Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2199, sleeping old guys

"After 30,000 years later, the end of the sky, that is they ... the only chance !!"

If you say the words, you will dissipate it directly above this altar.

Cold as snow, I heard the words, but the heart is a move, "30,000 years ... finally is coming?"

"Oh, those old guys, wait for this day, are afraid of being waiting for crazy?"

Surprisingly smile, then I will leave.


Outdoor chaotic world, many dangerous

And the most dangerous, there is no doubt that naturally it is the eight big nest.

Although this eight big nest is in danger, there is also a large number of opportunities. When the ancient battlefield around the fire industry has not truly revealed in front of the world, this eight big nest is definitely the most suitable force to go.

As the ancient battlefield revealed, add the ancient secrets of the ancient times, there is no more closed, and the ambitious chaotic world is mostly in the ancient secret, or the ancient battlefield around the fire industry is going to sway, and the eight big nest is cold down. .

Only some of the gods, can't go to the ancient battlefield, and occasionally to the eight big nests.

Eight big nests, the sixth nest.

In the sixth nest, there is an amazing amazing, even if the strength of God is not easy to go.

Among them, the Vatican Sea is undoubtedly the most famous.

At the beginning, the sword was unparalleled by Huangquan Palace. In order to save the Lower Dynasty, broke into the Vatican Sea and was assassinated.

Fortunately, he is good, there is a high person to help, this is survived.

Afterwards, the sword is unparalleled. In this Vatican, there are two ancient strong people to sleep.

The two ancient power, one of them is a star of the sword unparalleled.

As for another, it is to kill the sword in the first time, and the mysterious power of the ancient dragon.

These two strong people, stay in Van.

Today, a beautiful body shape is in the Vatican Sea.

This is a beautiful figure is being cold.

"The Vatican Sea, the adult, will you sleep here?" Cold as the snow looked at the inner vast sea, and the look was slightly moved.

The ancient times survived, and many strong people who fell into sleep, mostly the sleep in ancient battlefield.

Like an ancient secret, there is also a vast ancient battlefield around the green world, and it must be a lot of far-reaching ancient power.

There are also exceptions, but also because the battle is too fierce, the ancient battlefield crashes completely, and there are some ancient battlefields scattered throughout.

This Vatican Sea is one of them.

I didn't hesitate to be cold, and she was plunging in the Van Dynasty.

This Vatican crisis is heavy, but the cold as a snow with the third level of the big power is nothing, but she has already appeared in a sea area in the deepest in the Vatican Sea.

Above the Mogada area, all over the vast black fog.

These black fog contain terror erosion power, to the deepest place in the Vatican Sea, this erosion force is hard to resist even if the emperor is very difficult.

And the snow is quietly suspended there, and there is no action.

However, at this time, in the lower part of the sea, the original calm sea, suddenly set off a giant wave, and a black shadow is rising from the sky, it is behind the snow.

This black shadow is a huge ancient dragon. It has a black scales in the whole body. It has been emitted to be cold, and a bloody is already open. This is a big mouth with two sharp swearing. Directly towards soil.

When the snow is still standing, she has already perceived the ancient dragon to swallow, but there is no meaning to dodge or resist the meaning.

Seeing that the cold is like a snow, it is swallowed by this ancient dragon, and it is eager to send it.

"Old , do you want to be sleepy in this Vatican?"

Drinking the sky, resounding all the corners of this sea area.

Next, the ancient dragon that was originally walked in the snow, but he was born in half.

The blood pot big mouth of the ancient dragon has been opened, and the swearing is so cold, but the life stops, but no dares to advance.

Cold as the snow is slowly turned, and the cold scorpion glanced at this ancient dragon, and there was no fear of fear.

The ancient dragon fierce, but under the eyes of the snow, it was back, but the blood pot is also slow closed.

And on the back of this ancient dragon, it slowly together.

He is a black armor, and his body is violent. It is like a poisonous Seni, and it has been seen in the snow.

"Shantou, who are you?" This figurine, that is, it is said that the elders in the snow have a low voice.

Cold as the snow did not answer, but her hair was in an instant to white, and his eyes became gray, the horrible destruction of the breath was spread.

"White hair, you are the adult ..." The old man is shocked, the spin is immediately friendliness, "the little girl, sorry, just scared you, this seat will give you sin now. "

After saying, this strange feet also used it to give a little lesson of the ancient dragon.

Cold as a snow, indifference, never open.

"Little girl, you come today, is it a good order?" .

"Hey." Cold as the snow, said: "Master wants me to send you these old guys, 30,000 years later, the sky, this is your only chance, and the last chance, if you missed ... "

After that, the cold is too lazy to pay attention to the strange reaction, it has turned around.

On the vast sea, the huge ancient dragon is suspended there, on the back of the ancient dragon, the ,,, , ,,,,, ,, ,,

He is completely stunned.

But soon he came back to God.

"Hahaha ~~~"

"Finally, finally came!"

"How many years, I don't know how many years, this seat can finally leave this damn ghost."

"30,000 years, only the last 30,000 years left."

This almost crazy laughter, with endless fun, with a trace of freedom, more sad, echoating in this Moga Sea.

I have to know that this Vatican Hai is the most sleepled, not only one old monster.

There is also the existence of the one star.

When the snow appeared in this sea area, the star is also aware, and now he heard the old laughter, a star of a star has become more complicated.

"30,000 years?"

"The old guys who sleep in this world are afraid that they can't sit. It seems that the old man will go out to sunburn."


PS: Today's four is more!

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