Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2196 wins

The strong people around the world around the chaotic world are listening, but they are taking the cold.

The soul burns, this is in the eyes of the people of the ancient chaotic world, that is, it is undoubted, it can't stop it.

But just that, it is forcibly sword where there is no double stopped the soul burning, retaining some of his soul, what kind of tropic means?

The Emperor Thirty-three swept the sword and unparalleled, and immediately waved the mountains and river maps and a messator.

"This is his treasure, and there is also my message. After he wakes up, ask him to give me a message." The Emperor thirteen coldly.

Bai Emperor reached out, now the sword is unparalleled in a sleeping state. This mountain river society will follow the messages and can only be transferred to him by Bai Di.

"In addition, this is my previous promise you." The Emperor threw a jade brown Chain Emperor.

After the white emperor passed, consciously browsed, the eyes immediately lit.

This jade is a secret.

A complete secret is one of the special secrets he cultivated.

At the beginning of the star, the Emperor saw that the Emperor saw the white emperor, he saw the incomplete secrets he cultivated. At that time, the Emperor had said that he would take the sword without pairs, afterwards The complete method of this secret is rewarded, and now the Emperor 13 is fulfilled.

"Thank you." Bai Demodao brought!

The Emperor Thirteen is just a flash of white emperor, and the body is shameful and has left.

After the end of the Emperor, many strong people in the chaotic world have also flocked.

A gaze is concentrated on the sword.

"Sword Monarch."

"The ancient emperor, what is he?"

Among them, there are also worried things like Chen Xing Wang, Jiu Han Lord, and Black Emperor.

Especially black, she has never changed the silk friendship of swords.

"You can rest assured, the sword is unparalleled is impaired, which is falling into sleep. As long as there are many treasures resource assistance, it will be recovered in the future, just need some time." Bai Di said.

When I heard this, the people touched slightly.

"White Emperor, the door of the bloody door escaped." Tianchen old ancestors suddenly said.

The white emperor is moving, and the front of the front of the head is looking away.

Sure enough, I stand in the beautiful figure, I have disappeared, and I don't know where it goes.

"For, this bloody door should be the person of this era, and now the three imperial camps have been completely collapsed, she is, it is estimated that it is difficult to turn over." Bai Emperor said, "Tianchen, I What is the casualties in the camp? "

"In the middle of the death, the great emperor also fell to seven, the purple moon, the witch owner, Zi Zun, the ancient god of the war ..." Tianchen old ancestors said a great name, a total of seven .

This seven great, it was fallen in this battle.

In addition, there is a large number of emperors, God, all count, the power of the chaotic world, there is more than two thousand! ! !

Hearing this casualty, many strong people present were silent.

Bai Emperor took a deep breath, and he took a long time to say: "They are all the heroes of the chaotic world!"

"Yes, hero!"

"They are all sacrificed for me!"

"Without their sacrifice, I am a chaotic world, I am afraid it will not be existed."

The many strong people around them are also looking forward.

"This battle, I have a big casual world camp, although most of the casualties, but no matter what to say, this battle ... we won." Bai Emperor suddenly laughed.

When I heard this, many strong people who were in a low state looked up, one side looked at each other, and the face was slowly revealed.


This battle is indeed that they won!

The whole three imperial camps are all in all the strong people.

The entire three imperial community has completely collapsed, and it will never have a threat to the vast chaotic world camp.

As I have been hidden in the dark, the bloody door and Huangquan Palace, that is, the world's chaotic world, that is, two huge hidden dangers.

But now, these two hidden dangers are completely cleared.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Everyone took a while, cleaned the battlefield, and the rest of the strong turned around.


Old chaotic world.

With the outbreak of the final war, the vital chaotic world has always been at the edge of life and death.

There are countless cultivars in the world of chaotic world, many people who know each other have been uneasy.

However, with the returning army of the strong army of the vital chaotic world, this battle is also spread.


In this war, although the vast chaotic world has paid a heavy cost, it finally finally achieved victory.

The news came out, and the whole vast chaotic world was completely boiling, and a rider of ecstasy.

Those who have been worried before those who have been worried, they all have worked.

The fire community, there is no pair of two-city.



Jiannan Tian, ​​Wang Yuan, Suiro and others looked at the breath in front of the breath, and the sword of the sword was unparalleled, and the face was extremely ugly.

This war is mainly the people of the vital chaotic world to participate, and the fire community has just begun, and the energy of the energy is only one, that is, the Jiannan sky, and the sword is too great, so it is not Participate in this battle.

"White Emperor, how is the old three?" Wang Yuan asked in anxiety.

"The soul is sleeping, the situation is extremely bad, but the life can still be saved." Bai Emperor said.

"The soul is sleeping?" Wang Yuan frowned.

He is the first refining Dan teacher in the green fire industry, and even the level of alchemy in the whole vast chaotic world is absolutely one, and the knowledge is extraordinary.

Sleeping this soul, he also knows some.

That's only in the soul, it is possible to fall into sleep.

"The soul is sleeping, although it is reluctant to keep the life, if it can't fix the soul in time, the third is likely to be slender, it is difficult to wake up." Wang Yuan low Shen'ao.

Just like the power of the ancient times.

The ancient times, those who have been hit hard, many are the souls and huge, many unparalleled with swords, because the soul is falling into sleep, and she will not wake up.

"Reassured, I have been prepared, I will have some array of laws to come here, and then began to arrange too much."

"This green world is very aura, and it is the most appropriate, and the other is right. In addition, I will open a spirit pool here, let the sword have no double in the spirit of the pool, there is a spirit pool and too yin still soul big array The auxiliary, the sword is unparalleled, the power of the soul is restored to a lot of time. "Bai Di said.

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