Bai Emperor said it easily.

It can be actually, this is too yin still the big array of spirit pools, the repair of the soul has a great role, but the two must be arranged, but it is not easy.

Like Tai Yin, the soul is a big array from ancient times.

This big array, the light is arranged, and at least ten more than ten methods can be used to teach hands, and there must be a lot of energy.

These energy, although they can be replaced with some special sparsons, unless the royal stone contains huge stones, otherwise like driving the general stranger, the number of required numbers is definitely an astronomical figure, and now the Chinese It is worthwhile to consume at all.

Therefore, the meaning of Bai Emperor is to send a group of large people who are sitting in the town, and this group of energy is estimated to have about two hundred.

These two hundred people turned to drive this too yin and the big array with huge power.

As for the spirit pool, listen to the name seems to be general.

But in fact, I want to have a lot of swords that fall into the soul. I need a lot of resources. These resources take more resources. According to Bai Di estimates, maybe and do not open the resources that will be consumed when the Tianguo is consumed. too much.

It takes a certain time to prepare for a certain time to prepare for a certain time.

Although the cost is great, it is extremely difficult.

But whether it is Bai Emperor, or any of the large energy of the Shengling, will not have a distressed or unwilling.

Because, now you need to fix the soul, but the sword is unparalleled!

It is one of the biggest heroes! !

The blood emperor is that the sword is unparalleled, and everything will be killed.

Such a hero, but if there is a hint that I can wake up, they will try their best.

"In addition to the Taiyin also the soul of the pool, my Chinese Union is as good as possible to prepare some medicinal herbs who reply to the soul. Every time I give the sword unparalleled, but I reply to the soul of the medicine. Rare, refining is also extremely difficult, my Holy League has had to be a good life. "Bai Di Road.

"Tan medicine" to restore the power of the soul, I have this here. "Wang Yuan suddenly opened.

"Well?" The white emperor saw Wang Yuan's eye, and immediately asked, "What kind of medicinal herbs do you have?"

" !" Wang Yuan Shen Sheng Road.

The white emperor is moving.

Ice, it is indeed a medicinal medicine that can moisturize and restore the power of the soul, and a high level.

This kind of medicinal medicine, in the current Wancha chaotic world, almost extinct, no one can refine.

This is not amazing in front of you, and is just a little fat man at the real god, there is ice Dan?

"That ice, how much do you have?" Bai Emperor asked.

"I now only have three." Wang Yuan said, taking out a jade bottle, and there are three crystal clear medicinal herbs in the jade bottle.

Looking at the shin of the medicinal medicine, there is the fragrance, the white emperor is certainly affirmed, this is indeed that the ice is undoubted, and the purity is extremely high.

"Three, too little." Bai Emperor frowned,

"Is there less? It doesn't matter, this ice, I can refine, as long as it is as sufficient refining material, how much is it." Wang Yuan Road.

"Can you refine the ice?" Bai Emperor was really shocked.

"White Emperor is not known."

The Sword South is open, "Wang Yuan is a brother of both children. It is special, which is the unique Tongbao Dan, which is now in the world, and he has got a big battlefield in the ancient battlefield around. The opportunity, knowing the law of the refining of Dan medicine in ancient times, and the level of alchemy has been improved. "

"Is this?" Bai Emperor is bright.

Tongtian Bao Dan, it is definitely a special body that countless alchemist dreams.

Not to mention this Tiantan's body, I have also got a big firmer in ancient times.

Bai Emperor saw Wang Yuan's eyes immediately different.

He knows that although this chubby is just a true god, he believes that this chubby is to say that he can say it, the large amount of force in the chaotic world is absolutely willing to join, even even the Chinese, Also desire to get such a master of alchemists.

"Refining the Ice Dan's material is no problem, I can immediately prepare, as for the drug refining, I will give you it, it is best to swallow him a piece of ice every ten years. "Bai Di Road.

"One ten years?" Wang Yuan could not help but

Ice Dan, that is the temple of the ancient times, and the hierarchy is very high.

Even if he, the refining is not easy, and it is necessary to refine a word for ten years ...

"Is there a problem?" Bai Emperor looked over.

"No problem." Wang Yuan shook his head directly. "For the third, don't say ten years, even if it is one year, I will definitely do it. I don't eat it from today. I don't eat it, from morning I have been refining Dan in the evening until I wake up !! "

Wen said, Bai Di also nodded.

Soon the Holy Story began to act.

Under the preparation of the price of the Shengling, the Taiyin also the soul of the Soul, and the pool did not have long been built without a double city.

Wang Yuan also began his birthday, once it is the longest, once alive.

The many relatives of the Shengling, the fire community, and the swords, and the friends are doing their utmost to collect a lot of resources for the sword to ensure the normal operation of the big array.

Everyone is working hard and is unparalleled for the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is a peaceful lying in the center of the spirit, which is free to fall, completely in the middle of sleep.


In the sword where there is no double in the unparalleled city.

The ancient chaotic world, a vast dark void.


A absolute beauty slowdown in front of the front.

Her body is perfect, the veil is like painted in the painting.

She stepped forward in front of her steps, and she suddenly stopped her pace.

"Well?" Cold as the snow, and the beautiful eye stared at the front.

There, a white robe man stood there quietly.

This white robe is like a snow, and it is pangjun cold, with a slender proud, the slender body is standing in the void, and there is no one-free breath.

Just like a group of air.

"Emperor 13!"

Cold as snow looks at the people in front of her, silver teeth can not help but bite.

She didn't go out in the battle in the blood emperor's holy place, she did not go out, and when she was observed that the blood is likely to die, she immediately turned away.

At that time, she was far more than the strong in the world of the chaotic world, and no one can catch up with her.

But now, she just came out from the third emperor, and the Emperor was thirteen, but found her in front of her.

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