you, all this is caused by you !!!"

Blood emperor staring at Xuanyi, but the latter is smiling, let him completely peek.

But Lenovo has just moved, as well as this world of abutment, and blood imperial eyes are shrinking.

He has guess a probably.

"It's you, it is you!!!"

"You are the original person? That is you !!!"

"The limit of this world is because you exist !!!"

The blood royal is crazy, and the heart is also crazy.

At the same time he is in the shock, then the mainland that slowly came, has been crushed with the giant blood color.

The bloody is the beast, and the book is the blood of the blood, affected by the blood of the blood.

Previously the blood emperor was the chaotic god, which was strong.

But now the blood emperor falls to the half-step god level, the strength is suddenly reduced, and various means can not be displayed.

In this case, even if it is an emperor, it has already had the ability to kill him.

What's more, it's now a sword who is burning now, and fighting everything is unparalleled.

The seventh printed, the seventh printed Kyushu, who is coming, after crushed the bloody beast, only 1% remaining.

But this is the power, and the killing is just the blood emperor of the half-step devil, but it is enough.

"Do not!!!"

"I am not willing!!! Is not willing !!!"

The snoring in the hysteria echoed in the world.

But the continent of the coming, but it has already drowned the blood of the blood.

Booming ~~~~

The horrible power continues to oppress, and the ground below is once again suffered from unprecedented impact, and he has nothing to come.

For a long time, the heavens and the earth are completely calm.

As for the blood, there is no such message.

The blood emperor of one of the empeakaries, the blood of the bloody peak, this is falling! ! !

"Finally, die?"

Many strong people in the Outdoor Chaotic World have grown their eyes and look at this scene.

They all have not completely returned to God.

Even they still can't believe their eyes.

Because they are clearly desperate, but at the end, they have been reversed again.

After a short losing god, countless eyes and immediately saw the two people above the void.

That two people, one is a sword, and another is a white robe.

However, with the seventh printed of Kyushu dissipated, they saw the white robe, in fact, just a vain.


The shackles of Xuan Yi have been swaying, and there is no lonious in the sword.

"Little guy." Xuan is still a gentle smile.

The sword is unparalleled, but he can only raise his eyes, and his consciousness is getting thinner.

Xuan Yi eyebrows are slightly clustered, and the spin once again reached the palm, and the sword is not a double eyebrow.

Under this point, a homotic power floods into the sword unparalleled mind.

In an instant, in the sword where there is no double-known sea, he is only a small part of the soul left, under the influence of this force, the fire of the crazy soul is instantaneous, the sword is unparalleled. Some Soul However, it is finally retained.

See this, Xuan is just a relaxed tone.

"Little guy, you are too tired, just sleep for a while." Xuanyi whispered.

The sword is unparalleled, I don't know if he heard him, but his mouth is barely revealing a smile.

This smile has a stable, and there is a silvery.


The sword has no double shape directly towards the rear.

Xuan one waved, a force guided the sword without double-shaped to slow down.

The white emperor immediately took the sword unparalleled, and he also watched the first eye, but it was a special meaning.

Xuan Yi Dynasty smiled slightly, and immediately muttered. "It's too early, it's not critical, but fortunately, this is not much, otherwise ..."

Shake the head, the shackles of Xuan Yi are slow and thin and transparent.

And eventually, it has not disappeared.

The people around me see this, they are all blind.

They don't know who this is in the end, and how it appears, and now Xuan has suddenly disappeared, and they don't know that Xuan is left, or it is directly dissipated.

There is no sign in there, there is no sign of disappearance.

In the eyes of many strong people in the world, Xuan Yi, that is completely a fan.

This fans, I am afraid that only the emperor thirteen knows some.


On the sky, the wonderful painting world has also disappeared, and the reincarnation is slow to slow down.

It is a shame in the shape of a mountain, and this person is an emperor.

Then the Emperor 13 also came to the front of the Bernard.

"He, how is it?" The Emperor thirteen sweeped there, as if it had completely lost the sword where the sound was unparalleled.

"Very bad, although the body is not damaged, but his soul, but there are too many burning, now there is only a small part of the soul of the soul, and it should not be accidentally caught in the state of sleep." Bai Emperor worked.

The soul is sleeping, usually only in ancient times.

The strong people who rushed ancient times were extremely good for the use of the soul, and some strong souls attacked the opponent's soul.

And when the soul is damaged to a certain extent, it will fall into sleep.

Sleep this, you want to recover, it is very difficult.

"Fortunately, although it is obvious that the soul will sleep, but still keep it, this is much more than that time you shoot, stop his soul, or ..." Bai Emperor admire.


PS: Today's four is more!

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