Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2202 Wang Master

"Master Wang, the refining materials of the dragon, including the essence you need, I have been ready, you see ..." The Tong Yan haired old man looked at Wang Yuan.

"Long Yuzi is the same, this Dan medicine is not low, I can refine, but the refining is not easy." Wang Yuanzhi.

The Tong Yan haired old man is a great emperor, will not understand Wang Yuan's meaning, and then laughed: "Master Wang is relieved, I have prepared millions of Dual Crystals, and many special materials as a thick thank you, Yuan Temple "

Next to the Yuan Dynasty, the main hall wager, and took out a Qiankun ring.

This Qiankun ring is a Temple of Yuan Dynasty before, let the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, bringing a double city, belonging to a green world, he can only share the state of consciousness, this is not able to enter the fire industry And the consciousness is unable to carry the Qiankun ring.

Now, the Qiankun ring taken out of the Yuan Dynasty, there is a dense linear, and there are also a variety of genius.

These genius is not low, and many of them are refining some high-level Dan medicine.

Wang Yuan simply swept the Qiankun ring, but it still doesn't move the look. "Na Dragon is really not easy, but it is not easy to see you so sincere, I can help you refine. One is coming out, but like Dan medicine like Long Yu Zi fire, even I refined, I can't guarantee that I will succeed once, and once I fail, the materials needed to refine the dragon and purple fires can be wasted. Fall, so ... you are afraid that you will prepare for several refining materials. "

"Master Wang said, I have already thought of this, so I have prepared three refining materials before." Tong Yan crane sent the old man.

"Triple? Less points, least five, five refining materials, I can make a dragon ." Wang Yuan Road.

"Five?" Tong Yanhe's old mouth is some twitching.

Long Yuzi is extremely high, and it is extremely high, no bans.

Also, this dragon

The refining materials of this Tan medicine can not be customary.

He is not like the Shengshi, the wealth is rough, in order to help the sword unparalleled, you can search for Dan medicine that refines the ice, this has sufficient resources to let Wang Yuan refine.

Even so, those materials are still enough, but fortunately, Wang Yuan is constantly improving, a material, he can make a number of pieces, and even ten pieces of ice, which can always meet the needs of swords.

And this Tong Yan haired, just a god emperor, he just collects three drugs, the medicinal medicine, and paying great strength.

Come two ...

This Tong Yan crane sent the old man looked at the Wang Yuan, but the bottom is dark.

He is very clear, the level of Long Yuzi is not higher than the ice of the ice, the level of the alchemy, although it can't be said to be a material, but the three materials, affirmation It is possible to refine.

The reason why Wang Yuan is about five, and it is a better benefit from him.

Knowing this, it can be full of helplessness.

The dragon is a lot of usage, and this Dan medicine said that there is a refining method in the vast chaotic world, but the alchemy master in the chaotic world, but there is less to refine it, he It's hard to find one, but the other party not only has a lot of resources, but also he is preparing for ten, and there is a way to make the refining.

In contrast, Wang Yuan is only five copies, it is already very good.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan haired old people could not help but see the main hall next to the palace.

The heart of the Yuan Dynasty smiled, and immediately picked: "Mr. Wang Yuan, the light is three materials, Jin Luo Shen, he has already found a full-length, if you want him to find two words, he is afraid It's hard to do, so ... "

"Understand." Wang Yuan is free, "I will give me four materials, I will use my heart, I can still refine a dragon."

Wen said, the main hall is light, and there is no more.

Tong Yanhe's old man is still frowned.

Even more, he is not easy to make it.

"Why, can't get it in four copies? Then I love it." Wang Yuan directly.

"No, no, get it, but take some time, I will prepare it immediately." Tong Yan hangs the old man.

"That is going to prepare, ready, let the Yuan Dynasty are handed over to me, wait until I have time I have time, I will help you refine, you also know, I am busy with my brothers. Jutan, usually have time, not much, you are ready, I will arrange it early. "Wang Yuan Road.

"Yes, yes." Tong Yan crane, the old man told the head and was afraid of Wang Yuan to repent.

"Right, the Qiankun ring will be left." Wang Yuan also said.

Tong Yanhe's old man flashed a distressed, but it was still in the old man to leave the Qiankun ring, and then his body was dissipated.

Wait until Tong Yanhe old people go ...

"Mr. Wang Yuan, you can really cost it, a dragon, the purple fire, with your refining level, one material can be refined, but you can do four copies, and add one million Dow crystal with many genius treasures, this earned the speed of resources, and the ancient chaotic world, I am afraid that there are not a few people are more than you. "Yuan Dian smiled.

"Haha, that is, when I was in the elderly, my family was in a chamber of commerce, and I talked to buy and sell. Of course, I want to find the biggest benefit." Wang Yuan smiled, but quite is quite exciting ,

He didn't worry, just that Jin Luo Shen did not give him a material.

Because in the current Outdoor Chaotic World, he said the second, it is estimated that no one dares to say the first.

In particular, he also got a great opportunity in the ancient battlefield, got ancient inheritance, many of the afternoon agents he cultivated.

The news spread, and he naturally mixed the water.

During this time, there will often be some strong, and even the emperor will come up with himself. Please refine the medicinal medicine. Of course, ask him to refine the medicinal medicine, and the cost of paying is also very large.

Wang Yuan is talking to the Yuan Temple, but I don't know that this scene is not in the eyes behind him, I also listen in my ear.

"Wang Yuan is old, you can still have this little day."

The gentle smile sounds, and the sword has slowly walked over.

"That is, I am a small day ..." Wang Yuan's conscious response, but his words were slammed down, and his eyes were also fierce.

No way, because of this voice in his ear, he is too familiar.

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