Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2200 Sleeping Years

The war is over, and the ancient chaotic world is also quiet.

All parties are still working properly.

Many strong people of special ethnic groups, they also returned to the specialty group in the territory and returned to a group of groups.

Only the ancient god of the monks, Luo Yu, waited, waiting for the sword and wake up.

As for the Black Jewelry of the Black, she is not more than other people, but she is a leader, and she needs to be dealt with in the group. It is natural that it is not possible to arrive. There is no double city to see the sword is unparalleled.

But unfortunately, the sword is unparalleled.

The time is slowly passed ...

It is already seven thousand years away from the end of the battle.

Wancha Chaos World has also fully restored normal, countless cultivators, the risk of adventure, the dangling, the battle, and continue to fight.

Burden, there is no double city.

On the empty space, the power of the body is sitting there, holding a pot of wine in his hand, drinking it in the beautiful.


A beautiful girl in black, suddenly appeared next to Wang Yuan.

"Old four." Wang Yuan immediately looked over, "Congratulations, you broke through, becoming the sixth largest energy in my green fire world."

"It's just the sixth place, what is good for." Suple is free.

The fire industry, that is a day to cradle.

The cultivation environment here is naturally compared to other places, and the speed of the strong is naturally natural.

Before you start with the Three Immine Wars, the fire community only only one of the priests of Jian Nan Tian, ​​the other only have many real Gods.

But the end of this war is only for seven thousand years. The fire industry is a five-digian energy in the green world. Su Guofei is one of them.

"A few people who broke through first, there are two cultivation so far, there are no more than 20,000 years, and I am more proud of them with them." Su Jun said.

"They are different, they are the transformation of my green circles, the cultivation of the illusion has become excellent, and the congenital advantages are too much, what are you with them?" Wang Yuan Road.

"That old three? Old three can be told by us." Su Zudao Road.

"Hey!" Wang Yuan is directly spraying the wine in the mouth. "The old four, you don't want to be with the old three? Are you stupid?"

"It is also said." Su Song shrugged against it.

The sword is unparalleled with them in the same era, and it is a brother who grows together.

However, the potential of talents, they are completely people with swords and unparalleled people.

"Right, you don't continue to refine the ice, how do you have a kungfu to drink? Is it that the third has to wake up?" Su Fu asked.

"I am still sleeping, when I wake up, I don't know, as for refining ice, I don't need to be anxious, I have been crazy, I have already accumulated a lot, I have enough old three to use it for a while. "Wang Yuan said.

After the sword is unparalleled, Wang Yuan is crazy to refine the ice, almost no day, night, and there is no stop.

You can know that Wang Yuan itself is alchemy, in the process of refining the ice, his alchemy is continuously improved.

Especially the ice of ice, crazy for a long time, he refines the ice, the ice is more and more relaxed.

By now, he can refine several ice dandies in a year, and it is crazy for a long time. Now he has a lot of inventories in his hands, and it is enough to use it for a while.

It's almost the same, and he will then refine it.

Wang Yuan and Suilou are free to talk.

At this time, Jianan Tian suddenly came over.

"Well, the white emperor arrived?" Wang Yuan's look moved, "Go, let's go to the pool."

Wang Yuan immediately came to the spirit pool.

The spirit pool has a lot of strong guards day and night, and the sword is unparalleled sword servant and one person in the town. It is not able to disturb the recovery of the sword in the weekdays.

Before the pool.

Bai Emperor, Jiannan Tian, ​​Wang Yuan, Su Soft and the five people of Yuan Temple stood there.

The white emperor looked quietly in the spirit of the pool, and the sword without the slightest is unparalleled.

The power of this soul does not have an attack of power, just just in the sword, there is no double, and it is dissipated.

"White Emperor, how is it?" Asked in Jiannan.

"If I haven't seen a wrong, his soul has been completely repaired." Bai Di Road.

"It has been fixed?" Jian Nan Tianyi.

"Too good!" Wang Yuan, Suileries have exposed the color of surprises.

"Since the soul of the old three has been fixed, then why don't he wake up?" Su Fu chased.

"This is what I want to say." The white emperor is not comparative, "the soul is sleeping, that is the soul suffered unprecedented hitting, this state is very dangerous, slightly inadvertent, will never wake up Come, and now the sword is unparalleled, although it has been completely repaired, but when his consciousness wakes up, no one is saying, it is possible that he can wake up after a year or two. "

"But it is also possible, he takes more than 100,000 years later."

"Is this this?" Jiannan Tian, ​​Wang Yuan's a few people are changing.

They finally became the risk of sleeping.

If you are falling into the soul, if you just fix the soul, you can wake up, the ancient times, those who have suffered heavy and sleep because of the soul, I will wake up early.

"Let's wait, let him continue to stay in this spirit pool, your ice will continue to swallow him, although he doesn't know when he wakes up, but it has been moisturizing his soul, there will be no harm." The white emperor said, then left.

Swords and South days have helpless, they can only continue to wait.

As time continue, the cultural factor cultivator cultivation resources are increasingly rich, and the cultivation environment is getting more and more excellent. The burner is naturally more and more.

There have been six big energy people, so soon, there is a seventh place, and the eighth energy is born.

And after the 10,000 years of sleep in the sword, the big energy of the fire community was twelve.

In the 10,000 years of sleeping sleep, between 10,000 years, this thousand years, the fire world has appeared a big outbreak.

In this thousand years, there are five big energy people in the fire industry, two of which are still a special physical fitness, and the sky is absorbed, it can then impact the emperor, and even the emperor level.

At the same time, in this thousand years, the first emperor was born in the Qing Dynasty.

This emperor is Jiannan.

Although he is the sword in the Qing Dynasty, it is the first to reach the gods level, but the breakthrough time is not long. It was originally in the eyes of everyone. He should need a long time to break through the emperor. Know, less than 20,000 years, he will make a breakthrough again.

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