Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2203 The sword is unparalleled.


Wang Yuan turned around and died and stared at the sword.

"The palace master!" The Yuan Dynasty is also showing a big color.

"It is me, how do you know it?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Old three, you finally woke up, it's so good." Wang Yuan rushed over and gave the sword unparalleled a big bear hug.

"Listen to you, I seem to have been sleeping for a long time, and I have heard the dialogue of the main temple, it seems that your alchemy level is very big in this time I will sleep. The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, I am now, saying is the first refining Dan Master, the ancient chaotic world, and it is never too much." Wang Yuan said.

"Wancha Chaos World's first refining Dan teacher, is it so powerful?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Master, Mr. Wang Yuan's current alchemy level, it is indeed very high, in this time you sleep in the palace, you will be more than the Mr. Wang Yuan, I have been refining a lot of ice, your soul can be so capable. I will fix it quickly. "Yuan Temple.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, I watched Wang Yuan.

"This is not said, you wake up, I wake up, I immediately called the old three, and there is Nan Tian uncle them." Wang Yuan asked.

The sword is not blocked.

Southern Tiannan Tian, ​​Ji No Dream, Suof, Lin Wei, He Yuan, Blood Lingtian, there are some people who have close relationship with swords.

"Double." Swordsna couple surprised to watch the sword unparalleled.

"Father, mother, baby is not filial, let you worry." The sword has no doubles.

"Wake up, I wake up." Jian Nan Tian naturally did not blame any blame, but the end of his heart finally spit.

His son is his greatest pride.

That is not only the Qing Tianzhu of the fire industry, or the Optimus Pillar of the entire Outdoor Chaotic World.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Suirou is cold.

However, the sword is unparalleled, he found that several people in his body have improved a lot.

Wang Yuan naturally doesn't have to say, before the beginning of the battle, although Wang Yuan's alchemy level is also high, it is still very distant, but now, although there is no recognition, Wang Yuan himself Self-confidence is the first refining Dan teacher, plus the scene of the Tong Yan crane to seek Dan, and his alchemy level will definitely improve huge.

His father Jiannan, before, it was only the level of God, but now it is God!

Old Si Sudou, and his brother is bloody, and now it has also broken through the gods level.

Although the cultural industry is very excellent, there is no time, these people are absolutely impossible to improve so fast.

"How long is I going to sleep?" The sword didn't help but muttered.

Soon, everyone sat down in a hall, put down the wine and cuisine, and talk about it.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled to know how long you have been sleeping.

Two thousand years! ! !

Yes, after the end of the battle, he has been falling into sleep.

And that a war is now in a full 20,000 years.

This is a constant time.

It is to know that he cultivated has not been more than 100,000 years, and it is not like a lot of great capabilities as the ancient chaotic world, and it is still a thousand years of millions of years.

As Bai Emperor, the super power of the first era, his live years is far more than the sword unparalleled imagination.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled and knows what you have slept. Everyone did something for him.

That's too yin still the big array, and there is the role of the spirit pool and the price, he has already obtained.

In addition, there is also the ice!

"Wang Yuan is big."

The sword is unparalleled and deeply glanced at Wang Yuan, which has endless gratitude, excited with a silk.

Two thousand years old, and Wang Yuan can be insisted on swallowing a piece of ice every ten years.

Ice, such as the high-level Yuangu Dan medicine, if it is refundable for some of the Chinese alchemy masters, even if there is sufficient material, it will not be able to refine a hundred years. Wang Yuan Wangyuan is During this time, there is two thousand ice, but I'm refining!

What is a huge number.

"Thank you!" The sword has no double weight.

"Haha, we are also welcome to two brothers." Wang Yuan is very comfortable.

He is unparalleled with the sword, but it is the vision of the life.

Real life and death brothers.

Just some time, the sword is not double-refining some medicinal herbs, what is it.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled and the question was inquiry. During this time, this time is about the change in the fire world.

Two thousand years old, such a long period of time, the change in the fire community is naturally a huge.

The light is a large energy, and now the fire community has twenty-six energy, including the existence of the Jiannan, as for the true God, and the talented disciple, then don't say .

"Sure enough, the fire industry has begun to grow completely."

"And, now just just start, as long as you continue to grow up to the green fire world, the strong people in the hot fire world will be more and more in the future, and the future will be a big thing, no one can shake." Sword Unparalleled hands with hands.

Seeing the thriving growth of the fire world today, he suddenly felt that many of them were worth it.

"Double, what you wake up, as well as the white emperor who said, during your sleep, the white emperors did not give you a lot, like that is too yin, the big array, and that The pool is maintained, but it takes a lot of resources to be a large amount of resources to be in the Holy League. "Jiannan Tiandao.

"Well, I have already informed them." The sword was unparalleled.

When he woke up, he had already sent it to the Bai Emperor, and now the white emperor is rushing.

"Not only the white emperor, but also a greeting, and the black jealousy, what is the black, the old three, the special ethnic group?" Wang Yuan suddenly.

"Black Emperor? What is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't be installed, don't think I can't see it, the black is obviously interested in you, in this time you sleep, she will come to you almost every time, I know, she But the leader of the group, the things in the group are busy, but she is coming to the Baili, they have to be more diligent, you said, is she is interested in you? "Wang Yuanyi played.

Wen said, swords are unparalleled, but they are helpless.

Black, it is indeed a matter of affection, this is clear, but he has already had his wife, he only loves his wife, and it is already eloed.

"It looks like it, you have to find a chance to say it clearly with the Black Jun." The sword is unmarkarized.


PS: Today's four is more!

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